Nov 18, 2019
it becomes easier wand clearer when one gets to complete the assignments as to how to utilize what has been learned. Practical work is a great way to learn, which was a fundamental part of the course.
Sep 28, 2024
This course was really helpful in make me understand all the topics of Python from scratch, including the slightly advanced topics, of APIs, for my level as a freshman just getting settled in college.
By Stephanie R
•Jan 10, 2024
Having already learned all of this stuff before, this course was a little painful to work through. The content is there, though I'm not sure if a "new to Python" learner would be able to grasp everything in the course. As someone who has used Python for a few years now, I feel like this was an okay review of important topics, but it wasn't presented in a super interesting way. And the quizzes never displayed correctly, either on the app or online, so I kept having to retake them because of formatting issues!
By Elijah M
•Aug 2, 2022
The course is great for people who have previous experience with python but not so much otherwise. The pacing of the course starts off strong in the first week or two, but quickly speeds up. This would not be an issue if adaquet explanation and practice were given before moving on. Oftentimes terms were used in modules that were not explicitly defined until multiple modules later which is disorienting when you are trying to learn a programming language. Great refresher course, but not fully for the beginner.
By Finian M
•Oct 29, 2022
Even though I have got through this module I still don't feel I have learnt much on the basics/workings of Python.
I think the Python section could be structured better, maybe even including an intro to Python module. Students who have knowledge of the language could pass the module by way of assessment at the start of the module and get credit for it rather than going through it all.
I think this would help beginers get used to the basics of the language which seems very different to Java & Javascript.
By Karen N
•Apr 26, 2020
I enjoyed this course. However, I felt that there was a huge jump in the complexity of the subject matter between Weeks 3 and 4. I'm a newbee to Python, and Week 4 absolutely did not feel like a beginner's course, whereas the first three weeks were easy to digest. The videos were mostly good and informative, although I found that they rush through the material very quickly. I had to rewatch some of the videos multiple times to understand the concepts. The final project was challenging but enjoyable.
By Garrett R
•Sep 24, 2022
Some of the weekly unit courses were really good. They were straightforward, well-articulated, and the lab work was understandable, useable, and gave me opportunities to practice writing on my own and learn why/how things worked and why/how they didn't. Some of the videos and labs seemed to skip important information and steps, with typos everywhere, and the labs for these particular lessons felt like hitting shift+enter to run the code without much or any opportunity to write the code yourself.
By Aitor S
•Mar 6, 2023
Easy to follow, but I find it not satisfactory for either novice user or advanced user.
For advanced user, it is hard to go through learning what a loop is.
At the same time, it is surprising how some strange unexplained pills appear in the code you are learning, as a sign that the course wants to tackle too much without getting deep into the roots of the language.
It didn't appeal to me, as an advanced programmer in other languages, I expected more and clearer answers to the root of the language.
By Juan S
•Apr 13, 2020
Good for learning basic Python concepts and how to use them in theory. However, do keep in mind that it doesn't teach much about how to use a text editor or any type of software to code and run actual programs on your system. The course uses the IBM Watson notebook, which is implemented in a way with very little practical value. I feel like I came out of this course knowing a lot about Python but to gain practical knowledge and be able to make my own programs I had to research outside of it.
By Carlos
•Oct 21, 2020
Im not a person who reviews things but I felt this may be helpful to some. As someone with no knowledge in programming whatsoever I found this difficult. Clearly, this is to be expected when diving into something new and my review is based off how i feel after completing everything. But I found this to be very challenging. Practice makes perfect, I didn't feel like this was beginner education. Hopefully over time ill understand better. Good luck to you all!
By Gouri B
•Jan 12, 2020
This course is good for python beginners and to also receive a hands-on training for the same.However when it comes to Data science,this particular course does not offer or rather meet its expectations.
The final assignment requires an account creation on IBM's Watson Studio,not following which you wont be graded.So that was like a turn-off for me because assessment mostly relies on successful creation of a Watson Studio account rather than the core subject
By Sergio E
•May 1, 2020
Pretty solid foundations and labs. Would have given 5 stars but the course lacks coherence regarding the videos and different services(, skills network labs) that are made available to students.
If one is already acquainted with the subject matter it is not difficult to navigate around these wrinkles. New students might find getting lost on silly steps of what the video shows and what the website actually shows adds unnecessary frustration.
By Mallory S
•Apr 27, 2022
this course offers a good python scaffolding for working with data, but it suffers from a lack of proofreading such that the narration doesn't always match the text onscreen (or the reality of what's happening). also, i would love to see line breaks in the code that appears in quizzes, as well as more informative function and variable names. as a consolation prize, there was a section of video that completely redefined the word "square" for me.
