Aug 18, 2017
It was a wonderful journey of learning how to learn. Simple and effective. Wish i had come across something like this a little early in life. But better late than never. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Aug 18, 2016
Probably the most important course I've ever taken in my life and it was completely free. Already applied many of the concepts and have seen the difference. Do yourself a favor and take this course.
By Margherita
•Jul 24, 2022
This course was amazing. Barbara explains in a very friendly, easy to understand way, making the content more interesting and easy to follow.
As someone who has always procrastinated so much that I could never finish a Coursera course, this was the first one I was able to finish thanks to the many tips they share, and I can see myself using these tips not only in learning but also in real life. It was a real pleasure to follow this journey, thank you for your energy and passion!
By Pamela L
•Jul 9, 2021
I loved this course. I learned very valuable tools to help with my future studies and also in my professional career such as the Pomodoro technique, Chunking and using metaphors and analogies to learn. Mostly, I learned that I was a poor listener and often went into Zombie mode while learning, or in meetings. I suffered from Illusions of Competence. This was huge for me! I applied the concepts of this class in order to help me develop some solid study habits and it worked!
By Mimi E M
•Mar 24, 2021
The explanations are interesting. I like it that there are transcripts to follow as i am a visual learner.. i understand better if i listen and read as well as take down important notes. Prof Barkley sometimes speaks rather softly and i have to put the volume on my laptop to max. Otherwise, everything else is great! i also like the questions asked after most of the videos.. they help me to recall important facts about the videos and test my understanding... Good Job professors!
By Farhan T K
•Jun 28, 2020
This course helped me to realize and pinpoint a lot of the really bad habits that I've always had while learning anything. It has also taught quite a few really nice and effective methods to be able to leave those bad habits as well to learn in the most efficient way, just as the name suggests. I'm thankful to the instructors for this amazing course, and would suggest everyone like me, who has always had problems with performing well even after spending a lot of time preparing.
By Amelia O
•May 4, 2020
The course was a joy to take! So many interesting topics, interviews and explanations. Loads of interesting and useful material to learn to approach, examine and study any subject. It clearly opens a path for a better and easier way of learning whatever we want. Both instructors were kind and generous with their knowledge and way of conducting their classes. Special thanks to Mrs. Barbara Oakley for her kindness and warm way of explaining and teaching all. Such a sweet lady !!
By Jon F
•Sep 7, 2016
Fantastic course! Wish I had taken this class and/or read Dr. Oakley's book when I was an undergraduate in college and/or in graduate/B-school. So many wonderful trips and tricks for getting the most out of your education and learning experience. I enrolled in the course to learn new and effective methods for absorbing and applying information more quickly in my professional working life, while also balancing the demands of running a start-up in the evenings. Five-star course!
By Qian Y
•Mar 6, 2021
This course helps me extremely a lot in not only from the learning aspect, also from the aspect of life and career. To know the focus and the diffuse mode, and how to deal with procrastination are definitely things that start to help my learning much more effective. The fact that even average intelligent people can accomplish extradinary things help me to change my thoughts about those genius people and also motivate me to accomplish something that I do not dare to try before.
By Carlo C
•Jan 19, 2021
Probably you already know some tools that are explained here, but now you can learn also which ones are the most effective and why, thanks to the neuroscience aspects covered.
It's a revolutionary and complete course on 'Learning about learning'. There are well structured units, each done exhaustively. Lessons are short and make you fix the point, so they are not boring and are perfect for both poor and model students.
The only requirement, in my opinion, is to want to improve.
By Tharushi L
•Nov 29, 2020
It was a great course. I enjoyed it a lot. It taught me very useful concepts and tips like how to avoid procrastination, how to learn properly by recalling, repetition, how to prepare for a test by going through a exam checklist, importance of exercise and sleep, how to team work and etc. not only for near future but for the entire life. Lecturers delivered all very simply making it easier to be learnt. I recommend this course to anyone with trouble learning and test taking.
By Dennis A B
•Mar 17, 2021
This course is just wonderful. It informed and inspired me. Somethings I knew intuitively some I didn't, but to hear these concepts spoken and illustrated with the care and empathy that Dr. Oakley and the other contributors display, make the lessons all the more understandable and important. This is a course I think I will come back to often, thru recall (you'll learn about it) and by actually re-watching the videos, because this material is that useful. Highly recommend.
By María J C
•Nov 30, 2020
He disfrutado y aprendido como nunca antes!!!. Que mas se puede pedir a un curso. Como con los buenos libros con "Learning how to learn" cada día estaba deseando avanzar y conocer nuevas técnicas y habilidades en el aprendizaje. Ha sido emocionante desde el principio hasta el fin. No puedo mas que recomendar este curso y agradecer a Barbara Oakley y a Terry Sejnowski su generosidad por trasmitirnos tan valiosos conocimientos para el aprendizaje y para la viva. Thanks a lot!!!
By Soh W K
•Feb 13, 2018
After going through this course, first week only, I realized that this subject itself, should be the first course that any university students or adults or students should go through FIRST, before studying the really tough ones inside Coursera.org.
Basically, it's a course to share tips on how to learn faster, and remember better, and possibly mastery in the subject that you are after!
This course is structured in a very fun manner, even the quizes are very humourous to answer!
By Pernille O F
•Jul 16, 2017
It's been a great pleasure to join this course. I have learned helpful tools, and best of all I am inspired.
