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Learner Reviews & Feedback for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University

16,820 ratings

About the Course

Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user directly interacts with is through the web page? Implement it poorly and, to the user, the server-side becomes irrelevant! Today’s user expects a lot out of the web page: it has to load fast, expose the desired service, and be comfortable to view on all devices: from a desktop computers to tablets and mobile phones. In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every web page coder needs to know. We will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS. We will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that its components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the size of the user’s screen. You’ll be able to code up a web page that will be just as useful on a mobile phone as on a desktop computer. No “pinch and zoom” required! Last but certainly not least, we will get a thorough introduction to the most ubiquitous, popular, and incredibly powerful language of the web: Javascript. Using Javascript, you will be able to build a fully functional web application that utilizes Ajax to expose server-side functionality and data to the end user....

Top reviews


May 31, 2020

Many thanks to the creators of this course! It was a very solid refresher for me, even though I have spent in web development a few years by now. I thoroughly enjoyed every lesson. Thank you, Yaakov!


Jun 11, 2020

Actually the best online course i hv ever learnt,especially the professor yaakov is quiet outstanding.And a field trip in a online course sounds rare and good!!Thank You Coursera and yakkov for this!!

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276 - 300 of 5,834 Reviews for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

By Josephin H

Jan 21, 2024

Unfortunately, this course wasn't for me at all, so I didn't finish it. The course already started with an outdated description of how to set up a GitHub account and upload your stuff there without even explaining what you need it for. The outdated information made it difficult to find your way around. The FAQs are helpful, but all in all it took a very long time to even get started with the HTML modules. :( Unfortunately, this start ruined the whole course for me, so I did the first module (or the whole of week 1), but then decided not to continue. This is also due to the fact that the reviews already stated that there would be further difficulties from week 3 onwards, as the Bootstrap module is also outdated. I therefore don't understand the good reviews at all, but of course that's just my personal opinion. The course may work for others.

By Tomáš P

Feb 9, 2023

Some topics are explained in detail, but most of them are just showing the process. The course is not meant to be for complete beginners, so it's okay. What's worse is that many of the videos are outdated, and instead of replacing them (at least with readings) and taking the old ones down, there are just notes everywhere 'This is outdated, visit FAQ' - it is a waste of time to watch those videos, honestly.

Another disadvantage is that the projects are estimated to take 1 hour - it is not even possible. Trust me, you will spend much more time searching how to setup GitHub, ... and the assignment have very long and yet poor descriptions + they're far more advanced than what is taught in the course.

Personally, I call this a 'project' rather than a 'course'. If you're a beginner, look elsewhere.

By Usama A

Aug 5, 2020

Aug 2020 review:

1- The course is outdated, the bootstrap version is old, the jquery files are old, if you have the new versions. you can't go on with the same codes in the lectures.

2- I thought coursera is an ad-free platform! the course of full of what I call "personal ads"!

3- some codes are written in the projects without being recorded in the videos! you just open the next video and :OMG where did it come from?

4- Part 5 was ambiguous for me, I needed external resources and youtube videos just to know what is going here.

5- The method of just "I've prepared some code" and commenting on it is really annoying.

6- The introduction to JavaScript week was good as an idea, but too much information in too little time.

By Peter T

Jul 1, 2022

Has you install and/or sign up for many different things before even getting started: Git, Github, Node.js, Browsersync, a code editor, and Chrome. (Note: Some of the instructions for setting these things up are outdated.) The only really necessary ones for web development are a code editor and Chrome. I understand that the other tools are very common and useful, but I was looking for a simple introduction to web development and Javascript. Having to install a bunch of other software (without clear instructions or a good explaination of their purpose) was enough to make me switch to a different course.

By Deleted A

Mar 9, 2021

There is not much content and even that is only explored shallowly. Additionally, the content is inflated. For instance, 30 minutes of the allocated time for assignments consists of laughable 1-2 multiple choice questions. The final test for each week is just a collection of previously answered multiple choice tests.

Also you have to endure a lot of shameless plugs and self-congratulation by the author, which is annoying.

I'll give two stars because you actually learn a tiny bit, even though it might not be a pleasant experience.

