Dec 23, 2017
This course was very informative and provided just the right amount of challenge for me to stretch my creativity and newly obtained knowledge. I enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the next course.
Jun 1, 2020
It's a very good course for beginners and I got to learn a lot and improve my photography in every way possible! I recommend it to everyone who's interested in Photography and want to do more with it.
By Suneha S
•Dec 3, 2016
Very enriching. I got to learn a lot about camera and photography. Professor Peter Glendinning is such an amazing teacher. He makes learning a fun process. I am glad i joined the course!
By Julia B
•Nov 26, 2020
I have learned so much and I cannot wait to learn more. From learning I know that I will stand out in my photography club. The professors take it nice and slow and explain it very clearly
By Pasan M
•Aug 21, 2020
I love photography but lack the basic principles of photography. I learned a lot about camera controls, frames and vantage point here. So happy about the content i learned in this course.
By Kerem K
•Feb 20, 2019
The course is a good introduction for beginners to photography. The teaching style is clear and easy to follow. The material is a bit too basic, but still proves as fundamental knowledge.
•May 21, 2020
very good course I like it .
very hearty thanks to Michigan state university and coursera for providing this course.
very hearty thanks to Prof. Peter Glendinning and Prof. Mark Suvillian.
By Claudio N
•Dec 21, 2019
Overall great introductory, slow paced course. I love the instructors, very nice to listen to them. Maybe some tiny imperfection in the assignments, but I'm an obsessive perfectionist ;)
By Karima S
•Feb 17, 2018
Enjoyed this course very much. Gave me a lot of confidence to have fun and not be ashamed to be out and about just trying things out. Really good solid foundation on which I am building.
By Crystal L
•Jul 25, 2016
This course content was brilliant. It is a good course for everyone, from beginner to the well seasoned photographer.I think Mark & Peter will find a way to enlighten you in this course.
By Nivedita M
•Jun 16, 2020
It was a very fun experience, and I got to learn many new things. It was a very flexible and easy to understand course. Overall it was very fun to be a part of the course. Thank You :)
By Nycolle D
•Feb 22, 2019
I'm learning so much more than I expected. Not only technical aspects of a camera, but also how to think like a photographer and better consider what I include/not include in my frame.
By Ahmed I
•Jan 8, 2021
It feels great after completing the first course in this Specialization provided by the Michigan State University. Professor Glendinning and Professor Sullivan were fun to learn from.
By Kang C
•Oct 9, 2016
Good for both inexperienced and experienced photographer. Gives you a better understanding of photography as a creative expression, and will definitely make you a better photographer.
By Sathorn P
•Jun 10, 2020
Thanks for this lovely course. As a person who has some background on photography, I would recommend this as a course that you will learn about the theory of basic photography that w
By Arko G
•May 15, 2020
Amazing! Learnt many aspects of photography! Prof. Glendinning's splendid delivery and an added touch of great humor was a major catch! Highly recommended for beginner photographers.
By Osvaldo A F
•Sep 29, 2019
The course is WONDERFUL, very complete with teachers who have dedicated their whole lives to the world of photography, all are renowned, experienced and professional. Congratulations
By Jagat k
•Apr 2, 2020
Thanks for offering such an organised course. I really learnt a lot of things in this course like different features of the digital camera, a different principle of photography etc.
By Suryanarayana T V N B
•Oct 19, 2017
Excellent Introduction to Photography. I had some experience in this are earlier . But I learnt a lot after this first course in this series. Thank you Professors and U of Michigan.
By Dennisse P
•Feb 23, 2021
The professors explain very careful and every detail of a variety of cameras. Recommended for anyone that's interesting on photography and don't know where to start, very helpful.
By Diana L
•Dec 23, 2020
I learned so much from this course, from the technical terms to actual taking of photos. Thank you so much to Coursera, DOST and the professors. This course is highly recommended!
By Luis L d V R
•Apr 16, 2019
Very time convenient, well taught, Peter and Mark are clear an to the point on what to do and not to do in the world of photography. Easy to understand and full of great examples.
By Deleted A
•Nov 10, 2018
it was wonderful, fun,and very useful,and it learns us very much things that we didn't know it yet
thanks for professors and for every person help us to learn this course
By Gleen P I G
•Nov 24, 2020
This course has help me develop and improve my skills and knowledge in photography. Well done Prof. Peter Glendinning and Prof. Mark Sullivan. Thank You both! Thank you Coursera!
By Houssam E H
•Jan 16, 2018
im an artist, i needed to learn how to take pictures of my paintings, this course helped me not onely with that, but also how to do better frame and compositions in my paintings.
By Prateek S
•Feb 5, 2017
The professors are really good. They explained how even the simple things can make a significant changes in the photographs we take. This course is as good as the python course.
By Sandro Z
•Dec 3, 2021
It was an excellent experience. I'm sure I learned a lot during these courses, the practices were very interesting and the theories taught by the teachers were very significant.