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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,798 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Oct 5, 2016

This is an amazing course. I would recommend that you take this course before doing any others in Coursera, it will give you a great foundation to take into any other subjects that you want to learn.


May 31, 2021

This course helped me a lot on realizing what I was missing and the real mistake that I've ever made. By fixing my cognition in learning, it gave me a better chance to study and retain more than ever.

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1351 - 1375 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Stephen

Nov 27, 2019

Schools should teach students how to learn, instead they teach students how to get stressed and fail, then they teach them blame culture. If anyone does well in the pre-university education system in a western country it's usually as much due to accident as design. This course undoes many of the misconceptions that western education systems drill into student's heads. This course will teach you the skills to effectively learn with joy instead of stress.

By Coursera

Oct 20, 2019

See "A Posting about Anxiety, Depression and PTSD from a Learner in Learning How to Learn" as my thoughts have been posted previously by a learner. It is comforting to know we share the same experience and I now have the tools to combat decades of procrastination. There were many simple tools given but as stated in the video, the learning environment in academia is based on product not process. I only wish I would have learned this in elementary school.

By Anastasiia K

Jun 21, 2019

This course is absolutely amazing, I would even say life-changing. Not only it helps to understand the basics of the brain's nature in terms of learning, but it also helps to embrace yourself, and what's the most important -- to believe in yourself. This is exactly what I so desperately needed in this period of my life.

Thank you so much, Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski. You've done an amazing job creating this course and sharing so many valuable insights.

By Fitri G

Jun 24, 2017

I am only halfway through this course, but so far it has been interesting, engaging, and useful. As an educator I am always trying to find ways for myself and my students to learn effectively. This course has given me some great information (with plenty of citations and options for further reading) as well as useful tools I can use in the classroom. In addition, Dr. Oakley has a fun personality which really shines through. Thank you for this course!

By Ashley L K

Oct 12, 2015

This course practices what it preaches. Learning how to learn requires doing the techniques taught on how to learn. It's chunked nicely and gives great real-world examples of how to apply these techniques. Biological and psychological concepts are incorporated which helps to add to realities and destroy misconceptions about learning. Fantastic course, will be taking it again and again over the years to really learn the material and share it with others.

By Arpit A

Aug 14, 2022

This course gives you the insights and skills of being a good learners, which many of us dont have. This course is not only helpful for students, but people at any part of their life can take full advantage of this course to help them use your brain effectively. For me personally this course has been very helpful as a working professional who is preparing for college entrance exams. It has helped me organise my study timemtable and methods more wisely.

By Clarice J F N

Nov 5, 2020

I really learned a lot from taking this course. I learned what are the best ways to study and undo my toxic habits in "learning". I still have a long way to go to apply all these new concepts in my life (both academic and social life) but I'm sure they will bring fruitful results. Thank you for all the team members that has made this course happen. Kudos to all of you! To new learners this will surely aid you in ways you never imagined. Happy Learning!

By Anurag S

Jun 28, 2020

This course gives you amazing insights into our brain working and gives ample technique to change and put to practice different techniques to learn with scientific explanations. It also deals with time management, healthy lifestyle, stress management, test-taking and preparation strategies. It is surprising to know that how doings thing that we have been doing a little bit differently would have given us significant improvement over the results we get.

By Miso B

Dec 27, 2019

A course recommandable to anyone. Please take some time to read and view the optional material if you take on this course, they are a wonderful addition.

This course has boosted my confidence, as someone with a heavy past of mental illness. As I was going through the course I have become more productive. I also fully gained back my love for learning, and it awakened in me a interest for teaching. I hope I can help many people, as this course did for me.

By Jose R

Nov 9, 2019

I have been reading on productivity methods and learning techniques since I was in highschool, but this course glues everything together. It explains the neuroscience behind learning, and by making sense of how our brain works, it gives you the best tips for learning more, and better, and how to be more productive and avoid procrastination. I believe this is a lifelong lesson and I will be very grateful to this course and the instructors in the future.

By Kaushal S

Mar 31, 2021

It was one of the best online courses I have ever taken so far. The tools and techniques taught in this course will help in my life I am pretty sure of that. I find myself very lucky that I stumbled across this course at the right time in my life. I would have scored much better in my previous classes if I have found this course earlier. I would encourage everyone reading this to take this course before learning anything crucial in life. Best of Luck!

By Nikhitha S

Sep 15, 2019

As a college student, this course forced me to focus on the real truth of studying habits. I hope to use the habits learned from this course to make my college habits better. I have learned how to study and which aspects of studying to focus on. I also realized that most of the time my laziness wins over me and I choose methods of studying that are "harder" but are actually easier and won't learn, than choosing the difficult way and actually learning.

