Aug 18, 2017
It was a wonderful journey of learning how to learn. Simple and effective. Wish i had come across something like this a little early in life. But better late than never. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Aug 18, 2016
Probably the most important course I've ever taken in my life and it was completely free. Already applied many of the concepts and have seen the difference. Do yourself a favor and take this course.
By Akram M
•Nov 24, 2020
The main outcome I got from this course is what is learning and is not for classes and for tests however, for life matter. I really see through course the learning in reality and making mistakes is really normal to master a topic or a course. My vision of a genius learner has been cochor after this course. I saw them in interviews after each chapter and how they are just like us except the preserve to learn to observe a topic. thanks to everyone how made this course.
By Deboleena T
•Aug 19, 2020
At times it's not about the course but about reassurance and the confidence it gives you to be able to learn effectively again. A lot of these techniques probably I followed when I look back at my college day experiences but I never knew that if it was the correct pattern. It was mostly like a gut feeling for me like 'this works and this doesn't' kind of scenario. But after attending this course it feels like I have learned a major life hack to overcome my learning c
By Surekha T
•Jul 25, 2020
This is an excellent course. I learned many new concepts such as chunking, diffused thinking, Einstellung, and so many new concepts. I found the Pomodoro technique very useful. Actually all the course contents are very useful. Instructors are both are excellent. Special thanks to Ms Barbara Oakley who conducted most of the sessions and is exceptional. Thank you very much. Recommend this course to all who are interested in learning and expanding their horizons.
By Gaurav S
•May 10, 2020
it has been a wonderful experience with many firsts, first online courses, peer-reviewed courses.
it was truly helpful for the purpose I took to attending this course. Lectures and reading materials even the reviews/tests are based on the philosophy of Learning.
It was a much-required journey to consolidate many thoughts.
I would like to extend my heart-felt gratitude towards Dr Barbara Oakely and Dr Terrence Sejnowski for sharing their knowledge in such simple chunk/s.
By Elizabeth E
•Mar 18, 2020
I'd like to thank Barbara Oakley and Terence Sejnowski for their excellent presentation of this course in video form. Never before in 25 years of taking classes have I encountered such excellence. You were engaging, persuasive and inviting. I did not want to walk away from your presence. The invited guests who did interviews brought an added touch to what the course was all about. I hope I can, some day, be the kind of presenter that you are.
Elizabeth Enriquez Damian
By Ana M H
•Jul 31, 2017
This course has been a great experience. It gave me the knowledge of the best techniques and tips to Learn, to Study, to Memorize, to take tests, to join and choose a good study group. Also the Neuroscience behind learning, studying, memorizing. The amount of material learned and the amount of enjoyment this has given me is indescribable. I would recommend this course to everyone at any level. In fact, it should be available to everyone in the world. It is excellent!
By Logan B
•Jan 28, 2017
This course is excellent! I'd say this is a must-take course. It covers many learning techniques supported by science, and it details how to beat procrastination. If (or when) you take this course, make sure to check out the optional readings and interviews at the end of each week as they provide valuable additional information that expand upon and can help solidify the material covered that week. I will definitely be employing the techniques discussed in the course!
By Thinh T
•Sep 11, 2023
This course is truly amazing. It has debunked the learning difficulties that students often have and can help them maximize their learning. I can't say thank you enough to Dr. Rerrence Sejnowski and Prof. Barbara Oakley and Deep Teaching Solutions Team for this amazing course. As an educational advocate, I'd love to share it to students living in rural areas of Vietnam in my future projects and maximize their learning for their success. Connect via @thinhtran-mike
By Jermaine T
•May 16, 2020
Amazing course, I am still going back and reapplying the. material. It is good to take this course and listen to the reading along with it. Additionally, I recommend following the book and the course up with the Mindshift course and other readings such as Make It Stick. Lastly, apply what she says. I applied the pomodoro technique, the diffuse thinking, and focus on the process and not the product to be more effective. And, I definitely want to read more into Dr. S.
By Giovanni R M
•Dec 28, 2017
En lo personal ha sido un excelente curso, considero que el contenido descrito en el curso es fundamental para cualquier campo del conocimiento. Es como dar un paso atrás y prepararse para un maratón (una carrera profesional) y entender la importancia del calentamiento y la preparación, en este caso entender los fundamentos del aprendizaje que formara parte de nosotros por siempre, consciente o inconscientemente. Muchas felicidades a los profesores, son excelentes.
By Mary F
•Aug 24, 2017
This is a must for any student hoping to improve their performance in any subject. The professors provide actual tools to help you approach the process of learning. You are guaranteed to progress and ultimately flourish regardless of the field or whether or not you have a "natural" proclivity for the subject. I owe a debt of gratitude to Professors Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski and to Cousera for offering me this opportunity to learn how to learn.
By Fabiano F S B
•Feb 6, 2017
O curso foi muito interessante e extremamente rico em detalhes científicos sobre "como aprender". Os vídeos, além de bastante leves e divertidos, trouxeram informações relevantes e muito bem organizadas. As tarefas associadas a cada conteúdo foram muito úteis para recobrar o material estudado, e o acesso a textos e vídeos adicionais, bem como a possibilidade de fazer download de todo o material, permitem ao estudante ir além da proposta básica. Recomendo muitíssimo!
