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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Precision Medicine by University of Geneva

352 ratings

About the Course

This course will provide you with the key knowledge and tools to understand the fundamentals and practical implications of precision medicine, its opportunities and challenges. It will address precision-medicine era diagnostics, treatment selection, genetic counseling, public health interventions, and biomedical research. It will also deal with data science and ethical issues. From genomic analysis and genetic counseling to cancer biomarkers, from risk assessment of chronic diseases to the understanding of gene-environment interactions, from pharmacogenomics to multi-omics data integration, experts will walk you through the many aspects of precision medicine, from the bench to the bedside and to population health. Designed for students with a bachelor-level training in life sciences, this course will also be useful for professionals who are increasingly expected to deal with precision medicine, including primary care physicians and other first-line healthcare professionals, cancer and non-communicable diseases specialists, public health policy and decision makers, as well as biomedical researchers and drug developers. Experts from the multiple domains of genetics and genomics, oncology, pharmacology, data sciences, ethics, and biomedical research will provide you with a comprehensive, multi-faceted overview of precision medicine, richly illustrated with practical examples and clinical case studies, and peppered with formative evaluations. Whether you are interested or intrigued by topics such as “genethics”, the analysis of exome sequencing, precision diabetes management, hereditary cancers, the ongoing revolution of genetic technologies, genome-exposome interactions, the pharmacogenetics of opioids, data deidentification, blockchain-base patient-consent documentation, or proteomics and biomarkers, this course will explain the concepts, offer insights and present concrete examples, thus providing you with an overall understanding of the rapidly evolving field of precision medicine. - update - The contents of this course have been updated and important corrections have been implemented thanks to learners' feedback. Many thanks to them!...

Top reviews


Feb 22, 2022

To be honest, this course was one of the most effective online education that I have ever watched. I hope the advanced course of Percision Medicine will be presented in the futre. Thank you...


Sep 3, 2022

L​oved the fact that so many clinicians, bioinformaticians and geneticists were involved and the case studies were nicely presented. Have recommended to my team

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76 - 92 of 92 Reviews for Precision Medicine

By Benjamin C

Mar 11, 2025

Very interesting topic. However I feel that most questions in the assessments are a bit off-topic. Also, course material would benefit from a few updates, since a lot of things have changed in the last few years. The part on pharmaco-economics was disappointing and would benefit from more and better material. The first part on "research" was mostly a discussion pushed by an author of a paper in order to talk about their own research. While reading a research paper is always a good exercise, this felt particularly forced, and the questions related to that part had no sense.


Apr 8, 2024

I particularly didn't like the evaluation system. Compared to other courses, you barely get feedback on evualtions. Even though the content is interesting, I would've liked more multimedia content rather that just people talking on and on.

By Bushra K

Nov 16, 2022

It gave me an insight into practical implementation of precision medicine from different perspectives. It highlighted the importance of genetics in the clinical practice from treatment to prevention of disease using potential biomarkers.

By Boris R K

Jan 16, 2023

The course is really interesting and useful. Thank you very much.

I believe it is necessary to improve or revise the quality of the evaluations since some questions present mistakes or appear before the class is presented.

By Nilangi A

Feb 25, 2023

The course covered the basic and advanced techniques in the current field of PM and gave real life case scenarios which helps relate the topic well. The scientific content is useful and literature quoted is very apt.

By Hanna

Jul 4, 2022

Thanks to that who creators of this course, to all speakers. Thanks for the chance to listen to it for free.

Lectures were interesting and informative, but sometimes it was difficult to understand material.

By Carlos G

Jun 21, 2023

Very interesting course. Many topics very well organized. Reccomended for all people who want to go deep inside this new paradigm in medicine

By Asma H

May 3, 2023

It's a very comprehensive course. thank you to all the instructors and participants involved in making of this course.

By Fawzia E

Mar 14, 2022

very interesting course

By Ergun

Mar 10, 2025

Thank you

By Charles W

Feb 2, 2023

I think this course does a good job in trying to be comprehensive and provide some amount of coverage for many relevant topics to genomics in medicine (or "precision" medicine).

If I have a chance to revise my review, then I might change this to be 4 stars instead of 3 stars.

However, my reasoning for giving 3 stars is follows:

- There are a number of typos. I also have a tendency to make typos, and I reported many (but not all) of what I noticed through the system to report issues. So, if those are fixed, then I hope that helps future students.

- While I can understand the motivation to avoid inflating grades by re-taking quizzes too many times, there was a fairly large number of questions where I was not sure why I did not get the 100% graded option. To be fair, this was not so bad that I risked not passing the class. However, I don't think it was ideal for learning purposes.

- I took the course both to refine my knowledge as well as try out courses to potentially recommend to others (where I am a Bioinformatics Specialist working in genomics research for my main job). If there was only 1 or 2 points where I was not sure if I agreed with the conclusion, then I could try having a discussion to either see what I misunderstood or possibly describe the issue better (or both). However, I think there was a noticeable amount of time when I was not sure if I completely agreed, and the difficulty in finding the "correct" answers when multiple options were provided per question made that harder. To be fair, I definitely agreed with conclusions much more than I disagreed with conclusions, and I think many core concepts were covered well. However, at the moment, I think I would first like to try out some additional courses before returning for additional discussions (and then possibly revising my review, if that is possible).

By Emily

Jan 2, 2025

Lots of interesting information, especially if you have a draw towards genetics and learning about the nuances of precision medicine. However, when you really think about it, this course is a bit of a hypothetical. Nothing is yet in practice, it's all ideas and theories. But, at the end of the day, we will always be "practicing" medicine. Overall, great exposure to interesting and intriguing topics. I am looking forward to seeing how and if the field of genetics will change medicine for the better, especially with implementation of these new studies and research. Lengthy course, but the assignments keep you in check with what topics are being explored.

By Mark F

Jun 29, 2024

Way too much information and not enough conceptual focus as I think you tried to tackle a very complex topic in too much detail. The multiple answer questions in particular tested more your understanding of comprehension and the nuances of language than the concepts with a lota of ambiguity in choices.

By Taha A

Apr 29, 2024

A lot of unnecessary quiz with 1 question. It looks like the designer assumed 4-5 year old kids are taking this course. Not happy with the process, but fine with the scientific material.

By Gina S

Dec 17, 2022

terrible experience especially in retake time of quizzes

By Cyrus F K

Dec 1, 2024

I can’t leave the class.

By Wiam L

Jan 4, 2024

Mauvais programme