Jul 4, 2021
It's a very much informational course for me because I am very interested in learning Korean language so thank you so much yonsei university for introducing this course to us. Really Reallu Thankfull
May 18, 2020
A really good starting point to understand what's the Hangeul is constituted of and have a taste test on daily conversation. Last 2 modules were of quick pace which encourages me to revisit more often
By Heymi C
•May 18, 2020
This course helped me more than I thought it would. I wanted to enrich my understanding of the language and the basics, and I wasn't let down. This course and the professor really helped me achieve this goal.
By Tanchanok C
•Apr 14, 2020
This course is really good for learning Korean language. I improve my Korean skill very well. I can reading, writing and listening Korean greatly. The online course is the best way to study in this situation.
By Christian M S T
•Mar 27, 2020
By far one of the best courses I've ever attended. It would be great if the courses taught other aspects of the language such as past tense and future tense. I liked the way information was delivered, though.
By Zoubaida A
•May 10, 2017
This course gives you a good foundation to build on and combines all aspects of learning the language, from listening practice, to speaking, reading and writing. It teaches essential basics of korean grammar.
By Sebastian S
•Jun 14, 2022
First step korean es un curso muy completo, donde cualquier persona podrá aprender desde cero o ya con un poco de conocimiento. El material de estudio ayuda bastante para practicar.
Curso mas que recomendado.
By Louisa B
•Mar 21, 2022
The difficulty of this course is really challenging for a student but at the same time, you will really understand what's behind and logic of the Korean language. This course tested my audio learning skills.
By Alessandra C
•Dec 31, 2021
This course was very helpful to me because I'm a complete beginner. Videos, lectures and exercises were very helpful and Seung Hae Kang teacher explains everything in simple terms. I recommend it, thank you!
By Dasarathan E
•Jun 30, 2021
Good course. Before joining I know only Hangul script to read and write only. Self learning through online. from this I am able to speak correctly few sentences. Good for me to improve further. Thanks a lot.
By Alicia S
•Feb 28, 2021
El curso ha estado muy bien. Yo ya tenía una pequeña basa de coreano, pero me ha ayudado mucho ha mejorar.
The course has been very good. I already had a small Korean base, but I improved a lot thanks to it.
•Jul 25, 2020
The course has been structured really well, it makes learning a new language like Korean seem less daunting. If a person is committed towards learning sincerely they can learn it with the help of this course
By Amelia L
•Jun 24, 2020
It was a very nice experience learning Korean. I really learn the basics in Korean and was able to produce some words in Korean. Although it is still very "class study" for me, but practice makes it perfect!
By Baktiyar A
•Jun 20, 2020
it was wonderful course, I actually have already knowledge about Korean Language, but thanks for those course I can surely say that I have a basic knowledge with Korean, hope I will study in Korea. Thank you
By Deleted A
•Apr 4, 2020
Fue un curso muy bueno para reforzar mis conocimientos ya adquiridos, pero creo que para alguien que quiera aprender coreano desde cero está muy bien. Los ejercicios con audio me parecieron de gran utilidad.
By Megan B
•Dec 13, 2016
Really nice lessons, helpful handouts, and quizzes that make me feel like I am improving bit by bit instead of just studying to pass. If you're interested in beginning Korean, I really recommend this course!
By Reni f
•Jul 2, 2023
sangat bagus semua pelajaran nya mudah di pahami dan sekarang saya mulai bisa menggunakan bahasa korea walau belum sepenuh nya bisa saya akan belajar kembali untuk memperdalam ilmu.pokok nya terima kasih...
By Eka W
•Feb 19, 2023
I am helped by this learning and it is an honor for me to be able to join the learning process at Yonsei University. I hope someday, I can visit Yonsei and study there. thanks a lot for the best experience.
By Jonnathan R G
•Apr 18, 2022
El curso es muy bueno para empezar. Se orienta en situaciones cotidianas, se hace un buen énfasis en el vocabulario incluyendo la buena pronunciación. Además, las explicaciones de gramática son muy claras.
By Carla T
•Sep 7, 2021
Muy buena opcion para los que quieren recien integrarse al idioma, se entiende perfecto y muy facil la explicacion. Aprendi mucho, ahora a segir aprendiendo. Ojala hubiera un segundo curso mas avanzado. :D
By E-zan
•Jun 13, 2021
Easily understood everything and the exercises were pretty helpful as well. I hope to see more advanced levels that can help enrich my Korean vocabulary and make me confident in speaking and writing Korean.
By Faezeh Y
•Apr 13, 2021
This course improved my basic knowledge of Korean and my accent has improved a lot. Now I can talk about my daily life in Korean. The practices at the end of the course was very helpful in learning process.
By Sew M
•Mar 4, 2021
Thank you to Yonsei University and Teacher Kang for doing their best to teach us!! The course Is super fun to learn and all the assessments are given for free which makes me super grateful. Kamsahamnida !!!
By val e
•Feb 28, 2021
un gran paso! son clases de calidad y a la vez son gratuitas. me pareció muy util todo el material que daban y las clases fueron interactivas a pesar de estar gravadas. gracias por todo! seguiré aprendiendo
By Joshua S
•Nov 15, 2020
Very good course that introduces basic and useful Korean grammar and vocabulary. The explanations are clear, they have visuals, and plenty of options practice sentences. I enjoyed this course and professor.
By Laura E
•Jul 25, 2020
The course is nicely built, and the pace of the lessons are quite challenging to follow. Professor Seung Hae Kang guides the course in a fantastic way that makes it easier to comprehend. Highly recommended!
By Laura C L V
•Jun 6, 2020
¡Excelente! La profesora explica de manera adecuada y entendible. El material y el temario está muy bien planeado para comenzar a adentrarse al idioma. Fue una muy buena inversión de tiempo. Muchas gracias.