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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Precision Medicine by University of Geneva

352 ratings

About the Course

This course will provide you with the key knowledge and tools to understand the fundamentals and practical implications of precision medicine, its opportunities and challenges. It will address precision-medicine era diagnostics, treatment selection, genetic counseling, public health interventions, and biomedical research. It will also deal with data science and ethical issues. From genomic analysis and genetic counseling to cancer biomarkers, from risk assessment of chronic diseases to the understanding of gene-environment interactions, from pharmacogenomics to multi-omics data integration, experts will walk you through the many aspects of precision medicine, from the bench to the bedside and to population health. Designed for students with a bachelor-level training in life sciences, this course will also be useful for professionals who are increasingly expected to deal with precision medicine, including primary care physicians and other first-line healthcare professionals, cancer and non-communicable diseases specialists, public health policy and decision makers, as well as biomedical researchers and drug developers. Experts from the multiple domains of genetics and genomics, oncology, pharmacology, data sciences, ethics, and biomedical research will provide you with a comprehensive, multi-faceted overview of precision medicine, richly illustrated with practical examples and clinical case studies, and peppered with formative evaluations. Whether you are interested or intrigued by topics such as “genethics”, the analysis of exome sequencing, precision diabetes management, hereditary cancers, the ongoing revolution of genetic technologies, genome-exposome interactions, the pharmacogenetics of opioids, data deidentification, blockchain-base patient-consent documentation, or proteomics and biomarkers, this course will explain the concepts, offer insights and present concrete examples, thus providing you with an overall understanding of the rapidly evolving field of precision medicine. - update - The contents of this course have been updated and important corrections have been implemented thanks to learners' feedback. Many thanks to them!...

Top reviews


Feb 22, 2022

To be honest, this course was one of the most effective online education that I have ever watched. I hope the advanced course of Percision Medicine will be presented in the futre. Thank you...


Sep 3, 2022

L​oved the fact that so many clinicians, bioinformaticians and geneticists were involved and the case studies were nicely presented. Have recommended to my team

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1 - 25 of 92 Reviews for Precision Medicine

By Shaibal D G

Feb 5, 2021

Evaluation System is not that a regular student can think of, and In my opinion, it is not the way conceptual knowledge should be graded.

By Donovan W

Jul 15, 2023

Problems: It's clear the presenters know what they're talking about. Unfortunately, to a native american-english speaker like myself they communicate very poorly. While their command of the language might suffice for an interactive session (or perhaps for people who's first language is the same as theirs?) it is much worse than simply reading a textbook alone.

Within the first module, some test questions are asked before the information needed to answer them is presented.

What needs to happen: They need to include a person who's first language is english on the editing team, and they need someone to review the quizes to make sure the questions are appropriate for the material just presented.

Overall Opinion: The video production quality is good, but the rest is bad enough that it's not worth completing. I recommend getting a book instead. I am surprised a place like the University of Geneva would put their name on it. I am dissapointed.

By Fabrice H

Aug 16, 2022

in this course i have been open minded about how most of treatement are taken as for all which is very wrong and i have understood that each person is unquie.

By Carlo N

Feb 6, 2022

The problem was the level of the English spoken by the speakers, it was bad and sometimes impossible to understand, especially for non mother-tongue students. Even the video subtitles sometimes did not make any sense.

By Mohammadali Z

Feb 22, 2022

To be honest, this course was one of the most effective online education that I have ever watched. I hope the advanced course of Percision Medicine will be presented in the futre.

Thank you...


Jul 3, 2023

you deserve a 5 star. The course is so amazing and well explored by well composed instructors who used different methods to make the concept easy to grasp.

By Ryan O

Aug 24, 2022

An in-depth course for those interested in learning about the topic. This is most definitely a course that requires a good understanding of biology, especially genetics and pharmacology. Would highly recommend at the end of the first year of Medicine, Biology, or Science related bachelors.

By Dorcas N K

Mar 30, 2022

Gained alot of knowledge. It was abit intense at the begining though, with all the talk on genetics. I almost gave up lol. They should probably make the genetics concepts a little simpler for those with no prior knowledge. Thoroughly enjoyed the course.

