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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Tools for Data Science by IBM

29,580 ratings

About the Course

In order to be successful in Data Science, you need to be skilled with using tools that Data Science professionals employ as part of their jobs. This course teaches you about the popular tools in Data Science and how to use them. You will become familiar with the Data Scientist’s tool kit which includes: Libraries & Packages, Data Sets, Machine Learning Models, Kernels, as well as the various Open source, commercial, Big Data and Cloud-based tools. Work with Jupyter Notebooks, JupyterLab, RStudio IDE, Git, GitHub, and Watson Studio. You will understand what each tool is used for, what programming languages they can execute, their features and limitations. This course gives plenty of hands-on experience in order to develop skills for working with these Data Science Tools. With the tools hosted in the cloud on Skills Network Labs, you will be able to test each tool and follow instructions to run simple code in Python, R, or Scala. Towards the end the course, you will create a final project with a Jupyter Notebook. You will demonstrate your proficiency preparing a notebook, writing Markdown, and sharing your work with your peers....

Top reviews


Apr 18, 2023

the best course for the beginner who is going to start his data science journey. This course tells you all options like tools, libraries, programming languages, etc. Highly recommended for beginners.


Apr 13, 2020

It serves perfecty its aim that is giving a first glance of the open course tools for data science. Of course each tool is briefly touched and it hands over the student the duty to deepen each tool.

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4576 - 4600 of 4,850 Reviews for Tools for Data Science

By Daniel d A

Jan 1, 2023

If you are looking for a middle-school level course with a (un)healthy side of IBM product marketing and advertising, this course is for you. Perhaps I have been spoiled by the good quality of Deeplearning.AI and Andrew Ng's excellent courses with their good coverage of the topics. They provide excellent slides you can download and annotate during the lectures, and WORKING labs that have a good balance in implementation difficulty and insight into the problem.

By Mustafa G A

Nov 12, 2022

They push you to use non functioning IBM tools (they crash, you have to register but need to look for ways to by pass credit card requirement, etc) and advertise some products of IBM related to Data Science. The whole course is except GitHub and RStudio sections is total loss of time. If you do peer graded assignments in Watson Studio, it does not work, so you have to do it again with GitHub. I have never seen such an unnecessary course in my whole life.

By Mark W

Dec 2, 2023

The peer-graded assignment system is broken. I completed all tasks entirely and to the exact instructions. I have been deducted points for no valid reason by my peer. The staff response to me in the forums is that I need to "reattempt and resubmit". Where is the oversight to ensure peer-graded assignments are being graded fairly and correctly? What am I paying for? I shouldn't have to waste my time resubmitting due to incorrect grading by a peer.


May 12, 2020

This certification track is complete garbage! The first course was superficial definitions of Data Science - I can look all that up on my own! The second course was very sloppy with the instructions, the screen shots did NOT match what I saw on Watson studio, when I reached out for help, the instructors response was totally unhelpful. Coursera needs to either revamp this course or cancel it! This was a huge waste of time and money!

By Sean T

Apr 30, 2020

Very poor at the moment. Week 2 Rstudio section has a downloadable map, after lots of work I did manage to do a workaround to get the zip file but then it couldn't be loaded. Equally and worse Week 3 covers Watson Studio, this has changed from Data Science Experience; the blurb says that its just a name change but thats not correct and I wasted hours trying to follow the instructions from the old layout through to the new layout.

By Mikolaj O

Sep 26, 2020

Video tutorials are outdated, based on the old interface of IBM tools. Teachers are not giving instructions how to get some of the tools like Jupyter notebook of RStudio, they don't say which libraries needs to be installed before doing exercise and finally they don't show the full code which they're running. Overall it's a presentation of IBM products and those two open source products mentioned above, with a bit of GitHub.

By Roman I

Sep 2, 2022

Very high level course. It list many tools used for data science however does not explain them in details. The course better suits the person who is experienced in data science to discover tools rather than a person who just started learning the data science. Lots of information is irrelevant, strongly promoted IBM products, the Week 3 of the course consist of poorly put together presentations recorded by different people

By Lee H

Aug 8, 2022

Extremely poor. First few hours cover nothing beyond the name of a number of products and historical facts. Unable to continue through the course as the required IBM Cloud account that I set up was suspended without reason by IBM, and cannot be reactivated. Cannot create another account, so cannot continue the course. Luckily this occured within the trial period before payment, however this is completely unacceptable.

By Elham A

Sep 13, 2024

The low rating is due to the AI-generated voice used in the course. It's hard to stay focused and listen to the monotonous tone, which lacks the emphasis and expression a human voice would bring, making the course more engaging and memorable. I’d prefer reading a book or taking a course with a human narrator over spending time on this. Although the material is current, the AI voice makes it difficult to concentrate.

