Feb 13, 2022
This is a course which I enjoyed. It gave a good insight of the learning methodologies which we have often heard of but not given due importance. Also, the brain facts is cool :) My 5/5 to this course
Jan 31, 2023
They showcase a certain skill level that can beat out the biggest competition. They also help you build valuable skills that will prove the claims stated on your resume. However, be smart about it.
By Shanna D D
•Jul 24, 2022
Way the material was presented was difficult to understand, and it was quite condensed. I often had to go to other sources to find out what the point was of the material being presented. Single pieces of info, vital to a newby, but well known to a professional, were left out. Stop assuming we are that advanced already!
By jeff s
•Jan 3, 2021
it was painful to see the lack of concern for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. I absorb much more through reading and to see this from a company that is supposed to be all about knowledge. Hire some humans to do some proofreading. There were also a lack of real-life scenarios from which to practice.
By Mario D
•Jul 27, 2022
Almost too much information here. Especially given the last week is just an assessment. The host of this module is highly knowledgable and is clearly well versed in all of this, but it felt like an onslaught of things i hadn't even heard of until this module. It was overwhelming at points.
By Tai J N
•Feb 22, 2021
This is too hard-cored for a beginner especially there are so many videos and assignments in this course. The subtitles need to be modified as it has lots of mistakes, as a student whose first language is not English, it's not that easy to understand the instructor without correct subtitles.
By Jemuel B
•Jan 8, 2021
The exercises they provided in this course NEEDS a lot of revision and editing as they are hard to follow and harder to execute. The topics in this course however are decent as they cover a lot of topics but they are not explained as thoroughly as the previous courses in this specialization.
•Dec 9, 2019
It was a good course.I wish they were real world example topic and I have learned new topic which I was not aware of but I was looking for in deep topic of Active directory and LDAP which was not covered. But overall the course was up to the mark. looking forward for another topic.
By Chad M
•Jul 24, 2022
I did like learning more of the System Administration role in IT. Just had a difficult time with some of the graded quizes due to some of the question being a bit vague as far as how they are descripted. Mainly in the final graded quiz. Though I believe that is just me.
By Rusell D
•Aug 12, 2019
The labs were a bit better in this course and didn't move as fast as the other course labs. It also didn't over focus on Linux. The videos are great and the instructors have all been fantastic. The only issue I have is the labs seem to move faster then the videos.
By Ronald P
•May 14, 2019
not much in depth work on linux in this course, active directory is an expensive system on windows when you need to account for windows license and CALs. wish there was more on OpenLDAP (slapd) aside from installing it and then going yup its running... end session.
By Jeevan
•Jun 30, 2020
Course was good but many labs like accessing active directory were not accesible.So learnt many things like backing up the data and successfully restoring the data and testing it was useful and to plan for recovery management and write a post-mortem report
By Kundaja G J T (
•Jan 26, 2021
Good info, delivery needs work. I felt like on this course there were missing pieces that were removed. Somewhat confusing at times, and I have background in many of these topics. Also, presenter talked too fast, and sometimes wasn't easily understood.
By Ian
•Dec 7, 2020
Very informative and Im enjoying the class so far. However, the mentor in this class waves his hands around after every word he says and its really distracting and makes it harder for me to focus on the material. Other wise, its a good course.
By Amanda D
•Jun 24, 2022
I think the content is great and informative, but the lack of graded labs made the course feel less practical for me. The "final project" is short answer and receives no feedback so its really not an accurate estimate of what you learned.
By Guilherme B P
•Feb 25, 2020
The course's content is good overall but the instructor's poor pronunciation makes it difficult to understand what's being said many times. Also, some of the lengthy explanations in the Active Directory's session could be better formatted.
By Wathsala F
•Jan 23, 2021
I found the lecturer's voice very difficult to follow. He had intonations and would pause at points where it did not make grammatical sense. The subject matter is so interesting and he managed to make it boring. Just being honest, sorry.
By Daniel H
•Sep 13, 2023
Windows labs were pretty bad. Latency, disconnections. There was one section where I had done 4/5 of the exercises, and Qwiklabs completely froze. I bailed out, and I got 80% for that section where I was not allowed to complete it
By Javier P
•Jun 26, 2020
Virtual exams still need to have better instructions and less confusing data laid out for the user when taking the Virtual Exams. I had to repeat twice because I did not understand the instructions for a couple of the Virtual exams.
By David S
•Aug 16, 2022
Alot of information understood the Active directories LDAP etc. Struggled understanding the server information and file directory stuff in weeks 1-3. Not a bad course but a ton of content. Felt rushed alittle in some of the videos.
By Mohammad S
•Sep 5, 2023
we didn't have enough labs and a couple of them didn't even work. we needed to have a virtual server through Coursera with full access to practice as much as we could, but we didn't have it so this is the reason I am not happy.
By Dennis d B
•Jun 3, 2018
Good overview and I liked the analysis assignment at the end. It lacked the practical exercises of the Operating System course where we could practice on the VMs. This would have definitely increased my rating for this course.
By Harold L
•Dec 4, 2021
I feel like I have a good base of knowledge, but I don't know that I could actually solve any problems. There was a lot of info dumped on me, but I don't feel like there was enough context for me to understand it practically.
By Nick D
•Aug 1, 2018
Some videos are to long to really grasp the material. Would rather have even more video at shorter paces with small quizzes in between to drive home some of the stuff that gets lost in the middle of a 15 minute video.
By Semenov V
•Jul 4, 2022
I don't like how google told about back ups. This theme is really important, but you haven't any practical examples. Now it's the worstest course from IT support specialization. Other themes was not bad
By J P
•Jul 27, 2021
first 2 weeks were good , but last 3 weeks of course were like watching paint dry or sitting in professor class at college , some of material was not broken down enough , but was good material to learn
By Abhijeet R
•Aug 24, 2020
The previous courses set the bar too high and this didn't match up to the expectation. Although I learnt a lot of things in this but there were few things missing in comparison to the previous courses.