May 31, 2020
Many thanks to the creators of this course! It was a very solid refresher for me, even though I have spent in web development a few years by now. I thoroughly enjoyed every lesson. Thank you, Yaakov!
Jun 11, 2020
Actually the best online course i hv ever learnt,especially the professor yaakov is quiet outstanding.And a field trip in a online course sounds rare and good!!Thank You Coursera and yakkov for this!!
By Simon D
•Nov 23, 2021
Very helpful course, well structured, great teacher! Content is quite outdated. The last chapter about JavaScript including AJAX could have been explained better in my opinion.
By sagar r c
•Apr 12, 2021
The way of teaching and assignments is good but better to give project as a steps of assignments so that we will get overview/confident about build a project.
By Henrique M
•Sep 25, 2023
It's a great course but it's severely outdated. I'm glad it's getting updated soon. Still, it's great for the basics and it gives a solid foundation!
By Touseef A
•Dec 26, 2021
It's a good course for beginners who want to learn basic level HTML CSS and JS. The last module was not explained well the included Ajax , JSON .
By Reda C
•Apr 27, 2021
It is pretty good course not gonna lie but why i gave it 4 stars because some stuff its really outdated and we hope its gonna be update about it
By roger
•Feb 9, 2022
Gives a solid introduction. The course is a bit outdated, but the things you learn can easily adapted to never versions of the tools used.
By Nikita S
•Apr 28, 2021
The last part was a way more difficult to understand then the rest of the course. But it was still a good experice and i have learnt alot!
By Rajkumar M
•May 10, 2021
Absolutely wonderful course to get start with Front End technologies.
I feel AJAX and DOM part was bit fast and could have bit better.
By Cliente v
•Dec 11, 2021
Little bit outdated and I would expect more hands on coding but still very usefull in 2021. Never seems to be too difficult
By Omar A
•May 9, 2021
كوررس ممتاز كمقدمة في هذا المجال ولكن اعتقد لو لم يتم ادخال json و ajax افضل لان الشرح لم يكن كافي لفهمها بالنسبة لي
By Issa A
•May 9, 2024
Perfect for learning HTML and CSS. A bit rough and outdated on the Javascript but all in all very good!
By Luvkumar S
•Apr 14, 2021
A great course which covers basics for the beginners and help shape their path towards web development.
By Sachin M
•Apr 14, 2021
I love this course and I am stil learning but there is no option for seeing updated faq instruction
By Krishna G T
•Apr 8, 2021
I loved the course. Although I think the curriculum should be updated to the 2021 standards.
•Apr 26, 2021
Um dos melhors que ja participei, porem. Deixa muito a desejar na parte de json e ajax
By Muhammad W M
•Apr 3, 2023
It was a great journey but the course is so much outdated.
By Alex T
•Apr 20, 2021
5th week has to much theory and not enough practice.
By sumit s
•Apr 14, 2021
nicely teach each and everything
•Jun 26, 2021
The course should be updated.
By Deleted A
•Apr 5, 2021
I can't work with it
By Aleem
•Apr 26, 2021
Great Course
By 김재우
•Apr 9, 2021
By B “ B
•Apr 1, 2022
HTML, CSS were very good clean direct and informational without trying to overexplain material. Javascript section needs major improvement. The speaker was overly wordy in their attempt to explain simple content like 'Arrays' 'Closures' 'Objects' as a few examples. The presenter should follow a more linear approach to explaining and to their visual examples. Often the presenter would bounce back and forth in a futile attempt to sound more astute. Sometimes less is more. The same could be seen in their way of presenting certain examples with jumping back and forth between examples in efforts to clarify any and all possabilities of how to code the topic being discussed. One keyword was used during this course lecture and that word was 'verbose' the javascript portion felt too wordy/verbose. This along with what seemed like poor audio quality caused a few sections to be reviewed more than once for clarity . Course needs ES6 material as well. Although this course is recommended for a good place to begin I would much rather prefer the javascript straight forward and linear style of presentation that can be observed from Codecademy Javascript Beginner/Intermediate Course(s).
Thank you to Yaakov for his hard work on this presentation.
By Christian C
•Aug 15, 2023
I think this course is great at providing insight into using twitter bootstrap and its framework along with CSS. I found many parts to be very confusing as it focused on the overall picture and not explained thoroughly (especially during the JS portion of the course). On that note, there was not a lot of JS content and no indication that we should've had prior knowledge of JS (even though it was later mentioned in the 4th or 5th week of the course). With all that being said, the course was helpful as an introduction into web design, I liked the structure of the projects and even though I struggled with them, I almost wish there were more of the assignments/putting the code to use rather than watching what to do and trying to figure out the pieces at the end. I applaud the efforts of the John Hopkins Team!
By Bruno E a
•Dec 30, 2020
The courses in this catalog need to be revamped as they're out of date. And some of the terms and methodologies used in some of the programming languages have become redundant.