Jul 4, 2021
It's a very much informational course for me because I am very interested in learning Korean language so thank you so much yonsei university for introducing this course to us. Really Reallu Thankfull
May 18, 2020
A really good starting point to understand what's the Hangeul is constituted of and have a taste test on daily conversation. Last 2 modules were of quick pace which encourages me to revisit more often
By Alissa F Z
•May 16, 2024
it's very useful for me to more understand about Korean and also I'm really like the teacher who has a perfect Pronunciation to explain the material. Thanks a million coursera to make this amazing quiz / lesson! 💗✨
By Amara S
•Apr 11, 2022
First Step Korean course help me develop the Korean languange, and when the lecturer explained the course materials, it was clear to understand. I am so glad that I took this course because it was fum and exciting.
By Mara J D V
•Apr 9, 2022
me pareció un curso muy completo y fácil de entender. Inicia desde lo más básico y poco a poco te orienta para aprender más. Las actividades ayudan a reforzar lo aprendido y con los test puedes medir tu conocimiento
By Fina N
•Dec 27, 2021
I am very grateful to this course, because it can train me in learning Korean and provide lessons that I have not mastered. His learning is very easy and fast to understand. I am very grateful to YONSEI UNIVERSITY.♡
By Anette T
•Nov 28, 2021
I think this is a perfect course to get into learning Korean. I still need to revise a lot, but I believe this course and materials are well structured. There is always room for small improvements, but I enjoyed it.
By Genesis S
•Nov 20, 2021
Me gusto mucho el curso, aunque no lo hice en mi idioma natal las clases las entendi completamente. Solo me queda no parar de practicar para seguir perfeccionando mi pronunciacion y demas caracteristicas del idioma
By Melina M
•Jan 19, 2021
Me encanto el curso, es muy eficiente, yo empecé desde cero y ahora puedo reconocer las consonantes, las vocales, puedo presentarme, hacer preguntas y mantener una conversación fluida con un nativo. Excelente curso.
By Oriana C
•Sep 23, 2020
This course in really well structured, and puts you in a good place as a beginner. I'm really thankful to have encountered this course when I decided to study korean, don't know how lost i woud have been without it!
By Anh T
•Sep 8, 2020
I love this course. It was very easy to learn and understand the materials. The materials was made available for download so that I can come back and read it all over again to make sure that I understand everything.
By Zeynep K
•Aug 1, 2020
Hello from Turkey. It is easy to learn Korean from this course I think. My English isn't perfect but also I can understand what Mrs. Kang tell about. Thank you for everything to Mrs. Kang and also Yonsei University.
By Geetanjali K
•May 25, 2020
Very well structured! The notes and videos are really short but extremely helpful! The conversations were a great listening exercise!! I really enjoyed it and completed it way before i should have haha. Thank you :)
By Heber J G A
•May 15, 2020
Es un excelente curso para dar una introducción breve y acertada sobre el idioma coreano, quedo muy satisfecho de mi experiencia, y recomendaría esta curso a mis amigos que estén interesados en aprender este idioma.
By Piyarat T
•Apr 21, 2020
I really love this course so much. Easy to Learn! and a professionnal have a great English pronunciation that make me get easy to understand :) Thank you so much for First Step Korean. This course is very useful :-)
By Sude Y
•Sep 2, 2018
I found the course very helpful and have a solid understanding of basic korean in the areas that were taught. Thank you so much Yonsei University for this opportunity as well as Mrs Seung! She is an amazing teacher!
By Inês P C
•Sep 4, 2016
I liked it. I am Brazilian and, though english is not my first language, it was very easy to understand the explanations. The korean was very well explained too, and helped me on my own self studies of the language.
By Martha A D H
•Sep 14, 2024
Aprendí mucho, es cosa de memorizar, repasar para no olvidar, me hubiera gustado que todo los módulos se hubieran traducido al español, tengo un poco de conocimiento del inglés y sólo así lo pude entender. Gracias.
By Rifky Z
•Jul 27, 2024
Dengan adanya first step Korean ini, keterampilan bahasa Korea saya semakin meningkat dan saya juga punya impian untuk bisa kuliah di luar negeri terutama di Korea dan semoga bisa keterima dan masuk disana, aamiiin
By Candela M B
•May 9, 2024
Es un curso muy bueno donde te explican a la perfección con tan buenos profesores que explican y no te dejan ninguna duda sales del curso con conocimientos importantes obtenidos fue y es el mejor curso que e hecho
By Rushikesh J
•Feb 1, 2022
platform and last but not least very special thanks to my first Korean teacher Professor Seung Hae Kang to teach in lovely and wonderful manner.
강승해 선생님, 정말 감사합니다. 나의 첫 한국어 선생님으로서 당신은 항상 나에게 특별할 것입니다. 많은 사랑과 소원.
By Tyler D
•Jan 5, 2022
Such an easy to follow course. I had already learned the alphabet, but this class helped me to expand on vocabulary and sentence structure. Thank you very much for this! I will continue to expand my korean as well.
By Vanessa J A
•Sep 6, 2021
to Seung Kae Hae ssaem, Coursera, and Yonsei Univ. Thank you so much for teaching me very patiently, im so happy i can finish my korean languange in online course Yonsei University. Can't wait to lean more! 감사합니다
By Prerna P
•Apr 25, 2021
This course is really helpful for the beginners... It explains each details of a conversation... practice this daily would really help to be more confident comfortable and fluent in Korean korea!!!
By Mei C C
•Feb 25, 2021
This course had been very helpful to me. It helped me understand why and what words had to be used in a certain way. Thank you Professor Seung Hae Kang and Yonsei University for facilitating this course at Cousera.
By vivian
•Sep 8, 2020
this really help me to learn things from everyday life! and the explanation is so clear and simple, not hard to follow also, the quiz as well. its easy and simple, but you have to pay attention carefully. thankyou!