By Matías G C
•Aug 5, 2021
This course is amazing!
It helped me overcome a lot of learning problems I had and other related ones, like procrastination and habits. The concept of "chunking" was a life-changer for me.
I'm really happy with the results, because I started the course feeling lost with my own terrible study habits, and ended up feeling an effective and confident learner. I highly encourage everyone to take this course. It was one of the best decisions in my life. Happy learning!
By Leonice P d R
•Feb 23, 2021
The course is dense and, at the same time, fluent. The flow of information is smooth and nice. The course helps us reflect on our own learning and on the learning of our own students. I learned a lot and I was able to accumulate knowledge about learning, tips, and techniques to pass on to my students. My gratitude to the University of California, professors Terrence and Barbara. This was a great learning experience. Thank you for teaching us learning how to learn.
By Elif A
•Sep 8, 2020
Incredible course. It took me three months to complete it. I took my time and practiced everything I learned in the course, on the course material. I have reduced my test anxiety significantly by completing this course and just wish it was available decades ago as a high school student! The material has given me the confidence to pursue many things that scared me prior. Process over product! Kudos to Drs. Oakley and Sejnowski for an outstanding learning experience.
By Bharat M
•Aug 16, 2020
I am learning at age 56, that many of my learning techniques were actually quite ineffective. Also, that I can do better going forward(forming new neurons in my hippocampus is a lifelong process!). That is very empowering. The course is very enjoyable, explaining profound concepts in an easy to understand manner with a dash of humor. I originally took the course to inspire by 18 year old who is off to college, but eventually i completed it because I learnt so much.
By Heather M
•Aug 16, 2020
Absolutely excellent course to start my educational journey with! I intend on using the methods presented in this course, not only for myself, but for my son as well while he is doing distance learning. I love the way Prof Oakley presented the material, and am looking forward to the other class she presents later in the year. Every Coursera learner should take this class, and I have also recommended it to a few of my friends who are working on their higher degrees!
By 小熊
•Mar 2, 2020
You guys are rock stars! I appreciate you guys make this lesson so readable. English is my second language. I think I could handle like 70% of all content.
I like reading articles or books but when I reading more and more. It happens a lot that I forgot what I just read. When I learning from this lesson, finally understood my old habit, not like recall content. So when I figure out is very easy to use this skill in the future.
Thanks a lot from a student in Taiwan.
By Caleb A K
•Mar 21, 2021
From the perspective of someone who is already in the Engineering workforce, this was very valuable to me. Of course you have to want to get more out of the time you spend studying in the first place.
I was already doing many of the thinks discussed in this course, but there were many new and interesting learning techniques. I genuinely recommend this to anyone who is willing to step back, and get out of their own way in the learning process. Happy learning folks.
By Aravind V
•Oct 22, 2020
Throughout my formal years of education, learning was limited to answering questions, mastering a textbook. Basically gaming and understanding the prevalent system without focussing on what value do i really gain by learning and also how to address the fears and deficiencies I have in my learning methods. This MOOC enabled me in demystifying a lot of my wrong beliefs and helped improve my attitude towards learning. Thank you, Barbara Oakley and Terrance Sejnowski!
By frank w
•Sep 16, 2020
This course is by far the best I've had the privilege of learning from on the subject of learning. I wish I had access to this material decades ago. Short, to the point, brilliantly edited, full of useful analogies and metaphors; this course can help remove roadblocks and unwanted obstacles from your inner learning ability. Please, do yourself the favor of enrolling in and completing this course. You won't regret it (at least I didn't and I hope you won't either.)
By Matthew H
•Sep 29, 2019
I absolutely loved this course and all of the great information. The course content is very well structured and the creators Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski do an excellent job at delivering the course material. They just make it so much fun to get back to learning how to learn. I will be using this a reference for years to come, after all, I need to come back and deepen my learning with practice. Thank you for making this course it is truly helpful.
By MarinerJames
•Sep 15, 2017
By far the best course I ever did on how to learn. It's amazing after spending so much of our lives learning new things, we never invest time in how to learn efficiently and effectively. The course has been a real eye opener, and is applicable to everyone at any age. It also educates you in a very lucid manner with various metaphors and animations of how your brain works and how to train it to learn, and retain new information better. Highly recommend this course.
By Huma K
•Apr 13, 2022
An Excellent Course. I have learned so much from it I cannot THANK both Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr.Terence Sejnowski enough for this lovely course. It has been an eye opener and I, as a teacher, have already inculcated it into my teaching and have spoken snd discussed the different aspects of learning with both my Middle and High School ..
Problems like procrastination has been my bane in moving forward and I hope to overcome it
A Great big THANK YOU to BOTH of you.
•Dec 1, 2019
This course is very important for every one need to learn more easy and effective as I am learned for more than 40 years ago but this course add more values to me to learning how to learn more easy; more effective; new techniques.
I learned how the brains works this help us to dealing with it.
This course add to me valuables life skills; So I thanks Dr. barabara Oakley and Dr. Rerrence Sejnowski very mush for good work.
Also I would thank Coursera for great helpful.