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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Classical Music by Yale University

4,000 ratings

About the Course

Using a simple and enjoyable teaching style, this course introduces the novice listener to the wonders of classical music, from Bach fugues to Mozart symphonies to Puccini operas....

Top reviews


Mar 24, 2021

A truly wonderful introduction to Classical music. Great course content but perhaps most importantly, Professor Wright is perhaps one of the best teachers I've ever had the pleasure of learning from.


Jan 13, 2021

I have lived listening to classical music but never studied anything related. This course was a gratifying experience. Now I know something about music. Congratulations to Craig Wright and his team.

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176 - 200 of 1,217 Reviews for Introduction to Classical Music

By Stavros A G

Jul 9, 2023

The course begins with the Basic Concepts of Music and continues to analyze the Music periods from the Middle Ages to Today. There is a holistic approach, comprising all the aspects of musical life. From theory to listening with visual representations and from biographies to paintings, it is a great guide focusing not only on facts but also the emotional development.

By Chen Z

Jan 23, 2021

an excellent course to teach people and coach students who want to learn or who like classical music. A general classical music course introduces the basic concept and representative composers and his masterpiece for listening and learning. The Prof. is kind and he introduces the course with easy to know words, as well as on other background culture and knowledge.

By Andrés C G

Jan 9, 2021

This course is astonishing. When I knew that it was by Yale University I was sure it was going to be excellent, but this course exceeded my expectations. Thank you very much Mr. Craig Wright, from now on you will be part of my life with beautiful memories conected with amazing sensations produced by the music that I listened to in this course. Again thank you.

By Allison T

Aug 2, 2017

This is a fantastic course, chock full of information and thoroughly enjoyable. I particularly appreciate how the musical developments and periods are given context through history and other art forms. The information in this course is invaluable for musicians, but I suspect this class would also be intriguing to students of history or the arts more generally.

By Russell

Apr 12, 2020

Professor Craig Wright is learned, curious, entertaining, and innovative in getting us to the core of meaning and theory and techniques of classical music. I immensely enjoyed the course, in particular because I love art too, and Professor Wright often demonstrated music in a visual, artistic way! He is a great teacher!

Russell Endo[novice to classical music]

By Priscilla D

Sep 15, 2017

I loved this course. I especially enjoyed learning about the various style periods in music history and the main characteristics of each. I learned about individual composers whose music represented these styles. I learned basic technical vocabulary which gave me an understanding of how music is created. Thank you so much, Dr. Wright and the Yale staff.

By Ralitsa N

Jul 7, 2017

That was a great course, presented in an intriguing way! I highly recomend it to everybody interested in music. The historic persprective was well structured and gave lots of insights to not only what but why and how happened in music. My own understanding is now bigger and deeper and I had a great time listening to our proffessor and his guests. Thank you!

By Winnie W

Oct 4, 2022

I have learnt piano over 10 years but i still lack a lot of musical theoy . Through this online musical course I learned more not only music theory but also the history of music , the background of those great composer , even i even learn more such as the opera . A very good course. Thank you professor Wright, this is my horner to be your online student.

By Daniela A R

Jul 6, 2020

I have to thank Professor Wright for some of the most inspiring and mind-blowing hours of my life. This course gives a comprehensive grasp of the history of classical music but also teaches about art, music theory, architecture, musical instruments. I will never forget how these lessons comforted me throughout the confusing and anxious times of quarantine.

By Tati B

Oct 17, 2019

This is one of the best courses I've ever taken. Even though I'm from Argentina and English is not my native language, Professor Wright speaks very clearly and in such a way it is very easy to understand him, always giving examples and transmitting enthusiasm. I want to thank him and his team for a wonderful experience in learning about classical music.

By Ayesha U

Jun 24, 2020

Thoroughly enjoyable and packed with information. I particularly appreciated the context of history, visual arts, literature and architecture provided throughout, as well as the detailed discussion of iconic works and tips for engaging with music you might not find accessible straight away. It has made me want to explore more music modules on Coursera.

By Martino B

Jul 30, 2019

Sensational. The professor is amazing. The course is really engaging, the content is of really high quality and the "lessons" are wholesome and friendly. The quizzes really helped me to learn, as I "attended" the lessons in house-work time, so failing the quizzes helped me re-watch the videos I did not follow enough. Please make more courses like this!

