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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Tools for Data Science by IBM

29,580 ratings

About the Course

In order to be successful in Data Science, you need to be skilled with using tools that Data Science professionals employ as part of their jobs. This course teaches you about the popular tools in Data Science and how to use them. You will become familiar with the Data Scientist’s tool kit which includes: Libraries & Packages, Data Sets, Machine Learning Models, Kernels, as well as the various Open source, commercial, Big Data and Cloud-based tools. Work with Jupyter Notebooks, JupyterLab, RStudio IDE, Git, GitHub, and Watson Studio. You will understand what each tool is used for, what programming languages they can execute, their features and limitations. This course gives plenty of hands-on experience in order to develop skills for working with these Data Science Tools. With the tools hosted in the cloud on Skills Network Labs, you will be able to test each tool and follow instructions to run simple code in Python, R, or Scala. Towards the end the course, you will create a final project with a Jupyter Notebook. You will demonstrate your proficiency preparing a notebook, writing Markdown, and sharing your work with your peers....

Top reviews


Apr 18, 2023

the best course for the beginner who is going to start his data science journey. This course tells you all options like tools, libraries, programming languages, etc. Highly recommended for beginners.


Apr 13, 2020

It serves perfecty its aim that is giving a first glance of the open course tools for data science. Of course each tool is briefly touched and it hands over the student the duty to deepen each tool.

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4701 - 4725 of 4,850 Reviews for Tools for Data Science

By Joe S

Dec 28, 2020

IBM Watson is the worst. Account issues are endless and will not allow me to do anything that the curriculum states. Stop using that platform.

By Daniel U

Feb 5, 2020

Outdated, mostly ads for the used services.

You could learn all the information provided in this course in under half an hour just by reading.

By María B C

Feb 1, 2020

The course is not really well organized. Furthermore, the videos are deprecated wrt the open sources they refer to. I wouldn't recommend it!

By Jan D

Oct 5, 2018

Don't take it. No Course Instructors, no help. Not worth the money...

Even the Working Platform is always timing out or has a gateway error.

By Jahyun K

Jan 1, 2020

The course is good but Video files should have been upgraded for a new product. It make students that have poor IT background be confused.

By Kevin G C O

Mar 17, 2025

Why do I have to wait to possibly get a bad score from another learner? That does not make sense for the price of the whole certification

By Garrett S

Mar 22, 2023

Extremely disorganized presentation of material. Covers a ton of info with zero depth and no explanation of application. Entirely useless

By Bruno O d A

Apr 13, 2022

Need solution of problem of acess. I could't acess plataform hands on. I try to solution with suport they could't to solution my problem.

By Pree R

Jul 10, 2020

module 2 and 3 are far too complicated and monotonous for absolute beginners of data science. cancelling my subscription for the same.

By Veronika K

Mar 25, 2022

Watson trial ended before I could finish course and it became impossible to complete without paying 200+ to get watson studio again.

By Peter B

Nov 5, 2022

Complete waste of time and nothing but a marketing tool to get you to create IBM on line accounts that you can't delete afterwards.

By Bruno C

Jun 15, 2019

Material not updated

Project does not seem to workout as explained, HTML content does not show up on browser when you share the link

By Magnus E

Jul 18, 2019

terrible. Can't believe I need to pay for this because this was simply only a matter of ads for IBM and it gave me nothing to do.

By Daniele T

Oct 13, 2022

Too much theories and very little practice. I was bombarded with definitions and tool names. I feel I have learned very little.

By Benjamin S

Mar 25, 2020

The platforms are not ready. Instructions are outdated. Just familiarized with possible platforms, didn't learn anything useful.

By Mariette G

Sep 3, 2020

Very difficult to follow without any previous programming experience. Would put this course after in-depth programming courses.

By abdullah K

Apr 4, 2020

i was unable to access IBM Watson facility to perform practicals and with this i also unable to attend my PEER GRADE assignment

By Fabrizio P

Aug 23, 2022

Google data analytics is way better no product placement and faster

better explained and better videos no waste money and time

By Artyom

Jan 14, 2022

The course is awful! The information has gotten old and has not been updated.

The information about Watson studio is useless.

By Abhishek R

Aug 28, 2020

What does this course aim to achieve, this course will definitely scare any beginner off from data science. Serves no purpose

By Rami K S

Nov 5, 2022

I think I will come back to this course within months because it contains useful material, but for beginners it is useless!

By Deleted A

Apr 30, 2020

Cours are not updated and maintained for new updates for the tools and it is frustrating to navigate through instructions.

By Sudipta D

May 9, 2020

Outdated course with unresponsive teaching staff. Screenshots did not match the current IBM cloud and should be updated!

By Katrina P

Mar 1, 2020

Lets not lie... This course was a giant ad for IBM's tools and also a very clever way to gather data about their users.

By Vinicius S S L

Jul 11, 2022

Absolute trash. The whole thing feels like an IBM add. The course doesn't actually teach you how to program anything