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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Classical Music by Yale University

4,000 ratings

About the Course

Using a simple and enjoyable teaching style, this course introduces the novice listener to the wonders of classical music, from Bach fugues to Mozart symphonies to Puccini operas....

Top reviews


Mar 24, 2021

A truly wonderful introduction to Classical music. Great course content but perhaps most importantly, Professor Wright is perhaps one of the best teachers I've ever had the pleasure of learning from.


Jan 13, 2021

I have lived listening to classical music but never studied anything related. This course was a gratifying experience. Now I know something about music. Congratulations to Craig Wright and his team.

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126 - 150 of 1,217 Reviews for Introduction to Classical Music

By Pedro G

Jul 23, 2024

Es un gran curso para conocer los elementos básicos de la música clásica, así como para hacer un recorrido por su evolución histórica hasta la actualidad, conociendo a muchos de los creadores principales de cada época. Quiero destacar también el papel docente de Craig Wright, junto con el resto del equipo del curso, que ha sido fundamental para mantener mi interes (y para aumentarlo en muchas ocasiones) hasta el final, en un curso tan extenso. Gracias a todos.

By Jennifer P

Aug 23, 2023

I enjoyed the course thoroughly although it took longer to complete than I had planned but I look forward to it each time I return to class. Craig is just amazing in imparting and presenting the course materials and I was able be more discerning and applied what I learnt when I watched La Traviata when I was in Rome recently!

Thank you also for allowing me to take the assignments which was necessary to help me listen and pay more attention to the classes!

By Boris L

Oct 23, 2020

In my opinion, this is a very comprehensive course that thoroughly describes the development of Western music, as well as some basics of music theory. The narration is well set in the historical background, and the analysis of famous pieces of music goes hand in hand with composers' biographies and other very interesting and exciting materials. I would like to thank the creators of this course for the miraculous experience I have had these several weeks!!!

By John R D

Mar 15, 2021

This course will explain many aspects of both the mechanics and the evolution of classical music. It will also relate the progress of the music with the progress in art and architecture. I hope you will take it and try listening to the things that are suggested with an open mind and heart. Professor Wright has a great sense of the essence of music, and he and his team have done an outstanding job of putting this survey course together for you to enjoy.

By Virgil Q

Dec 6, 2022

Closer to te mark of perfection, the course has taken me above and beyond any expectations that I care to mention, the great instructor "once again" has given me to realize that there is more to classical then just listening, and thus has enriched me with a fine-tuned sense in calbration as well as calculation to simply analyze in reaching the mark and knowing the nature of the performer. and group. need I say more... ICT-TA_53 Virgil. Thanks YALE..

By anna l d l f c

Aug 28, 2020

Prof Craig is gentle, with lots of engaging stories and easy to adapt explanations. Majority of the quizzes are challenging so you feel good if you ace them. I love that as I finished my last quiz and video material, Handel's Messiah played in the credits, there was a digital confetti to celebrate my accomplishment and my Certificate of Completion email alerted, and the Sacher Torte (Austrian chocolate cake c1832) i ordered was delivered just on time;)

By Meijian L

Jun 25, 2020

Best introductory music course. I have watched the class videos by Craig Wright many years ago, first in China then in the US. I really liked them and gained a deeper understanding on music. I also purchased the textbook online. This new coursera course is more engaging, systematic and interesting. I am really grateful to Craig and everyone behind the course to make it possible. You are a gift to us all. Thank you very much, truly and sincerely!

By Valdeck R

Dec 14, 2017

Very informative and engaging course for beginner who appreciate classical music and would like to start exploring this universe in a more academic way. Professor Wright is captivating in his ability to pass on to his students his knowledge and love for music. His lectures are fascinating and easy to follow even when the subject gets more technical. Thank you Professor Wright for making learning about classical music fun and interesting. Bravo!


Dec 17, 2020

Mi Agradecimiento enorme a la Universidad de Yale que me dio la oportunidad de tomar este curso que me permitió viajar y soñar por bellos espacios del universo y enriquecer mi cultura personal.

A ti Craig Wright también doy mi agradecimiento por los momentos de regocijo que me brindaste y por compartir tus valiosos conocimientos de Música, que es otra vida en mi vida.

Dios te bendiga a ti y todo el equipo de trabajo que participó.

Mil gracias

By José C P

Jun 16, 2020

Excelente curso en línea. El Prof. Craig Wright y su equipo de colaboradores proponen un interesante derrotero que nos lleva de la música medieval hasta el postmodernismo actual. Las exposiciones son amenas, muy bien ilustradas y, cuando conviene, acompañadas por la presencia de músicos profesionales que enriquecen con sus aportes el curso. Muy agradecido a la Universidad de Yale y al prof. Craig y su equipo por tan excelente oportunidad.

By Laura L

Jan 10, 2020

This was an excellent course. The lectures were clear and easy to understand. The professor was knowledgeable and approached the subject in a methodical and logical way. The examples and samples of music were easy to access (the playlists in YouTube were great, but need to be updated). There were a lot of quizzes, but there was a lot material taught, too. So far, of all of the coursed I've taken on Coursera, this one has been the best.

