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Learner Reviews & Feedback for System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services by Google

25,699 ratings

About the Course

This course will transition you from working on a single computer to an entire fleet. Systems administration is the field of IT that’s responsible for maintaining reliable computers systems in a multi-user environment. In this course, you’ll learn about the infrastructure services that keep all organizations, big and small, up and running. We’ll deep dive on cloud so that you’ll understand everything from typical cloud infrastructure setups to how to manage cloud resources. You'll also learn how to manage and configure servers and how to use industry tools to manage computers, user information, and user productivity. Finally, you’ll learn how to recover your organization’s IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster. By the end of this course you’ll be able to: ● utilize best practices for choosing hardware, vendors, and services for your organization ● understand how the most common infrastructure services that keep an organization running work, and how to manage infrastructure servers ● understand how to make the most of the cloud for your organization ● manage an organization’s computers and users using the directory services, Active Directory, and OpenLDAP ● choose and manage the tools that your organization will use ● backup your organization’s data and know how to recover your IT infrastructure in the case of a disaster ● utilize systems administration knowledge to plan and improve processes for IT environments...

Top reviews


Feb 13, 2022

This is a course which I enjoyed. It gave a good insight of the learning methodologies which we have often heard of but not given due importance. Also, the brain facts is cool :) My 5/5 to this course


Jan 31, 2023

They showcase a certain skill level that can beat out the biggest competition. They also help you build valuable skills that will prove the claims stated on your resume. However, be smart about it.

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1 - 25 of 4,856 Reviews for System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services

By Jonathan E

Mar 22, 2018

I really hate giving this 3 stars because it is actually filled with a lot of material however I do feel like there was room to include more videos in substitution and/or as a supplement to the supplemental readings.

Since I have experience in the field already it is not an issue for me to follow, but I feel if someone who has no experience in this field quiklabs and more videos would really help steer them on the right track.

Regardless, the policies and procedures that we're described will help develop a great culture for sysadmins. I've been in many environments where there wasn't a formal disaster recovery plan, hardware lifecycle, etc. this was very detailed and some of this information can also be applied on the business side as well very valuable.

By alexander j

Jul 26, 2018

Way too many rabbit holes of information. I could take the topics and run with it but then what would be the point of a course? Videos just go over things, shallow in some areas, a little too deep in other areas. Content became a strain.

By Destiny Y

Nov 17, 2019

I just cannot thank Google and Coursera enough for this opportunity. This particular module of the entire Google IT Programme really kindled my curiosity to learn more using this path. Thank you.

By Daniel R

Jan 16, 2020

week 5 got overly complicated and disorganized. the instructor was not fluid and was difficult to understand at times. there should have been more time spend on the basics in the active directory portion vs cramming in a bunch in 4 8-13 minute long videos.

By William C

May 27, 2018

The instructor was very difficult to understand and follow. Difficult to decipher what content is most important and what is not while only touching on some of the more important issues and leaving them up to the student to figure it out via additional reading and rambling on about lesser important items.

By Ashfaq A M K

Dec 14, 2018

Good course which gives as much details about administration and infrastructure services . A Big thank you for Google , Coursera and The instructor for giving a valuable knowledge to me. Thank you

By Hank H

May 14, 2018

Far too basic. Needed some hands on labs as the previous courses had. Many of the topics cover, backups for example, felt like solutions you might give a home user rather than what you would use in a small business environment.

By Colton S

Aug 2, 2020

The best course so far. I feel like this course actually showed us things we would be doing day to day in the workplace. It's nice to problem solve since that will probably be a big chunk of the job.

By Sameer J

Jul 8, 2018

This is a great course! Very informative and right tools are explained for a SysAdmin job. This might give you a kick start for a comprehensive study drive required for a dedicated job capacity.

By Robert G V

May 22, 2018

Weakest of all the series so far.

By Oscar A R Q

Jan 16, 2020

This chapter is very interesting since describes a lot of the things that we have at the office running on the background but we never understood well. The material is well put together, congrats.

By Anthony T D

Feb 8, 2019

Very tough course and poorly designed for learning. Out of all of the courses, this was the hardest to follow.

By Emmanuelle M

Jul 26, 2018

THIS was the course I was waiting for! I feel like this gets into the true heart of what it means to be an IT specialist. I loved learning about Virtualization, Backups, Active Directories, etc.

By sebin s

Aug 21, 2018

Loved this course but the presence of lot of technical terms and lack of hands on experience made this course difficult to pursue.

By Deleted A

Oct 22, 2018

This course is good, but it relies too much on the supplemental readings.

By Huber V

Jul 19, 2019

It was Ok. Too much theory needs more action for better understand.

By luis p

Jul 26, 2018

A lot to take in, not enough to interact with.

By Amina A

Jan 30, 2020

Quite a lot to assimilate without enough labs. The grading scheme is also terrible.

By Sneh V

May 27, 2020

Everything is in supplementaryreading

By Jeffrey P

Jul 29, 2022

Excellent course! Would have preferred the week 6 project to be something big (or multiple things) in Qwiklabs rather than a writing assignment, but thought the writing assignment was still helpful.

By Kelly S

Mar 22, 2018

Some of the information is good, but the labs in the courses are broken for the most part. Support is very slow and hard to understand - English is a second language for many of the staff. The whole certification should be put on hold until the labs and other problems are fixed.

By Mary C K

Jun 29, 2020

AS with all the courses I have taken thus far, the content is priceless, the delivery is 100% useless. As an Educator, I am insulted as I listen to the delivery of what could have been a wonderful course. What was even worse were the transcripts. Whoever typed those transcripts is in desperate need of a refresher course in basic grammar. I understand the principle of typing what was said by the Instructor but for goodness sake, the number of dangling participles, run on sentences, it gave me a BANGING headache. I did not look forward to reviewing the course material before tests in part because I had to try to "puzzle together" sentences that made absolutely no sense. Side note: I hold 2 Master's Degrees, I believe that qualifies my saying I am a very smart individual one who can read and understand any sentence given to me. In the future it may be a more cost effective strategy to invest in employees with a background in both Instructing AND Information Technology, don't just throw individuals into the deep end of the pool acting like "Instructors" and expect that the students are not going to "catch on" to the fact that their Instructor is simply an employee reading from a script, a script the employee/ i.e. Instructor may understand in principle but there is no PASSION behind the delivery of the content. Talk to me, I understand the Instructor side, I taught English for almost 30 years

By Jeremy A

Mar 23, 2018

wish there were things work hands on during this course.

By Evgeny M

Jun 17, 2018

Very theoretical. Need more practical challenges.

By Salvador D

Dec 25, 2020

Lots to learn in such a short time, specially weeks 3 & 4. To make matters worse, there's little or non-existent hands-on practice to help really understand the overwhelming amount of rather abstract concepts thought through the course in a seemingly unorganized fashion. I am just glad is over.