Jul 11, 2020
I am grateful to attend to Coursera classes. The data gives brief and simple explanation understandable to brain.Which we can practice in day to day life , to increase efficiency in work and life
Dec 2, 2020
Excellent presentation in a succinct, easily comprehended style. Loved the video links about multi-tasking. Wow! It totally makes sense that we've got that all wrong--even as it applies to computers.
By Blessing A O
•Jun 27, 2022
By Shruti A
•Aug 7, 2024
By Manjunath M
•May 8, 2024
By loay a
•Sep 1, 2021
By Wissam s
•Sep 7, 2020
By Roberta V
•Aug 20, 2020
•Dec 3, 2018
By Noemie Y N N
•Jan 11, 2016
By Nguyen T M D
•Dec 15, 2015
By Yannick R K T
•Oct 7, 2015
By Sadjia C A
•Aug 25, 2015
By Muhammad S K
•Sep 7, 2017
As far as MOOCs go, I have not seen a worse design. This course which is supposed to be taken over 4 weeks will actually take you at most around 2 hours to complete. The tips given in this course are quite basic and there is not any content that was new to me because you can find the same and better content for free on the internet. Therefore, paying for such a course does not make sense to me.However, the tips given in the course are useful and their utility can not be denied. Try the course but I would suggest not paying for it.The following topics are covered in 5-10 minute long videos:-Importance of making a work plan-Importance of tracking and estimating time-How to avoid getting burnt out during your job
By Didimo E G T
•Aug 16, 2017
Hard facts about multitasking, great insight on getting things done which is hard when your mind tends to wander off. The problem is most managers (at least in IT) just love to have their team doing multitasking. For years I had known that the cost of task switching is high, but how do you educate managers about that? The course was a bit short but good. The speaker however needs to modulate speech in such a way that its rate is almost constant. I usually watch lesson videos at 125% or 150% the normal rate so if the speaker does not modulate his/her rate of speech then it becomes troublesome to listen at more than 100%.
By Dr ( G K J
•Apr 25, 2020
the course was 0.k. it is very simpl and short. The course fee shown as Rs o.oo when I registered and it was a free trial. i could finish the course within few hours also and got certificate . but yesterday 25 april 2020 i got message that Rs 2879/- was debited from my credit card . this was without my knowledge and without any intimation from courseera. I have not given any authorisation to debit the amount as the course itself was free. i would like to request you to refund the amount at the earliest. i could not find amy more courses in my field of interest,.
pl do the needful
By Marina
•Sep 24, 2022
1. It is too simplistic and hardly applicable for complex work or mid-senior managers. if you have 5 tasks in a day, sure, go for this course. Urgent/Important prioritization is not enough for time management in today's complex environment. 2. I would prefer to get more videos and videos to be more engaging with for ex. pop-up quizes than just going from a very simple video to several readings at a time
+ on the plus side, there are some useful templates to try out and some additional articles worth reading
By Divyansh S
•Dec 24, 2020
A short and precise course on how to nail and be better at framing your timetables. Although this course gives you a micro-step application-based approach to managing your time, I feel the content presented is really great, and relatable to many working professionals. This course could have been better had it been more extensive in the assignments and peer-graded assignments which could have focussed on the individual's approach and guided solutions, rather than pure theory based assignments.
By Luis A O
•Sep 13, 2015
This is a very short, but useful and highly practical course. It will help you think about your work habits, as well as introduce you to an array of tools to analyze and make changes in whatever areas in your work or personal life you believe should be more productive/fulfilling. It's very light on the theoretical aspect, but it does offer you some food for thought. And Ms. Meloni is a delightful instructor -- she actually makes you wish the presentations were a lot longer than they are.
By Genevieve S
•Nov 5, 2020
It's a short course, with helpful tips for people who need the basics of productivity. Personally, I didn't find it as revolutionary as I was expecting, because I've been doing well already, although I did learn a thing or two. I like that it's short and can be completed in a few hours, but I think much can be improved in terms of presentation. To be honest, it's quite boring compared to the other MOOCs I've completed, although Margaret does speak well.
By Stacy R
•Mar 23, 2018
The professor was personable and straight to the point, but I hoped for more elaborate criteria to really grasp the information. I am very visual and learn better with outlines, which didn't seem like her technique. I did enjoy the topics and points that were spoken about. The quizzes here were sometimes not clear and concise. It reminded me of elementary school how teachers tried to trick you on the exam, and some jargon wasn't used at all.
By Fabrizio B
•Jan 13, 2016
The topics are all very basic and the audio/video is sub-par, but the course offers a coherent overview of the core topics of time management and several useful tools and resources together with a few pointers to relevant literature on the topic, such as David Allen's GTD.
Applying all of the techniques presented in the course is a surefire way to enhance one's own productivity both at work and in the private life.
By Pelit M
•Jun 4, 2022
Has some good tips for beginners, but some of the materials are obvious and even preachy - focusing on examples such as employees failing to make progress due to chatting and being easily distracted. While this happens, I was looking for more advanced tips surrounding delays that are caused by office politics (such as difficulty cooperationg between teams, meetings time management etc)
By Alessia M
•Sep 26, 2024
This course is nicely built but it's mostly in written form, while I personally prefer videos or audios to be also able to take notes. Overall it gave nice inputs, even though I think some topics that are discussed are actually common knowledge (like "avoid distractions" etc) and I wouldn't have put so much focus on them. On the other hand, I liked the templates provided.
By Baran
•Dec 29, 2016
It was a short and good course. It has videos of good quality, short examples and talks. Every week it has lecture slides, articles about the week. But It was really short and contain too little information and subject. I hope that you will add more information. It was helpful to me and I hope that It help more to another students.
By sepidehrayegan
•Dec 26, 2015
I think the best quality of this course is that it is a short course, which bolds the most important facts in our mind. It is not like that we don't know them at all, It's just we don't pay much or enough attention.
I start using this method from today and I hope it goes well !
You should try this course, I think it worth it !
By H. B
•Oct 8, 2015
I would give this lecture a three because it is a very independent and useful course, but I feel like the presentation skills could have been improved upon and found the information very dry. I really liked the intent and where she was going.It was easy to follow and complete, although there was something missing for me.