Jul 21, 2020
A course that will open your mind and heart. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt so much about Mindfulness and how I want to incorporate it into my daily life, relationships and personality. Thank you!
Feb 3, 2020
It is such a useful and practical course. The contents, discussions, assignments and quizzes are extremely insightful. I truly enjoyed the course and awaiting a second phase of the course in future.
By Anupama
•May 27, 2021
Excellent Course
By David A S M
•Jan 20, 2021
By Neha A
•Nov 20, 2022
Good course
By Zoha F
•Jun 29, 2021
very useful
By Deleted A
•Apr 15, 2018
By Willem
•Aug 2, 2017
By Christine R
•Oct 2, 2022
It's a great start though this course definitively requires improvement. It needs to be better balanced - it centres too much on one person who is taking far too much space.
The course would benefit from being shortened; speakers need to be more concise, more pertinent. Making their presentation less of a chat over coffee and more of an attempt to convey their message simply by using less words. It’s almost as if they suffer from verbal diarrhoea. It would be helpful to reduce the length of the audios by 20-30%. The 20-30% gained could then be used to widen the reach of the course – dealing with issues that were not raised.
The number of bugs - or perhaps small errors is a better way of referring to them - needs to be very much reduced - more proofreading - more cleaning up - less repetition! Removal of misleading "helpful" suggestions relating to downloading audio – there is so much feedback saying this isn’t possible. It simply doesn’t work! It's time for the release of the next version :-)
By Edvard T
•Sep 13, 2018
I understand the course title reads ‘dy-mystifying’, but I expected that there would be more on the ‘positive side’, i.e. what mindfulness ‘is’ based on facts and scientific findings rather than spending so much portion of content talking about what mindfulness ‘isn’t’ which I don’t think really necessary.
Also, there are opinions presented as knowledge, that needs to be mindful of.
By Krisztián M
•Mar 3, 2017
Long and unbalanced course. The first weeks are long with too much materials, that I think, should be separated to more weeks, than last weeks has no any new materials just short discussion prompts. Maybe it is my fault, but I waited for something else, this was my first philosophy and mindfulness course.
•Apr 29, 2021
A little too in depth and heavy sometimes. I missed more practical language and practices. Good in general, but sometimes I lost track and was difficult to follow the videos with full attention.
Really light assessments but interesting peer revisions.
By Sreya D
•Jul 19, 2020
The ideas shared in the course are very informative. However it is quite lengthy and becomes disengaging after a while
By Erkin K
•Jan 14, 2018
Concept and subjects very good, his stable voice and his sometimes hard English makes you sleepy
By Annie C
•Jul 9, 2020
Lots of information and clinical lectures on mindfulness as well as practices.
By Basset B
•Apr 25, 2020
good but complicated
By Ghazi A
•Dec 2, 2016
This course could've been better by the inclusion of more examples, the lecturer is very monotonous and sadly, i see no discussion forum for this course, in addition to that, whenever i tried replying to the comments the reply button turned grey and nothing happened. I had reported to resolve the issue but nothing happened the issue persists. It could have been done much better specially the lectures. Thank you :)
By Brian P
•Jun 27, 2017
Perhaps I was expecting that focused more on practice than history, but this involved too much Sanskrit vocabulary and eastern religion for me. I'm dropping out.
By Manish K N
•Aug 2, 2021
it course is good but its management is not good i am tow more time completed but i haven't received my certificate
By Tanya C
•Oct 24, 2016
The course was hard to follow and understand.
•Jul 18, 2017
seems incomplete
By barry f
•Apr 16, 2022
Rather meaningless content (waffle) delivered in a monotonous voice. De-mystifies nothing because it is full of non-statements of the "might be, but might not be" type - or "both is and isn't at the same time" type.
Very disappointing.
By Gilian R H
•Mar 16, 2017
I did not enjoy how this course was taught. It was confusing and hard to understand the professor did not go at a pace i found helpful.
By Rik S
•Jun 23, 2023
I tried many times, but my pre-course score 4,6) does not come through. So I have to quit the course. Very disappointing.
By Karen
•Sep 22, 2021
This course is vety hard to follow. The deadlines prevent you from reading ahead. Then you end up starting over.
By Komal A
•Dec 30, 2017
Course content can be improved. Didn't find it interesting or got knowledge on the topic
By Rodrigo W
•Oct 5, 2018
I cancelled the course in week 2. Ratio of content and words was too low for me.