Dec 6, 2020
Foods and us have a relationship, and this course defines that relationship. Personally, this course provides positive experience for me in regards of food, meal preparation, and eating in moderation.
Jun 22, 2018
It was an amazing course that allowed for me to be much more conscious of what I was eating and pushed me to strive to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Overall, it was very entertaining and informative!
By Rachel C
•Dec 30, 2022
It was quite interesting, but could have been more in depth. A lot of the information most people would
already know.
By Divesh L
•Jun 13, 2020
Decent introductory course.
But I expected more on the plate.
Feels like a tiny snack rather than a wholesome meal.
By Trinity C
•Jan 9, 2024
Approved by Stanford I feel like it should have been a little harder and more in depth even for a beginning course.
By Vanessa v d M
•Jun 24, 2020
5 stars for clarity and effort. Videos concise and clear.
0 star for content, too basic- definitely expected more.
By Aanchal
•Jun 7, 2020
good for beginners. however, not very informative. Mostly some general things we already know are reminded to us.
By Anelia D
•Jan 18, 2020
The course provides sensible basic information but is exactly that - very basic. I did not learn anything new.
By Mark K
•Jun 23, 2016
This course should be longer and more in depth. However, I did find the readings quite useful and intriguing.
By Nikola I
•Mar 24, 2019
It's too basic. Should contain more reading material and course content for something labeled with Stanford.
•Mar 10, 2021
Good course for general knowledge about food, nutrition, shopping, reading food labels and cooking at home.
By Ishraq A
•Nov 18, 2023
I would have liked a more in-depth nutrition course that goes over the science of nutrition and dietetics.
•Sep 5, 2023
I really learnt alot of skills and am really happy to have participate in the course.
It was really helpful
By Katya G
•Nov 15, 2023
Минимум информации. Ожидала большего. Зато куча рецептов, которые можно с лёгкостью найти в интернете.
By Abhishek G
•Aug 25, 2022
It is a very basic course which guides on nutrition but even if its implememted can lead to great health
By Gerard O
•Jun 11, 2021
Easy and short basic course! recommended for people who is looking for a basic knowledge about nutrition.
By Miroslav P
•Apr 15, 2020
Didn't provide any new information. It is comparable to informational documentary. But is nicely produced
By Nourhan K
•Sep 1, 2023
i am egyption poor
i need this because very important
i am egyptian poor
i need this because this important
By Dennis K
•Jul 8, 2021
Too much cooking related contents, and often seems repetitive. The first 2 lessons were good and useful.
By Daria K
•Oct 1, 2019
It's strange to see non-healthy recipes after recommendation of mostly plant-based diet in the course.
By Maria I
•Jan 26, 2016
Great class, but a little shorter than I would like and similar to Dr. Adams other Coursera offering.
By Ravi R
•Jun 13, 2020
It was an overview to understand food habits. I think the cookery part can be avoided in the course.
•Mar 11, 2019
I did not received the certificate after completing this course so please provide me the certificate
By Juan P
•Jan 26, 2019
The concepts are clearly explained, but I found it too simplistic even for an introductory course
By Jonathan
•Oct 21, 2022
It's basically an interview. The information in this lecture can be easily written into a blog.
By Helene W
•Apr 19, 2022
It is an excellent course for young people interested in learning nutrition and simple cooking.
By Lynn J
•Jan 23, 2018
This was a very basic course. I did enjoy the way the content was presented with casual convers