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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python for Data Science, AI & Development by IBM

40,236 ratings

About the Course

Kickstart your learning of Python with this beginner-friendly self-paced course taught by an expert. Python is one of the most popular languages
in the programming and data science world and demand for individuals who have the ability to apply Python has never been higher. This
introduction to Python course will take you from zero to programming in Python in a matter of hours—no prior programming experience
necessary! You will learn about Python basics and the different data types. You will familiarize yourself with Python Data structures like List and
Tuples, as well as logic concepts like conditions and branching. You will use Python libraries such as Pandas, Numpy & Beautif...

Top reviews


Dec 1, 2020

It is a good course and teaches with the basic of Python so that anyone can understand it very well. Videos are good and can easily be understandable to anyone who is new to Python and Data Science.


Nov 18, 2019

it becomes easier wand clearer when one gets to complete the assignments as to how to utilize what has been learned. Practical work is a great way to learn, which was a fundamental part of the course.

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6126 - 6150 of 7,203 Reviews for Python for Data Science, AI & Development

By Dhruv P

May 28, 2020



May 24, 2020


By gopinathjashti

Mar 23, 2020


By parksohyeon

Jan 24, 2020



Dec 23, 2019


By anvin r

Sep 13, 2019



Aug 26, 2019


By Dr D M

Jul 23, 2019


By Cristian M

Jul 6, 2019


By thangaraj e

Jan 1, 2019


By Macharla V S T

Jan 27, 2023


By Kunvar P K

Nov 8, 2024


By 2303C 5

Sep 12, 2023


By Marin M

May 18, 2023


By tejo s

Jan 22, 2022


By Ravindra D

Nov 18, 2019


By Ihassan h B B

Dec 13, 2022


By Kikiola A

Oct 14, 2022


By Subhajit B

Apr 30, 2022



Feb 19, 2022


By kinjal p

Jan 15, 2022


By Suryakant S

Mar 19, 2020


By Anna N

May 13, 2020

This course is.... odd.

It's a jumbled mess of videos read in robot voice, "labwork" which is "optional", and way too easy to complete (many of them just involve hitting shift+enter over and over again)... assuming that you can get the lab to load in the first place, quizzes which insult your intelligence with how easy they are, one random module (APIs) which is WAY WAY more complicated than anything else in the class, and a final assignment that's surprisingly a nice review of the class. I actually had to go back and re-watch the videos to complete it. However, everything I needed WAS in the videos.

And here's the weird thing: all the nonsense about setting up IBM Watson, IBM Cloud Services, IBM Speech to Text, IBM Translator, IBM... (you get the point, you will sign up for a TON of IBM services, and then have to figure out how to get them to work together)... is probably the BEST part of the class.

You can learn Python lots of places (and you should. Please don't count on this class to teach you Python. Go to codecademy fer cryin' out loud.) But where else are you going to get hands on time working through frustration and technical problems getting IBM Cloud services to work? The course doesn't always hold your hand on basic things like getting the labs to load. Yeah, that's awesome. You'll HAVE to learn how to use the tools.

Please don't take this class if you never ever plan on using IBM again in your life. But if you are thinking of applying to any job that uses the IBM platform, this course is money.

But yeah, the python part sucks. There's better and cheaper pretty much everywhere on the internet.

By Maria Z

Jul 7, 2022

Whilst the course seems detailed enough and helps you learn step by step - not that I'm a good judge as I'm COMPLETELY new to coding - there are many things that need to be improved to make it 5 stars:

1. when using PYTHON software I discovered that should actually be using Jupyter lab and then took 3 weeks and 5 forum messages to learn that the codes weren't working because I was supposed to use JupyterLITE - this was never mentioned in the course or explained properly.

This led me to feeling very frustrated and demotivated and losing my time! it took a lot of effort to re-start and push myself nonetheless.

2. there is just ONE person in the forum replying ONCE a day and NOT on weekends - this really slows the learning down, albeit they are trying to be helpful always

3. not all codes show how the execution looks - for someone who's learning from scratch I don't know if I got it right or not, only that the code worked

4. there is a big leap from basics to complex without what seems like enough explnanation in between - using Google to research and analysing yourself can only take you so far when you're a complete beginner.

5. finally a (small) number of codes are simply wrong - this makes learning difficult once again albeit I do question the codes more and try to analyse when looking at them.

6. I don't know if I "absorbed"/understood all the relevant information sufficiently, whether I will ever need all the codes from scratch or it's merely understanding the mechanics of codes

By Chifung W

Aug 28, 2022

To be honest, this Python class is NOT that beginner friendly. If I have to give a grade on this class regarding to "teaching quality", I would give a C+ or a B- at best. Here is the breakdown:

* Week 01 & Week 02- Easy to understand, the quiz also pops in the middle of video to solidyfy my understanding, which is very good. I rely 0% of outside resources on Week 01 & 02.

* Week 03 & Week 04 - Topics are getting more challenging, and the explanation quality starting to go down. But it is still "pass". Thus, I begin to rely on outside resources such as Youtube videos and Udemy Python class that I purchased (which is cheaper than Coursera) to understand Week 03 & Week 04 materials. But I can still pull this off and get through Week 03 & 04 using the videos and labs in this class.

* Week 05 - API, HTTP, URL, webscraping topics are so difficult to understand by listening to the videos in this class. I rely close to 100% on outside resources such as Youtube tutorials, Udemy class info, and another Coursera Specialization such as "Python for Everybody" in order to pass through Week 05!!!

Conclusion: Week 05 is the Week that drag down the rating score of this class A LOT!!! I feel that this class has good branding because it's from IBM, but when it comes to "TEACHING QUALITY": Udemy, Youtube tutorials, and "Python for Everybody" Specialization. This class has a lot of room for I said: I give this class a C+ or B- at best in teaching quality.