By Rebecca S

Oct 5, 2021

I'm sure there's a lot to learn here, however I've chosen to learn these languages elsewhere as the content is outrageously outdated. Yaakov has a great personality so it was enjoyable to watch the videos, however I couldn't make it past the first week. The videos we're supposed to follow along with were made 6 years ago, and in them he uses programs that are no longer even offered. He seems incredibly intelligent, and I'll keep up to date with his workings on his personal website, which is up to date.

By Donald K

Dec 2, 2022

outdated information, the hardest part is the JavaScript and this course just assumes you already know the basics, so it flies right through it. i wouldn't recommend taking this, i found codecademy and Michael Hartl's "learn enough" books to be much more insightful and the lessons there stuck with me much better.

By Dane E

May 10, 2020

The course if outdated--you have to teach yourself a bunch of Bootstrap because the lectures are based on an earlier version. The Javascript section of the course doesn't give much hands-on experience with JS at all. I recommend just teaching yourself through the Duckett texts suggested in the course.

By Jeimmy K A V

Oct 27, 2020

no esta actualizado para seguir los pasos adecuados y seguir avanzando en el aprendizaje pues ya lleva mucho rato desactualizado.. y por cosas que a uno como aprendiz no le aparece o no le sale igual uno se estanca y por mas que lo intente no logre pasar de mas de hasta donde yo logre avanzar

By Sara S

Sep 1, 2020

The course is very thorough, it is explained at a university level, but the content is outdated and many elements don't exist in css or javascript anymore which made me spend more time finding the new versions of the code than actually completing the course.

By Richard F

Aug 17, 2023

The references in the lectures are now very out of date, new versions of the various software make it hard to set up, additionally vital steps are sometimes missing for those who are just starting to use the various applications required.

By Liang C

Oct 18, 2022

The course is somewhat outdated. For example, the Github pages configuration did not work anymore which took me a lot of extra time to figure out. I suggest that the course should be updated so that learners do not get confused.

By Kshitiz A

Apr 9, 2021

This course teaches nothing, he just copy pastes the code. He doesn't explain why he does that.

He uses so many technical jargons but doesn't explain it in lay man terms.

Worst course I have taken so far. Not recommended at all.

By Bharat P

May 19, 2020

it can be made more efficient in terms of information. many tagss and important concepts were skipped out like tables,form,and all sorts of input types,keyframes,media query advance,javascript dom basics were not that apt

By Sai C

Aug 29, 2021

I understood totally well till second week and i felt a little difficulty in week 3 as i am a novice to bootstrap and i think sir need to elaborate fifth week explanation because i understood nothing from last 5 videos

By Nitesh A

Jun 4, 2020

The course and the instructor is good, however this course is outdated and I would not recommend it for a fresher.

Please update it with current standards (2020 ) if possible.

P.S. Thank you Yaakov for your efforts.

By Nikola S

May 10, 2021

This is NOT a course for beginners. I repeat, this is NOT a course for beginners. I followed until the third week, after that I understood nothing. And I wnet through the all 5 weeks. So, 2 stars for two weeks.

By Alex H

Aug 2, 2022

A very out of date course. I could not proceed further as the FAQ and discussions all complain about the same problem. I was unable to follow along despite the resources and looking to other students for help.

By Deleted A

Sep 13, 2023

This course is bit outdated. The teacher taught it back in 2015. The tools/software that teacher is using may not function in the same way now in 2023.

By Marlena L

Sep 8, 2022

Update the course with more than just a link to FAQ, please. As a beginner, this is very hard to follow.

By Jahanvi S

Jun 29, 2020

the bootstrap is outdated and had to be done on my own. the javascript part was also a bit rushed

By Patricia G

Dec 7, 2021

This course seems to be about 7 years old and contains a lot of outdated information.

By Noorus S K

Nov 19, 2020

as other reviewers said the course seems outdated, it kind of wasted my time

By Toby A

Feb 22, 2023

The course is incredibly outdated. I found it so hard to set everything up.

By 2K18/CO/026 A S

Jun 12, 2021

Sir IAM very poor student I can't pay sir