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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Spatial Data Science and Applications by Yonsei University

520 ratings

About the Course

Spatial (map) is considered as a core infrastructure of modern IT world, which is substantiated by business transactions of major IT companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Intel, and Uber, and even motor companies such as Audi, BMW, and Mercedes. Consequently, they are bound to hire more and more spatial data scientists. Based on such business trend, this course is designed to present a firm understanding of spatial data science to the learners, who would have a basic knowledge of data science and data analysis, and eventually to make their expertise differentiated from other nominal data scientists and data analysts. Additionally, this course could make learners realize the value of spatial big data and the power of open source software's to deal with spatial data science problems. This course will start with defining spatial data science and answering why spatial is special from three different perspectives - business, technology, and data in the first week. In the second week, four disciplines related to spatial data science - GIS, DBMS, Data Analytics, and Big Data Systems, and the related open source software's - QGIS, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, R, and Hadoop tools are introduced together. During the third, fourth, and fifth weeks, you will learn the four disciplines one by one from the principle to applications. In the final week, five real world problems and the corresponding solutions are presented with step-by-step procedures in environment of open source software's....

Top reviews


Aug 14, 2018

Great course. It helps I have a background in both Data Science and Geographic Information Science, but still found it equally interesting and challenging! I would highly recommend this course.


Mar 29, 2024

Taking the Spatial Data Science and Applications course was a valuable experience for me... It deepened my understanding of spatial data and how it can be applied in various contexts

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26 - 50 of 164 Reviews for Spatial Data Science and Applications

By Satish M

Mar 2, 2019

The course was very knowledgeable. But there were some lack of practical exercises. The students should have been provided with the basic tutorial of the software. We have learned many things in theory but not practically. Overall I rate it 3 out of 5.

By Gabriel A F G

Aug 22, 2020

En este curso el profesor explica los fundamentos de la ciencia de datos espaciales, en qué consiste, qué debería aprender quien decida especializarse en esta área, cuáles son las herramientas más utilizadas y cómo se relacionan (por ejemplo, como se relacionan los lenguajes de programación con el big data, con las bases de datos y con los SIG…). Muestra ejemplos de casos y hace referencia al método que debe seguirse para dar respuesta a dichos problemas, especificando cuáles son las herramientas que se deben usar. No obstante, el curso carece de ejercicios prácticos o similares, por tanto, considero que es un curso "teórico".

By Surya S

Sep 12, 2020

It is a excellent course that covers the recent advancements of Spatial Data Science techniques. Overall the course is very informative and knowledgeable. Many good use cases are shown for thorough understanding of the concepts. Looking forward for more such courses from Yonsei University. I can say that the Joon Heo is one of the best instructors in Spatial domain. Thank you very much for the course.

By Rodrigo V

Nov 24, 2018

This course was very comprehensive, explanatory and introduced me to some complex applications of spatial data science.

I found the practical problem applications of the last week most useful to integrate the concepts. I think having some similar problems as homework assignments throughout the course could also be very helpful.

By Bopitiye G U N K

Nov 14, 2020

This is actually very useful course for us as future town planners. Not only for us, this is important for most of field. And appreciate your teaching skills and those are better, specially this kind of difficult course. You teached it as clear and easy to understand with your examples and illustrations. Thank you for all.

By Pedro W

Jul 30, 2023

O curso é excelente, pois é tudo que eu esperava. Investir em ciência de dados espacial é a melhor escolha que já fiz , a carreira é muito promissora, especialmente considerando a crescente importância dos dados espaciais em várias áreas, como ciência, tecnologia, meio ambiente, agronegócio, logística, entre outras.

By Priyantha B K

Nov 3, 2020

A very good beginners course in Spatial Data Science and its Applications. You will gain a very good overview of Spatial Data Science, its basic concepts and the freely available tools such as QGIS etc. I would recommend it to any beginner who is planning to start a career in Spatial Data Analysis.

By Robson M d S

Nov 15, 2019

Excelent course for a quicly introduce and comprehension of tools and principles of spatial data science. Of course as all thecnological courses it do not allow your to develop professional works without a pratical trainging but offers a very good background for a search by ourself.

By Rudy M P

Aug 5, 2019

The class struck a great balance between technology, science and business, which really helped me find my way through GIS. I need to praise the teacher for the structure of the class and for his diagrams: the clearly conveyed a conveyed the his experience and mastery of the topic.

By Johans A A

Oct 13, 2018

An excellent course, it was an introduction to spatial data science and all techniques that we might apply for different solutions. This course gave us a valuable idea of spatial data science and the importance of the 4 main disciplines of this exciting field. Thanks a lot!

By María A G L

May 17, 2023

Este curso brinda una disciplina que se enfoca en el análisis y la interpretación de datos geoespaciales para obtener información valiosa sobre el mundo físico y social que nos rodea. El profesor Joon Heo tiene una sólida formación académica y experiencia en la materia.

By Aleksandar M

Feb 10, 2019

Good course that gives quality review on what spatial data science is and what can you do with it. It doesn't teach you how to use programs, rather gives you instructions what programs you should learn and powers of each program.

By mnm a

Jan 13, 2021

It was a wonderful experience and able to get more knowledge on spatial data and spatial big data. I would like to thank our lecturer and the university for the valuable course.

Thank You all

Best regards


By Germán G V V

Jun 27, 2020

Pretty good course. I've learned too much about Spatial Big Data, Geoanalytics & Data Science. I'm very grateful to the University of Yonsei and with the professor Joon Hoe, for sharing his knowledge with us.

By Tania M

Sep 21, 2020

Es un excelente curso para aprender de manera general los temas que involucran el analisis de datos espaciales y sus diferentes formas de aplicar, complementar, estudiar, plantear soluciones a casos reales.

By Michael B W

Aug 14, 2018

Great course. It helps I have a background in both Data Science and Geographic Information Science, but still found it equally interesting and challenging! I would highly recommend this course.

By Saud M A

Mar 29, 2024

Taking the Spatial Data Science and Applications course was a valuable experience for me... It deepened my understanding of spatial data and how it can be applied in various contexts

By David Á

Nov 11, 2019

Excellent course. Knowledge in the course is well presented and concise and gives you basic and even intermediate level of understanding spatial daa anlysis.

By Darío J E

Dec 31, 2020

Excellent theory material and interesting application examples, but a more practical approach (when possible) would improve the learning experience.

By Alexey P

Jan 3, 2021

This is a comprehensive course on spatial analysis techniques. Suitable for forming a basic understanding of the application of spatial analysis.

By Luis E C J

Aug 14, 2020

It was a long 6 week journey but very pleasant, although some lectures were full of information everything was clear and easy to understand.


Aug 30, 2020

This an excellent opportunity to learn spatial big data applications with the fundamental, the teacher is so clear in every lesson

By Chris

Aug 21, 2020

Love the course! Explained very detail about spatial. Hope I can land my dream job soon that is related to spatial analysis.

By Nick F

Oct 3, 2018

Very good course, especially regarding spatial database, because my knowledge was limited only to a spatial analysis.

By Muizzah K

Oct 31, 2023

A great course to get a start on this topic and it eventually gets tougher, urging you to work hard and learn more.