By Samyak S

Jun 21, 2019

The course content is quite good and it explains things backed with logical explanations, solid research and interesting interviews. The graphics used are not 'the best' but great enough to make you understand things. It is quite evident that a lot of effort has been put in creating the content of this course

I strongly feel that this course will affect the way I learn other things, and is a great way to start with online courses. Strongly recommended.

By Vince L

Dec 23, 2018

Thanks to Sejnowski and Barbara Oakley. This course brings me the useful concepts and techniques on Learning. Some of them we might know it before. But actually we don't understand how the brain function works. By understanding the mechanism, we could build a better leaning skill which means to be more productive. I would love to practice all the skill and try to share with my family and friends. Hope that everyone could learn better and change life.

By 慈曦

Aug 27, 2016

It's good,i have learned some useful learning skills,and it also give me a new perspective on learning.

This course in some sense,changed my way of study.

This is also the first class i have taken online.

Thank you for your efforts,to give me a graet course.





Thank you.

By Murielle H

Aug 16, 2015

I took this course because learning is not something I had a clear understanding how the brain works while and away from active learning. It changed my way and actually I am looking forward to take on tough subjects (for me) to apply focussed and diffused modes, add to this a good sleep and the Pomodoro technique! Thank you so much for the time both Mrs Barbara Oakley and Terry Sejnowski have spent on this course, I am so greatful to you

Murielle Hunt

By Тумкина С И

Aug 23, 2023

This course is great! I discover useful and interesting information about our brain. Also I found a lot of working techniques for studying productively and comfortably. I liked all the additional interviews. These guests gave me a lot of tips for studying and made me feel myself smart. Now I know that I can achieve anything using the right approach. Thank you so much for this course! I would like to recommend it to everyone who wants to study better.

By Sarah R

Apr 23, 2020

Learning How to Learn is an amazing course, Barbra Oakley and Terrence Sejnowski, both used very calm toned voices that keeps you engaged. The course teaches proven techniques for learning that can be applied to any discipline, while taking this course, I was able to use all the techniques mentioned, on the final project, I found my self procrastinating, and having to use the pomodora technique, All in all a very rewarding course, I highly recommend.

By Umair M K

Dec 18, 2017

I am a computer scientist. The ideas I learned from this course were mind boggling. During my exams I have been spending all night on preparation without realizing this could have negative effect. I am recommending this course to all my co-worker. This is a meta-learning course which tells how to learn. I have a Ph.D and it is very sad I did not know about this until now. But, it is never too late and there is so much more to learn. Happy Learning :)

By Rehma S S

Feb 1, 2016

Learning How To Learn is a great course for those who aren't sure about their learning tactics like I was before I joined. The professors give plenty of tools to get you ready for your next course. It is amazing! I have learnt so much, being someone who just didn't have any study tricks. I have picked up many techniques and knowledge on how to learn and how my brain works in the process. This is something I wish I had had or done earlier on in life.

By Gustavo Q Á

Sep 1, 2015

This is a course that I would recommend to everybody, it will allow you to better understand how your brain works, you will also be able to identify bad practices, that are stopping you from really understand and master a certain subject.

Barbara and Terry did a great job explaining the concepts in a clear and yet entertaining way.

Now that I have completed this course, I have a whole new structure on how face new concepts and how to effectively learn.

By stefania R

Sep 4, 2021

mind-enlarging course for everyone, even for those who have already studied the learning issue, Three are new perspectives and quite a lot of info and material and tips are offered in an engaging way. Do not skip the non-compulsory parts, there are excellent articles and videos!!!!

Thanks to Barbara Oakley and to Dr Senowskij, i really learnt from your course and it was an extremely pleasant company every day

Fantastic! So sorry to end this course!!!

By Chau T

Apr 19, 2020

What an amazing course! As someone who has been out of college for 5 years, I wish I had taken this class before I started college. It would've helped me tremendously in my studies. Nevertheless, I am really excited that I took this course because this is truly the metaphor "teaching someone how to fish and you'll feed them for a lifetime". Learning how to learn truly "taught me how to fish". Thanks Professor Oakley for putting this course together!

By Mark E

May 20, 2019

This course exposed me to many new ideas about learning, studying, the brain, and memory. The presentations made the material very interesting and used techniques that made it easier to remember.

The use of frequent quizzes and tests definitely helped me learn and remember the material. Both presenters were very good. Barb gave most of the lectures and was very relatable and easy to follow, she really made the course fun to take. Highly recommended!

By Tony N

Sep 23, 2017

This course was incredible and it has changed how I approach my life. I am a graduate of chemical engineering and I wish I knew this information when I was in school. I recommend this course for any person who is struggling, interested, or even looking to find a new way of thinking. Any person can take in the vast resources and this is for any student, not just engineers. Thank you Dr. Oakley & Dr. Sejnowski for sharing you knowledge and experience.