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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Spatial Data Science and Applications by Yonsei University

520 ratings

About the Course

Spatial (map) is considered as a core infrastructure of modern IT world, which is substantiated by business transactions of major IT companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Intel, and Uber, and even motor companies such as Audi, BMW, and Mercedes. Consequently, they are bound to hire more and more spatial data scientists. Based on such business trend, this course is designed to present a firm understanding of spatial data science to the learners, who would have a basic knowledge of data science and data analysis, and eventually to make their expertise differentiated from other nominal data scientists and data analysts. Additionally, this course could make learners realize the value of spatial big data and the power of open source software's to deal with spatial data science problems. This course will start with defining spatial data science and answering why spatial is special from three different perspectives - business, technology, and data in the first week. In the second week, four disciplines related to spatial data science - GIS, DBMS, Data Analytics, and Big Data Systems, and the related open source software's - QGIS, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, R, and Hadoop tools are introduced together. During the third, fourth, and fifth weeks, you will learn the four disciplines one by one from the principle to applications. In the final week, five real world problems and the corresponding solutions are presented with step-by-step procedures in environment of open source software's....

Top reviews


Aug 14, 2018

Great course. It helps I have a background in both Data Science and Geographic Information Science, but still found it equally interesting and challenging! I would highly recommend this course.


Mar 29, 2024

Taking the Spatial Data Science and Applications course was a valuable experience for me... It deepened my understanding of spatial data and how it can be applied in various contexts

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101 - 125 of 164 Reviews for Spatial Data Science and Applications



Sep 26, 2020

Great course

By Edier V A G


Jun 21, 2020

very good



Apr 21, 2020


By Dr. F d J C H


Sep 6, 2019


By Gulshanoy A


Dec 27, 2021


By Priyanka C


Oct 24, 2018


By Pornlapas S


Oct 27, 2021




Apr 21, 2020


By Manisha V


May 19, 2022


By sushmita g


Oct 4, 2018


By Surendar B B


Jun 25, 2020

I am a postgraduate and so far I have been practising only Desktop GIS and Spatial data analysis. Through this course, I got the insights of Server GIS world and the significance of Spatial Big Data System in the real-world applications. I consider this as a significant step towards my Data Science career.

The course content is reliable and outstanding.

Content delivery and presentations were deliberately comprehensible.

The only limitation was the hands-on presentation was inadequate.

Anyway, this is a great course, and I was delighted.


By Ankur G


May 25, 2020

The Course is awesome to get knowledge of data science wih spatial data. But this is only theoretical course i mean only those who have understanding of GIS can enroll this course before learning data science since it gives clear pictures of all required aspects of spatial data science. I am little fed up because lots of theory covered, Some of the units may be removed to get practical in this course. By the way if you need only knowledge of spatial data science & related very sound vocabulary this is the course for you.

By Laurence A


Oct 23, 2020

When i enrolled here i thought it would be easy due to my background GIS, however i was wrong it tackled on a range of different topics that was very new to me but i was already facing in real life. It also showed the connections of each and every one of the functioning parts within the spatial data science. Overall it was an excellent course since it showed me new concepts and interplay of different spatial data systems and how can it be used.

By Daniel M


Mar 4, 2018

The course offers a good overview and is very compact. I would have loved a more in-depth coverage with practical exercises (e.g setting up a hadoop system with MapReduce, pig, Hive). This way, I could have learned a lot more than by simply watching the videos offered. Further, please provide the well designed slides for download. I already posted this request in the course forum, but the forum doesn't seem to be used (no answers at all).

By Vignesh T


Jun 12, 2019

This course is an fantastic introduction on Spatial Big Data Management and Analytics. It had given me a strong understanding of the various opensource tools and concepts for spatial data science. I would strongly recommend others to undergo the course as an Introduction to spatial data science and applications. However, one has to learn many other programming languages such as Hive, Pig and Sqoop to master spatial big data.

By Prabuddha D B


Mar 11, 2021

This is an introductory course of spatial data science. Various technologies will be introduced but no hand on experience given. The given information can be used as starting point for learning spatial data science

Only take this course if you are already familiar with some GIS (QGIS/ ArcGIS) , database management & spatial analyst as this course will introduce many concepts/ theories

By Nils K


Oct 30, 2018

Good quick overview of the discipline. No practical tests. As such I could complete the course in 2 1/2 days. Given the extent of the whole discipline, it is probably impossible to present this in one course. Maybe would need a specialisation. But good info to get you started on filling possible knowledge gaps.

By Sina N A


Oct 24, 2020

this course illustrated the main structure of Spatial Data Analysis. this was useful for getting a general knowledge about different part of spatial data analysis and their connectivity. but if it suggested a relative courses or documents for following and concentrating on each ones, i would appreciate that

By Pradip S


Aug 13, 2020

A superficial insight into spatial data learning with comprehensive theoretical concepts and explanations. Although hand-on exercises and deeper applications could have made this course more applicable and thoroughgoing. Overall, this course serves as a pathways into the realm of spatial data science.

By Isaiah M


May 23, 2021

I had such an amazing time from the very first lecture, I think it was worth it, I look forward to a more practical course that would allow participants to gain valuable experience, build confidence and skills needed to start off in the spatial science industry. Thank you for the exposure.

By Jefferson R V J


Oct 4, 2020

The topics were easy to understand even at its complexity. I think after completing this course I will consider Spatial Data Science as a field for me to specialize. Thanks to DOST of the Philippines for the support and also to Prof. Joon for this course and to the Coursera team.

By Yuan L


Jun 15, 2020

The course materials are rich and comprehensive. However, there is a lack of hands-on practice. Besides, the majority of the materials require some experience in the field to truly understand their significance.

By Antonio M M


Sep 29, 2020

I think the course gives good bases to understand the spatial data science but will be better if this includes some practical excercises that allow to understand and put on practice the acquired knowledge

By Julietta R


May 30, 2023

This course was informative but there was a language barrier. Overall, I learnt a great deal since aditional resources were provided, which helped provide greater clarity to gray areas in the course.

By Marino M


Jul 11, 2019

El curso presenta muchos conceptos teóricos interesantes que abren todo un campo nuevo de aprendizaje, los ejemplos de aplicación son buenos pero podrían profundizar mejor en los ejemplos.