Dec 23, 2017
This course was very informative and provided just the right amount of challenge for me to stretch my creativity and newly obtained knowledge. I enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the next course.
Jun 1, 2020
It's a very good course for beginners and I got to learn a lot and improve my photography in every way possible! I recommend it to everyone who's interested in Photography and want to do more with it.
By Tereza R
•Aug 30, 2023
I didn't expect it to be such an awesome course. I love the assignments since they gave me a new perspective on photography and I found a new even stronger passion for taking photos. The delivery was interesting and elaborate and I'm looking forward to start another course from the Team
By Carol M
•Oct 20, 2020
Exelente curso !!!!
Costo un poco por el idioma, pero con el traductor, solucionado.
Es práctico, ya que uno lo puede hacer en el tiempo que podamos, sin apuros y a nuestros ritmo. Yo adelante semanas
Lo bueno también que están los foros donde podemos interactuar con los compañeros.
By Roman Z
•Oct 4, 2021
Started this course with zero skills in photography. My pictures (taken on my iPhone) started to get better by week 3. Also one of the professors really looks like an Indiana Jones (only in this universe he got interested in photography instead of archeology). Highly recommended!
By Joshua H C D
•Mar 7, 2016
I never believe that a course of photograph would be available and one that take you step by step is awesome, keep this kind of coursers where you learn everything and with a teacher that take you and have a patient to teach and give you examples, that is also the key, examples.
By Anderson A
•Feb 17, 2021
I really enjoyed the lessons for the way they present the technical and artistic aspects of photography. I liked the idea of the peer reviewed activities, but I believe they need some kind of monitoring as there are too many people being lazy or giving bad reviews deliberately.
By Akshansh G
•Jun 20, 2016
This course is offering to build up basic technical expertise in photography. Even though many photographers are emerging without attaining any related professional degree, the course will help to build technical proficiency that can help them to reach at much higher level.
•Aug 23, 2020
This course is very useful to learn the basics of photography, but is also useful for more experienced photographers to consolidate thei knowledge in a more structured way. Furthermore, information about history of photography will wide the knowledge of this marvellous art
By Arshiya c
•May 6, 2021
Ammazzingg course , i literally got to learn so much in terms of photography and camera handling that i feel really confident and happy about it. Plus the professors are really good they helped me with a lot of concepts ,photography terms that have really helped me grow .
By Phil S
•Apr 17, 2021
I have been wanting to jump into learning how to take better photos. This course exceeded my expectations. The cellphones used in this course are somewhat dated (iPhone 6 and Samsung 6), but you will learn the basic principles of how a camera works. Highly recommended!
By Luis E B P
•May 5, 2020
Interesante curso sobre fotografía, aprovechamiento de recursos, adecuada medición y exposición, sin complicaciones técnicas, dando la importancia más al interés por fotografiar que a los detalles técnicos de la cámara. Me gustó que se da prioridad al ojo del fotógrafo.
By James C
•Feb 4, 2018
I am a complete novice with a DSLR that we own, and never took the time to learn all of the settings. This course did a fantastic job of giving me the basics of the settings and how they all work together. Really enjoyed the homework assignments and seeing the feedback.
By Najafi p
•Jan 30, 2018
I really thanks to Coursera to give this apportnity to be a good photographer and learn more about photography and others information.i really enjoy when I'm learning online photography from Michigan State University and thanks from everyone who make this nice Coursera.
By Aleksei C
•Jun 20, 2023
I thought i am more or less experienced photographer, i realized i was completely wrong :) I have learned a lot of new things and existing knowledge was better structured. Especially useful were practical excersizes. Great thanks for Professors. This course is a must.
By Adrienna M ( T L
•Sep 20, 2018
Great information. I'm grateful that I am able to audit the course, but definitely think it would be worth it do sign up for the paid course in order to get the student feedback. I will certainly return. I learned a lot about both my camera and the camera on my phone.
By Dawn Z
•May 2, 2016
I learned so much information from this course since I am an amateur photographer. Also ,I just got my first camera 2 weeks into this course, a Nikon d3200. This course became very useful and gave me the foundation I needed to start taking pictures with my new camera.
By Maria I d S M
•Feb 4, 2021
I used to photograph already, but I had no technical knowledge about camera settings. This course helped me to understand the principles of photography, camera settings and now I see possibilities that I have not seen before. I recommend the course, without a doubt.
By Έφη Ζ
•Jan 22, 2021
I really think I gained a lot of skills from this course. When I first subscribed I was holding a new camera in my arms and didn't know what to do with it. Now I can definitely understand some of the factors that play a big role in photography. Thank you very much!!
By Jacqueline P P T
•Apr 14, 2020
Me encanto el curso! Pude aprender mucho más de fotografía y el uso de mi cámara! Le saqué mucho provecho y las tareas me ayudaron para poder usar mi creatividad y las ganas de volver a sacar fotos regresaron! Definitivamente voy a continuar con la siguiente parte!
By Aaminah W
•Jun 6, 2021
I have had a dslr for 5 years but I never got around to properly using it because of academic chores and quite frankly the sheer complexity of using a dslr. I can now proudly say that I finally know hos to use a dslr. It makes sense now. Thank you for this course.
•Aug 1, 2020
Gracias por permitir me estudiar está maravillosa arte, fue con mucho esfuerzo para mí poder lograr esto ya que los videos me quedaban complicados entender, mil gracias por dedicar su tiempo para que yo y muchas personas más puedan tener una oportunidad como esta.
By Sylwia D
•Oct 25, 2017
I love photography and since already many years I try to be an active amateur photographer. But only now I see how ignorant I was not educating myself enough! So I truly enjoyed every minute of the course! It is extremely well done and very informative! Thank you!
By Patryk Ł
•Sep 9, 2017
Very good for every one who like photography. I become more confident with taking pictures. I finally chose my photography style and I fascinate more of photography. I wake up every day in the morning when my fiance is still in a bed and I do every day new lesson.
By Julie I R
•Jun 14, 2016
En mi opinión es un excelente curso ya que asienta las bases para adquirir un conocimiento básico del manejo de la camara y su funcionamiento así como de los conceptos básicos de la fotografía, Gracias a los maestros por compartir sus conocimientos y habilidades.
By Eli P
•Feb 6, 2018
Nice course with a lot of fun and interesting challenges. There are two things to fix: (1) grading the last assignment had a question with a bug: we could only give 15 points to it. (2) The pier reviewed work of the second week did not count for the final grade.
By Aravinth R 1
•Jun 23, 2020
My favorite professor in this course is Mr. Peter Glendinn. He way of teaching was very clear to understand. Thank you coursera for getting me such an wonderful experience in learning PHOTOGRAPHY. I'd also like to thank Mr. Mark Sullivan. Thank you so much !