Jul 21, 2020
A course that will open your mind and heart. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt so much about Mindfulness and how I want to incorporate it into my daily life, relationships and personality. Thank you!
Feb 3, 2020
It is such a useful and practical course. The contents, discussions, assignments and quizzes are extremely insightful. I truly enjoyed the course and awaiting a second phase of the course in future.
By Barbara W
•Aug 28, 2017
By Alexandra M B
•Oct 29, 2016
Love it!
By Nguyễn T P
•Oct 16, 2024
so good
•Dec 28, 2022
By Verónica O J
•Aug 2, 2017
By Xavier E
•Jan 11, 2018
By Paolo P
•Oct 22, 2019
By Ramasamy K
•Sep 7, 2017
•Jan 23, 2021
By 肖世程
•Jan 26, 2019
By Guillermo C
•May 28, 2018
By Maria I L R
•Jul 2, 2017
By Vitaliy A
•Sep 5, 2019
By Victoria M
•May 10, 2018
By Fiona B
•Dec 20, 2016
By Heather M
•Feb 23, 2021
I really enjoyed this class. The only reason I gave it 4 stars rather than 5 is that I think more could have been done to connect the academic/theoretical (lectures) and the practical (meditation labs). I was quite familiar with mindfulness when signed up for the course, and I hoped to gain information on the academic side and get a kick-start for my personal meditation practice, which I had let slip over time. Due to the depth and breadth of the academic portion, I didn't find mindfulness "de-mystified" but rather the opposite. I will say that the supplemental interviews with Batchelor and Kuyen were very helpful in clarifying certain points. To the individuals who complained the course was too much from a Western perspective I ask, Did you engage with the lectures on the Philosophy of Mindfulness? Most of that module was non-Western and gave good perspective on various philosophical influences on what is termed mindfulness today. So overall, I would definitely recommend the course.
By Cassandra C
•Jul 15, 2021
The instructor is clearly very knowledgable and reputable, both from an academic standpoint as well as someone that truly practices what they preach. There was lots of interesting content and great meditation practices. Chris is clearly dedicated and passionate about his work, and I appreciate how receptive this course's creators appear to be with feedback.
However, this was very challenging for someone like me who is a visual learner; this class is 97% listening/auditory learning and prompts. Also, while the speakers were incredibly knowledgable, I was disappointed to see 100% of the speakers were caucasian males; it would have been nice to have more representation or diverse perspectives on such a worldly topic.
By Hank A W L
•Jul 8, 2021
Although I was familiar with meditation, I knew very little about mindfulness and this course gave me the information I needed. I found the various aspects of mindfulness very interesting, especially the philosophical one. I never knew about other aspects such as the political side. My meditation practice has improved because of the Meditation Labs. I believe people and society would benefit from having mindfulness included in our education. Thank you very much.
By Alejandra G R
•Aug 21, 2017
This course is an very good example of a humboldt though effective way to teach, as it broadens a whole range of thoughts while building a community sense of what has Mindfulness evolved over the years.
It helped me a lot to understand what is Mindfulness and also comes along with you to start its practice (and today I continue to do so). I think the format is good enough for this topic and I find that the Proffessor is great!! (Chris Goto Jones)
By África C
•Jan 25, 2021
Muy interesante para cuestionarnos las creencias pre-establecidas sobre el Mindfulness. El profesor se nota que lo transmite de todo corazón, intentando hacernos llegar lo mejor posible la experiencia.
Aún así, me resulta quizás poco dinámico al tratarse únicamente de él hablando. Por otra parte, para las personas hispanohablantes es quizás difícil seguir las meditaciones guiadas en inglés.
By Alexandre S
•Apr 18, 2018
Le cours couvre de nombreux aspects du mindfulness (philosophie, culture, politique) ainsi que sa pratique.
Les lectures sont cependant un peu difficiles (version Mars 2018) à comprendre à cause de la nature fortement philosophique du sujet et de la grande quantité d'informations résumée.
Le participant devra donc investir du temps pour creuser et comprendre la nature des propos?
By LeAnne L
•Nov 18, 2019
The course didn't really "de-mystify mindfulness" for me. However, I did learn a lot about the history of and various perceptions around Mindfulness. I'd really give the course 3.5 stars, but I'll round up because I enjoyed Dr Chris GoTo-Jones' explanations. I also appreciate that the course is ever-evolving as the staff pays attention to the students' views.
By Isabel L M
•Sep 16, 2017
The course is amazing, the only thing I miss is some more accompaniment from the teacher. After completing the non peer reviewed open questions we could get some guidance, some expert answers, some feedback. A way to improve would be to have more Professors in the course, following and giving feedback on those confidential questions.
By Jenny J
•May 15, 2020
It has a lot of information to take in. Has some different meditations to try. Would have liked to have more on meditations with mantras and explaining them. Would be nice to refer to the top spiritually influencial people and how it relates to this topic. Overall was very good.