By Moloy G

Jun 25, 2022

Please give participants credit for their study after the completion. It is quite discouraging if the course is not for credit. If the course is for credit, it will motivate students to become more engaged and passionate about such crucial issues. Thanks

By Rebeca S

Mar 30, 2024

Um curso incrível e enriquecedor, que mesmo para mim, estudante de farmácia com menos de um ano estudando, possibilitou um bom desenvolvimento e despertou um interesse ainda maior não apenas na medicina de precisão, mas também na farmacogenética e farmacogenômica.


Mar 10, 2025

Excelente curso, me gusto mucho que no eran clases enfocadas en hablar y hablar de conceptos teóricos, sino más bien desde una perspectiva más práctica en la aplicación clínica y todo lo que concierne a ello. 100% recomendado.

By Elisha O

Jan 8, 2024

This is a high information rich domain of Medical practice. Learnt a lot of new technologies and approaches to disease management and treatment.

By Yu H W

Aug 29, 2022

It is an amazing course that broaden my horizons and that I would definitely be willing to share with others.

By Matthew B

Dec 8, 2021

Fabulous and greatly assembled course, although I'd recommend it for professionals engaged in the field.

By Jelizaveta K

Nov 21, 2022

Very informative and touching one very actual trending topic.

By Russell M H

Mar 29, 2022

Great intro to the topic - which is as broad as human variation but focussed on key areas for student learning

My only suggestion for improvement would be the quality of the practice and assessment MCT quizzes - which were linguistically challenging and contorted in places. As a native English speaker I found them difficult at times , which may be amplified for others with English as a secondary language

By Jayendra k v

Mar 9, 2023

The precision medicine course is a fantastic curriculum that gives a thorough overview of the most recent advances in precision medicine. The system is intended to provide students with an understanding of the principles, techniques, and methods employed in customized treatment, as well as how they may alter healthcare delivery.

The course covers genomes, proteomics, metabolomics, and other developing precision medicine technologies. It also discusses the ethical, legal, and social ramifications of customized medicine, as well as the obstacles and opportunities associated with incorporating it into the healthcare system.

By vijayadurai K

Dec 26, 2024

Its an interesting course which has been designed in such a way therefore I really enjoyed each module an its content. I has enriched my knowledge about the Precision Medicine and its importance in drug development, pharmacogenomics, how individual patients Genotypes and Phenotypes plays a significant role. The contribution of the each professor was immense from their respective departments like Oncology, Bioinformatics, Molecular biology, Big Data and expert from Ethical committee etc., I feel fulfilled after completing the course.

By EmemAbasi P V

Oct 7, 2022

This course was really educative and enlightening for me. I learnt a lot about Precision Medicine and my favorite part was Pharmacogenomics. It's a whole new world out there to explore research and exploit these technologies to make further advances in Health and Medicine today. Personally, this course gave me Purpose through exposure. However, the tests were very challenging😅 and the course was very elaborate. Thank you Geneva University. Thank you Coursera❤😊

By Nimra K

Dec 3, 2023

I found this course content on precision medicine incredibly informative and up-to-date, supported by engaging lectures and insightful case studies that truly enriched my learning. experience. The instructors'expertise and the interactive nature of the course made complex topics in precision medicine accessible and engaging, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for its significance in healthcare. Thank you

By Ebrahim M Y

Nov 19, 2022

Gland to for all of you in preparing such an intersting and valuable courses, and I've been eager to take the course and fortunately, I've completed the course with 1 week by studying the notes day & night and taking the assessment and attaining successfully what I've planned!

By Tehseen A

Mar 2, 2024

The Precision Medicine course provides a comprehensive exploration of genomics' impact on cancer, offering valuable insights for healthcare professionals and researchers, with gratitude to HEC Pakistan for enabling this opportunity on Coursera

By Dinidu D S

Jun 19, 2023

Impressive course that is worth every second spent on. Highly detailed and best for self paced learners, Teachers are very informative in their lectures. I would recommend this course without any hesitation.

By Aparajita D

Jul 31, 2023

It's a fabulous course to enhance your knowledge and understanding of this emerging field with humongous potential. I highly recommend the course for anyone interested in the field of personalised medicine.

By shrutt r

Aug 25, 2024

Learnt a lot especially since this course provided the application of precision medicine in various sectors which actually helps in determining and applying the knowledge easily in your research as well.