Inspired to use the tools.
Inspired to share my knowledge of learning.
Inspired by the knowledge of this course flowing to other areas of my interest.
Do read the extra material. Do watch the extra videos. I urge you.
And last, do the honors submissions. You learn from doing them. You learn from reviewing your piers. And you learn from the generous feedback from your piers.
By Yogi
•Mar 25, 2016
This is a very inspire and deeply interesting course! All of parts architected are simple, competently and logical. After course i find many of my bad mistakes and i hope it helps me to be better and learn faster. Because we learn through all the life!
I finished my university many years ago, but now i would learn by Barbara Oakly and Dr. Senjowsky with pleasure. You are the great teachers! Thanks for learned me how to learn!
with respect, Rouslan Boulatov, Moscow, Russia.
By Cindy R
•Jan 15, 2016
Por medio del curso he adquirido conocimiento relevante sobre la forma de aprender. Ahora se lo necesario que es para nuestro diario vivir el reestructurar la forma de pensar, estudiar o al momento de estar aprendiendo un determinado tema. Es muy vital tener el conocimiento de como funciona nuestro cerebro al momento de estar almacenando nueva información. Este curso me a despejado muchas duda y la forma en la que explican los temas lo hacen mas accesible y fácil de entender.
By ehsan t
•Mar 8, 2023
Learning How to Learn was the most professional and well-structured educational course I have ever had. The sublime cover of the material, strong scientific basis, professional attitude to bring citations everywhere to share extended resources, and of course smooth and confident presentation of Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski are noticeable. among all. I can see a great amount of hard work behind creating this MOOC and I appreciate all the experience shared through this course.
By José M C
•Apr 5, 2021
O Curso foi muito interessante. Fiz os meus trabalhos e tirei uma classificação final de 90%. Nos Peers Assessment corrigi e classifiquei 8 trabalhos, em vez dos 3 requisitados. O Curso foi por vós oferecido após eu o ter solicitado e foi aprovado. Mas até hoje ainda não recebi o vosso Certificado. Se me ofereceram o Curso e tirei uma nota excelente porque não me enviam o dito Certificado? Eu não tenho possibilidades de o pagar.... Agradeço o favor da vossa especial atenção.
By Tyas W P
•Apr 1, 2020
This course has given me insights on how to improve my learning techniques to help me better understand what I'm trying to learn. I really enjoyed how the instructors explained the materials. Everything was easy to understand and I have been implementing some of the methods or techniques I find effective for me, such as the Pomodoro technique and the spaced repetition. Thank you very much for this wonderful course! I can't stress enough how I recommend this course to anyone.
By Jayne E L
•Aug 30, 2019
Outstanding! This is the first Mooc you should take. It will set a new, and firm foundation for learning, retaining, and re-examining how you learn. It reveals how the mind works, and how many of the old ways we were taught to learn aren’t nearly as effective as we thought. Dr Barb Oakley and Dr Terry Sejnowski are so extremely relatable and informative. Love them! After this class, you might really enjoy “ Mindshift “, by them. Waiting for more...hint,hint...Barb and Terry.
By Dominika S
•Jan 20, 2021
I would recommend this course for everybody. Even if you may not struggle with learning in overall, I believe this course will teach you how to learn more effectively, how to remember things better and longer, and maybe answer your unasked questions... Learning how to learn taught me few amazing tips which I will be using in feature. This course also open my eyes in certain things and give me new insight to a lot of material in terms of learning. Thank you, for this course.
By Shravani G
•Jun 11, 2020
Firstly, I would like to thank Dr.Terrence sejnowski and Dr.Barbara Oakley for sharing something which is the foundation of learning which provides a content worth learning by every single being.The best part what I found was that along with the verbal explanation it is very well illustrated which goes very well with our understanding the concept in a better way.I highly appreciate the background work and would recommend others to get benefited from this course.Thank you.
By Vrymel O
•Nov 10, 2017
I've learned many things in the course. The insight on the two different modes of thinking is important in learning as I would know that being relaxed and just taking the time away (diffused mode) away from the material can help solidify the concept in the brain. Study habits and even motivation that even the less brilliant can achieve great things is definitely enlightening.
This course have bring wonders to me, and would definitely recommend it to my friends and family.
By Juan M L
•Dec 8, 2021
The speaker's Barbara and Terry make the course very interesting, the personalities involved and the videos shown throughout the course have been carefully selected and give their actual/current experiences about their techniques used to learn and apply the new knowledge in all types of businesses.
I want to thank Barbara Oakley and Terry Sejnowski for the time they took to create this course that will help many new students and old students like myself.
Juan M Luis
By Teresa C
•Aug 18, 2020
This course was really well presented with lots of references and examples. I was already familiar with most of the principals and techniques discussed and yet I feel like a really learned a lot. The important thing really is to actually apply these concepts in all your studies, make them habitual, and that can only come from practice, persistence, consistency and determination. This course was well worth my time and I also found the in-course interviews quite fascinating.
By Naman J
•Jun 1, 2020
Learning How to Learn is a wonderful subject and is taught greatly by professor's of McMaster University. I would like to thank them for creating such a wonderful course. I did all the mentioned activities and assignments and understood the importance of the way you learn. I have learned a lot of useful techniques from the course which will surely help me learn more effectively. Infact, I have started implementing a few of them already - starting with Pomodoro Technique :)