By Olivia Q

Jul 16, 2024

I took this class about 10 years ago, but decided to do a refresher. I enjoyed the "new" technology of You tube to listen selected music. Professor Wright gives enthusiastic, engaging and knowledgeable lectures. I wish the course was longer or that you offered more in depth classes on different composers or music periods. Thank you to Yale and Professor Wright for offering this course to the public. I am 92 years old, but still learning.

By ym L

Jul 11, 2020

Very insightful and enjoyable course on all the eras of classical music! I definitely learn a lot on music appreciation especially on classical music and opera. Professor Wright introduced the major periods/ musical style on the characteristics of each and also walkthroughs with some representative pieces. As someone that used to think classical music as difficult to grasp, I hope you will find this course useful and enjoyable as well.

By dekel l

Nov 3, 2018

Thank you very much prof. Craig Wright. As my wife said, in the past several weeks I was engaged with you more than I did with her. It has been a pleasure being your student (although through the screen), your eloquent style, intelligent remarks, wide knowledge and humor kept me fascinated along the course. You and the Yale team have done an excellent job. Please continue enriching us thought your insatiable wealth of knowledge. Dekel

By Danh P T

Dec 4, 2020

Thank you so much, Prof. Wright, for being a music sage every night telling great tales of timeless, beautiful classical music pieces and the famed composers throughout the history of music. This is perhaps one of the most thorough, most engaging, most enlightening courses dedicated to classical music. Thus, I'd recommend this course to anyone who is curious about this kind of music, or those who are playing it, or hobbyists alike.

By ChangYun L

Nov 5, 2022

This course/journey is really great especially with a master who is so nice, gentle and knowledgeable guiding you through all of these. I really appreciate a lot because this course could be so hard if you need to go through by yourself. With his help, everything seems a bit easier and joyful, still there are some difficult parts about music theory. Really thanks to him~ Now I can start to enjoy classical music more than before.

By Jana H

Sep 9, 2020

My father had a Master's degree in music, and taught music for 30 years. I myself worked for a major symphony orchestra (not as a musician). And yet, I still learned so much from Craig Wright and this course! He explains so many aspects of music clearly and in a memorable way, that even if you think you know a lot, you will learn something. This class is definitely worth your time if you are at all interested in classical music!

By Stephanie S

Jun 13, 2020

I came with relatively much previous knowledge about the content of the first third of the course and very little previous knowledge about the content of the last two thirds of the course. Yet all parts of the course were equally instructive, fun to watch, neither boring nor overdemanding. I can't imagine how that is done, especially in a MOOC where you can know nothing about the people who will watch it. The result is amazing.


Oct 16, 2023

I am a classical music enthusiast, but my knowledge of classical music is rather limited. Through this course, I have gained a broad understanding of classical music and a relatively comprehensive framework. I will review the key parts by watching the videos repeatedly. The teacher did an excellent job, and his delivery was lively and humorous, far from being dull. His musical knowledge and insights were very rich and diverse.

By Don M

Jul 25, 2020

Excellent introduction to and review of classical music. I have been listening to music, especially that usually designated as "classical", for many years, and have learned a great deal more than I thought I knew, from taking this course. The instruction and the quality of the sessions from a production point of view were first-rate. I highly recommend this course to anyone with an interest in music -- regardless of era.

By Stephanie J

May 28, 2020

My mother and I decided to take this course during lock down and a perfect excuse to connect with each other every day as we completed the 9 week course. Craig has been an amazing professor, we enjoyed every minute of it and are looking forward to seeing each other again hopefully at a concert hall listening to Vivaldi! Many thanks to Yale for making this course available online - very well put together. We are grateful.

By Alexis C C

Mar 25, 2021

Excelent teacher, very creative to show contents. Maybe the only complain that i have it's that you guys didn't give some spanish subtitle to your lessons, wich is something sad if you think on the excelence of your videos.

Maybe the only other thing to improve its the final video that you show, because sometimes its seems to be done very quickly at expense on the scene cut.

However, greetings from Santiago of Chile.


Jun 9, 2019

Prof Wright is amazing in terms of his knowledge of the subject, ability to teach and keep his student interested. For someone like me who had no prior exposure to music theory, the course became increasingly harder and I had to take some of the lectures twice. I'll take this course again in the future as I will forget some of the things :-)

I wish Prof. Wright has more online classes. Thank you for an amazing class!

By Ligeng Y

Jan 15, 2022

Friendly to beginners and does not require almost any music knowledge. Prof Wright explains the basic concepts in a very clear and concise manner. Went through the evolvement since medieval, and a very good survey of the history. Also went in depth on selected giants like Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, and Debussy. Highly recommended to anybody who is not majored in music and want to take a first course on music.

By David N

Oct 31, 2019

Allocate plenty of time for this course, but your diligence will be rewarded with a rich overview of a beautiful subject. Professor has an interesting style which might take some getting used to, but worth the effort. This course really grew on me as it went on and has left me with many fond memories and increased my love of music!

Brilliant use of everything from rock song to religious chants to illustrate points.