By Caitlin W

Jul 19, 2024

I was really eager to start this program and make it through, however, none of the links work as demonstrated in the video ; to use watson I needed to get an IBM account which requires 'fort knox' style ID verification which never worked. I spoke to IBM customer services about this and they stipulated that my course instructor should have given me a code to get this set up. I am really disappointed.

By Ibtihel B A

Sep 22, 2020

This course was a big disappointment. this professional certificate is supposed to be for beginners with no prior knowledge. You keep explaining very advanced features and services like ssps modeler which I think something related to neural networks and for me as a Bonner I don't know anything about it. unfortunately this course makes a learner who is excited to learn frustrated and lost

By Sabir Ə

Jan 29, 2020

This course was awful, just a bunch of useless speeches, limited or no information about the workbenches, explaining only how to save a file or how to upload a file - maybe 5-6 times I have heard instruction about saving your work. Who does not recognise save icon nowadays? Who needs these instructions? Only coding so far lear, 1 + 1 equal to 2.... Course 2 was just a waste of time.

By Salman M

Apr 20, 2022

It seems it is second course in sequence. It was strange why all products were introduced at this stage which did not make sense. Without having understaning of ML,AI directly pipeline, drifting etc were discussed when dicussing IBM products. If it had to be then in course sequence as second course it was not right. Rather after 70% of total 10 courses specialization..

By Ege O

Sep 12, 2018

One big course full of clickbait and needless and useless cloud services requiring you to give out information. There is not a single thing to learn about data science in this course. I've spent the last 2 hours jumping through the hoops of the companies endorsed in the course and so far I'm getting errors left and right, preventing me from completing this course.

By Afia I S

Jun 10, 2020

This course is really disappointing. This was supposed to be a beginner level but it is not actually. Someone has to have a clear knowledge about Python, RStudio, machine learning, AI etc beforehead to actually understand this course. I continued for 2 weeks the gave up because it is not worth it!

Really did not expect this from platform like coursera and IBM.

By Yinnon D

Mar 13, 2023

Outdated videos the IDE of watson cloud and studio is completely different wasted a lot of unnecessary time on trying to figure out what to do. I felt a little cheated like "here is a course we did try to figure it out" I think it is disrespectful to put a course like this out to students. at least update the videos you are a respectable company.

By sunney f

Mar 2, 2022

It is a poor course as not all of us are going to have the luxury of working on IBM Watson or even SPSS in academia or even in some medium sized companies. The course lacks any kind of mathematical or even programming rigour. All IBM related stuff should be optional. I liked the github part though. More time could have been spend on that..

By rezq d

Mar 11, 2021

Jupyter notebook, Rstudio and Watson studio are probably a great software. however, the amount of technical jargon and bad presentation made me not like to work with them. please consider changing the way this course presented. it is very superficial and have no benefits.

Such a waste of time. the assignment cannot be created on Watson.

By David C

Jan 1, 2021

The first course is a brief overview of the field. The second course (this one) does not dig into the field, but immediately jumps into countless tools of the field, in which the student doesn't even yet know for what we are using those tools. If this course were among the last of the series it would make sense, but this is useless.

By Deleted A

Dec 20, 2019

The course should be improved, as all resources that it references to were significantly changed. At the moment I do not see any benefits of continuing the whole IBM Data Science set of courses, as I anticipate that the next 7 courses are at the same "not up to date" level. It's sad as I have to search for better knowledge sources.

By Matt D

Jun 24, 2020

This is not a beginner course. At all. The instructions skip over multiple steps to the point where you have look up half of everything yourself. Which is not why I paid for this course.

To be clear, this has been an issue in both of the IBM's Data Science Professional courses I've begun. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY IF YOU'RE A BEGINNER

By Nader M

Nov 11, 2021

a lot of errors, mostly marketing IBM products and so on. test subjects were on some unimportant items, well of course when the course itself has a lot of unimportant subjects discussed, the items showed up in test will reflect that.

some of labs didn't work. it kept saying the site was under maintenance for two days and I gave up.

By Ignacio D B

Apr 27, 2021

Watson Studio is objectively bad, full of bugs and at times, it doesn't even work. To finish the final assignment a student had to create a tutorial because the resources on the ourse are not updated. Paying 40usd to access de course and being shoved such blatent publicity is enfuriating, even more when you're required to use it.

By Svyatoslav A

Mar 4, 2021

Too basic info, and a whole host of shameless self-promotion. This course's usefulness is in 30 minutes of videos about Python, R, and SQL that give erroneous information and then followed by three weeks of discussing IBM tools. And you have to pay a subscription fee for the privilege of having a product sold to you. Disgusting.

By Tahshin M

Nov 24, 2019

Absolute waste of money and time. The videos are outdated and can not be followed. The quizzes are totally irrelevant. The videos will make you sign up with lots of IBM services and won't teach you anything about it. Totally frustrating experience and it was the worst "course" I've ever experienced in my life. Wouldnt recommend.