Dec 6, 2020
Foods and us have a relationship, and this course defines that relationship. Personally, this course provides positive experience for me in regards of food, meal preparation, and eating in moderation.
Jun 22, 2018
It was an amazing course that allowed for me to be much more conscious of what I was eating and pushed me to strive to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Overall, it was very entertaining and informative!
By L A
•Jul 16, 2017
It was really easy... perhaps too easy IMO. I barely had to focus or think throughout the lecture videos or the quizzes. The course provided me with facts that I already knew about. However, I found that the recipes were creative and helpful.
By Nili B
•Sep 10, 2022
The first 2 weeks of the course contained the most useful and most specific information. Weeks 3 and 4 were mostly comprised of common sense guidelines and general information already known to most people interested in nutrition and food.
By William H
•May 21, 2020
I was hoping there would be more breakdowns of nutrients at a molecular level, and why your body needs them. This course offered a superficial understanding of those nutrients. However it offered a guideline of how to organize your plate.
By Elena
•Aug 25, 2023
The info in this course is pretty basic. I was looking for more precise information on how nutrition affects our bodies, compatibility of certain foods and its interaction with each other once consumed at the same time. Haven't found it.
By Peter S
•Nov 28, 2017
A very enjoyable course, but a little on the 'light side'. Good fun to watch, but not as rigorous as many other MOOCs. Though to be fair, the course only claims to be an introduction to the topic. The lecturer is certainly not boring.
By Sandra M
•Apr 6, 2017
I actually enjoyed this class very much, but it doesn't go very deep in the topic. The questions to the quiz are very easy to answer to. In my opinion, this class is great for a general public, but it is not an university level course.
By ApointB
•Mar 4, 2021
Very useful for starters and for those who have just begun to implement some changes for the better in their nutrition, but there's not much for those who are a bit ahead in the journey. Perhaps should consider making a part two.
By Maria D O A
•Mar 31, 2023
Too short. All information was very good, the videos, the professionals, everything was very understandable, nice and easy going. But it was too short. Maybe if there were papers to read or links were to search for more info.
•May 2, 2024
Es un curso informativo. Quizás deberÃa de revisar con más cuidado los consejos, pero la persona que cocina utiliza mucha grasa, se vé un exceso en los platillos. Se debe sugerir además de comer sano el ejercicio diario.
By Garry L
•Jan 26, 2020
Great course. Very interesting. I skipped all the recipes etc at the end. I think if they were more practical using very simple ingredients on a budget with each meal taking no more than 20 minutes with least labels?
By Patricia S
•Nov 17, 2020
This course serves as a part of a foundation to healthier eating with practical tips on shopping,choices of foods and cooking. So because the content had these several areas,it made the course more realistic
By joseluis
•May 6, 2020
Foi um curso incrÃvel que me permitiu ser muito mais consciente do que eu estava comendo e me forçou a me esforçar para alcançar um estilo de vida mais saudável. No geral, foi muito divertido e informativo!
By Courtney D
•Oct 4, 2019
I found this course very basic and almost all of what was said was pretty obvious to me. I would say this course is more suitable to people who have absolutely no knowledge about nutrition, food and health.
By Ilona G
•Nov 1, 2020
The course itself is a really basic intro for people who have no clue what is managing diet and healty eating. It is done really well, but if you are looking for some more detailed basics it't not for you.
By Alina T
•Mar 28, 2020
As for me eastern european was not so many things new. In my country we don't have such problems. We always eats at home homecooked food. Only first 2 modules give me some new and introduction. Thanks.
By Evan C
•Aug 2, 2017
Well produced and informative, but very very basic. I thought that it would be a little more in depth and require a little more study. I think I could have passed the quizzes without watching the videos.
By Ruchika M G
•Sep 28, 2017
Loved the video sharing experience about foods and nutrition. Would be more helpful if mre case studies were added to explain the benefits and side effects of ingredients found on processed food labels.
By Daphne G
•May 5, 2016
This was a very baseline introduction and basically a summary of Pollan's books and ideology. The positive is that is was very accessible in time and presentation however provides little insight to ins
By Valeria C
•Feb 8, 2016
Interesting and well presented information. I wished the course had been more interactive and had spent more time on the chemistry of nutrition. Also the lectures and quizzes could have been longer.
By Jessica S
•Feb 26, 2021
I thought there would be more science and depth to this course. I was looking for a deeper level of knowledge, felt very basic to me. Love Michael Pollan but would have been nice to see more experts
By Kaylyn
•Jan 6, 2025
This course has very simple and easy-to-follow information if you are completely new to nutrition. However, it does not ever dive in deep enough to be that interesting or applicable in my opinion
By Roberta C
•Aug 25, 2021
This was a basic/fundamental course for beginners. Awesome topic, good content, and very useful. However I need to move on to a more advanced course in nutrition, wellness, and health.
Thank you
By Holo D
•Feb 10, 2021
Some Case studies should be included to make reader feel that Change in Food Habits can make a real difference. Doctors are too eager to put people on Metaphor (something like that)and Crestor.
By Debbie C
•Feb 20, 2016
It was well presented but a little light on, I was hoping for a bit more "meat" to it. But interesting none the less, & a fascinating insight into how few people apparently cook their own food.
By Andy N
•Feb 3, 2016
If you have some basic knowledge about food and nutrition, then this course is not the right for you. It's very basic and sometimes trivial. But the lecturer and course itself was really nice.