By Caio L B
•Feb 7, 2024
O curso apresenta uma proposta interessante, no entanto, a ausência de legendas em português nos vÃdeos dificulta o entendimento. Além disso, alguns textos, como os presentes nas avaliações, possuem erros de tradução, o que também prejudica a compreensão das perguntas e respostas. Por fim, embora o curso seja anunciado como focado em inteligência artificial e desenvolvimento, percebi que o conteúdo é mais voltado para ciências de dados.
By Long N T
•Oct 19, 2021
The course did not provide what I expected from a Python course for Data Science. The parts of Pandas and Numpy which are very important in Data Science should be more focused with better explanation and exercises! Moreover, there are so many quizzes that are duplicated with the ones already shown in the video lectures, so as some practical assignments. Anyway, it delivered some valuable information that could be helpful for learners.
By Thomas S
•Oct 5, 2022
Although I learned a lot because I am new to Python, the learning approach used in this IBM course is quite poor. The videos are rather boring, the labs are often packed with too much content, some of the lab content is out of place, and the modules end up feeling rushed. In my opinion, this course needs a massive overhaul to make it more interesting, more user friendly, and to iron out some of the frequent errors and typos.
By Mario
•Mar 14, 2022
This course was very difficult. I did not understand what I was learning most of the time as it lacked the practical applications to data analytics like the other modules. I felt the formulas of python were just presented, and I couldn't pause the screen to maybe copy the formulas on screen as it just went black. I will have to supplement this with outside resources to ensure that I fully understand the basics of Python.
By Diego C
•Mar 23, 2024
I think the information provided is good, but the level is not for someone with no prior experience in Python. A lot of the content felt way too much to handle. I'll have to fill the gaps with other sources and complement it with a lot more practice in order to feel confident with this technology. It is a great overview of Python for working with Data and if this was the intended goal of the course, it is excellent.
•Jun 30, 2019
While I learned a lot in this course, it could have been a more enjoyable process. The videos and labs basically had the same content. However, the labs are a better learning experience (can run code and see results) but come later, making them less valuable and boring. Please consider having the lab content be more unique, as it was in the previous course. Also, please update the materials as Watson Studio changes.
By Juha K
•Feb 10, 2025
This got pretty advanced very fast for someone who has absolutely no coding background. But primarily many of the instruction videos were annoyingly fast just speeding through concepts with little to no room of processing what you were being presented. And it was not about pausing the video when needed, a lot going on in the "slides" and I resorted to other resources on YouTube to learn about the topics instead.
By Clifton S J
•Jul 24, 2020
The videos and labs were helpful and the course does help one learn some Python fundamentals. However, I believe that the labs and quizzes could have been improved. More exercises within the lab environment would be beneficial to promote learning. The weak point of the course is that the tutorials for using IBM Cloud were weak. More information and walkthroughs (including videos) should have been provided.
By Adrienn K
•Nov 19, 2019
Good content overall but weird level requirements; the course covers too many basics for somebody who already programs but also assumes a lot and therefore is not adapted to someone who has never programmed.
It relies on external platforms that will not always work.
Instructional and useful nevertheless, recommend if you're already familiar with data analysis (in R for instance) and want further knowledge.
By Vincent Z
•Jan 20, 2019
An adequate python crash course. The level is good for complete beginners. People with computer science background will find this slow. Also, the labs and the lectures are completely redundant, they almost match 1:1, except that the labs often fix a few mistakes in the slides. Don't expect a great numpy intro: you will basically get array creation, indexing and slicing and basic vector/matrix operations.
By Radwan n
•May 19, 2020
I am new to python I used it for the first time in this course. I found the course to be well organized. I liked the labs and how they are organized and well written. I found the course to be hands-on which I needed. I did have some background using MATLAB and found that to be useful, however, there are some differences in the syntax and the data structures.
There are not many self-learning assignments
By Anupama K
•Jul 15, 2021
The videos are quite good though the pace is a bit fast. There is a disconnect between the labs and videos are concepts are introduced in the labs which are not covered in the videos. While the students are probably not expected to understand these advanced concepts and just perform the exercises in the labs, it does affect the learning experience. Suggestion is to try and make the labs friendlier.
By Varun V
•Nov 23, 2018
I would have given this course a 4 star rating if they had created the final assignment which would have make some better sense in terms of what this course content and course it about.
The assignment had no concept which was explained and in the course and it gets very difficult to understand the assignment. Never been through such a poor one in my entire 15 years career. One of the worst course.
By Pat S
•Apr 15, 2024
VERY HARD for someone with 0 background in programming. The video felt rushed and didn't explain in concept but rather throwing the subjects right at your face and you need to figure out a way to memorize and apply each of them on your own. Some lab exercises aren't even mentioned in the prerequisited videos... Overall not a fun experience for a beginner. But still managed to learn the basics.