By Lisa

Jul 2, 2020

While the course took me more than 40 hours to complete, I definitely learned a lot and can now more readily recognize the mechanics of classical music and the period from which a piece came. Professor Wright was fantastic - it’s clear he loves what he does and enjoys the art of teaching classical music at Yale. I would highly recommend this course!

By Juergen C J

Nov 9, 2016

I am a beginner in classical music and play the violin for fun.

The course was like a journey from ancient times over the times until today.

9 weeks were not so long in comparisons which cost only a masterpiece of the composer.

I have learned a lot and now I see a lot more hard work in this course. My thanks go to Professor Wright and his excelente team

By Diane M

Nov 19, 2021

Remarkable course with a remarkable professor. Even if you don't have a musical background or don't feel like classical music is your favorite but believe that art is multifaceted and should be studied thoroughly; if you genuinely love music, invest some of your time to absorb the knowledge shared in the course. It's a worthy and pleasant adventure.

By Diego G

Sep 5, 2023

Este curso me ha servido para descubrir una cosa que ahora comprendí, que toda la buena música de los 70,80,y 90, viene de la música clásica, pues en todos se escucha una triada, repetida o a veces de fondo., es decir el bajo se oye en TODAS LAS CANCIONES.

Gracias profesor por todas sus explicaciones y exposiciones para comprobar lo que yo pensaba.

By Jinghan L

Feb 17, 2016

I like the course very much! The music covered in the course is really beautiful.

The professor teaches us how to appreciate a piece of music step by step. Before taking this course, I just knew the music is great! I like it! After taking the course I can listen to the music in a more scientific way.

I really want to say thank you to the professor.

By Eva R

Jan 4, 2019

I grew up in an "if you can't do it, stay away from it" environment and as a kid with a ear stomped on by an elephant that is completely unmusical it didn't make much sense indulging in a pleasure and a subject I could never possibly pursue and practice. Following the course showed me you don't need to be a born creator to enjoy classical music.

By Diego A R

May 20, 2019

This course has not only taught me a great lot, but has allowed me to actually find a way to get closer to classical music. Although I have always said I liked classical music, I had never understood it as deeply as this course has allowed me to. I am profoundly grateful with everyone that made it possible for me to participate in this course.

By Iris B M

Nov 3, 2020

It was fantastic. I was looking forward to having some time to go back to the course. It is so interesting that the composer/music is set into context of arts and developments of instruments. It is so impressive to have pictures of the concert halls and places of residence of the composers at the time and today. The course was just wonderful.

By Julián R G

Sep 6, 2020

Me ha gustado mucho el curso. Ha sido muy formativo y ameno. Ha tenido una muy ben equilibrio entre texto (charla) y música. Me ha encantado el análisis de las obras, asi como las "anecdotas" de los compositores. Me ha servido para despertar mi inquietud musical y querer saber más sobre música clásica y sobre todo de lenguaje musical.Gracias.

By Ivonne G d M

Jul 5, 2020

I want to thank you all for this course the I had just finished, but specially I want to thank

Professor Craig Wright because he is an excellent teacher I that made a great impact in me.

I learned many things that I didn't know I wanted to learn but most of all I will keep in my hearth hours of profound enjoyment .

My best to all of you,



Jul 3, 2020

Excellent!!! Professor Craig Wright and team delivered it well. Classical Music saved my life from boredom and anxiety in this time of CoviD19 pandemic. Now, I learned that i am more of a classical person, i sleep, breathe and relax well of this kind of classical music. Probably, I am an old soul inside, in a pop-modern lifestyle. Cheers !!!

By Bruce A

Apr 12, 2023

This was a beautifully organized and presented sequence of the history of classical music. I found the professor to be charming, eloquent, and a master in his field. I found a great deal of joy and ordering my pre classical knowledge with the information i have learned in the class. Bravo Professor and thank you from my heart!

Bruce Anderson

By Tran A Q N

Aug 12, 2021

I think you and your team paid so much effort to making this videos and editing them. I think that your content is great but it is too hard for some people to understand. Also, I think that you rushed a bit in your piano playing. But overall, thank you for your course. I would recommend this course for everyone so they can truly enjoy music!