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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity by University of California, Irvine

16,368 ratings

About the Course

You will be able to gain and apply your knowledge and understanding of personal and professional awareness, organization and commitment, and use the tools, methods and techniques that you have learned in goal setting, prioritization, scheduling, and delegation to overcome time management challenges and enhance productivity. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Learn to plan effectively to achieve your personal and professional goals 2. Learn to recognize and overcome barriers to successful time management 3. Identify specific time management tools and use them effectively 4. Manage resources both effectively and efficiently 5. Keep your sense of perspective to prevent and manage crises 6. Learn to delegate effectively 7. Learn to manage expectations and say “No” when appropriate...

Top reviews


Aug 2, 2020

Simple, lucid and engaging with real-time practical challenges. Resource material like formats, slides and link to articles and youtube video (loved the one on Multitasking in Week 4) are beneficial.


Dec 2, 2020

Excellent presentation in a succinct, easily comprehended style. Loved the video links about multi-tasking. Wow! It totally makes sense that we've got that all wrong--even as it applies to computers.

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2576 - 2600 of 3,424 Reviews for Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity

By Stephany O

May 25, 2020

very applicable and relatable to professional work context. Learning this course is helping to make our time-management practice into a more conscious habit to do everyday! Thank you!

By Franklin G A

Aug 24, 2020

Learning online are very usefull and efficient method especially for workers who do not have time to attend in schools to gain more skills and improvement of personality development.

By Rocio A

Mar 5, 2019

Me ubiesen gustado más ejemplos y prácticas, pero en sí el curso cumple su función ya que de una manera general se aprende a planear más eficientemente el tiempo vs las actividades.

By Alina B

Apr 26, 2016

Very basic, the course is not really going into deep with the topics, however it is all very clear and understandable and I really liked the course resources and real life examples.

By Olga R

Aug 15, 2015

Thanks to the authors for the course. It contains some useful information however it would be great to add more practical tools and techniques which can increase one's productivity.

By cerelia

Aug 10, 2018

Good, multitasking is not the same with multiple assignment. Try to focusing on one task at once, and if you do not have choice, work on no more than three things at a time for ma

By Joshua W

Jan 23, 2016

As a new manager, I thought this was agree at refresher course. It brought tools and strategies into focus which have helped me better utilize my time and become more productive.

By Rick Y

May 26, 2018

Instruction videos were short and to the point, and modules did not take long to complete. I would appreciate more in-video review questions and supplemental articles, however.

By R. R

Aug 21, 2015

Good curse. The issue is that it was way way too short, and I felt its content is the equivalent of a week, and that more could be said about it. Again, otherwise, good course.

By Ana G H H

Aug 30, 2019

Excelente, realmente me ayudo a ser más consciente de la forma en que gasto mi tiempo y aprendí mucho sobre como ser más productiva tanto en lo personal como profesionalmente.

By Himnit S

Oct 7, 2015

The additional resources provided add that extra edge to your learning from this course and the provision of slides recapitulating what the videos covered is a great support.

By David S A

Mar 29, 2021

An excellent course for both experienced and new employees. It has taught me helpful skills and tips to become very productive with this same limited resource we have- time.

By Robins K

Dec 13, 2017

Nice course, will boost my productivity....

Used real time examples for demonstration.....

Looking forward to implement at least 3 techniques which I wasn't using earlier.....

By Antonella G

Apr 28, 2023

Me gustó el curso, me ayudó a descubrir nuevas formas de organizar mi tiempo y tareas.

lo único criticable, le falto un enfoque mas lúdico talvez, por lo demas bien, banco.

By Purvi B

Jun 27, 2020

thank you so much for all the information you gave here in this course. I m happy to complete this course .Amd for sure now i will work more likely which favors my goals .

By Grant M

Oct 30, 2015

This is a great introductory course on productivity. It is also a good 'refresher' on the basics for those who have forgotten what they learned earlier in the careers. ;-)

By Kimberly T

Nov 2, 2015

Very good tools to use for time management. My favorite lesson is where the facilitator stated we teach people how to treat us i.e. answering emails at 2am. It can wait.

By Astro C (

Nov 8, 2020

Definitely a great course to let me know where is the problem. Sometimes problem doesn't lies on yourself but your employer. Do stand up for yourself and not get abuse.

By Anshul N

Jul 7, 2020

A great way to unconventionalise what you think already know and busting all the myths. Very easy and friendly exercises enable you to understand a lot about yourself.

By Wincelyn G J

Apr 21, 2020

Thank you for this kind of opportunity, it really helps me a lot . I learned some strategy and because of that I will use it to make my job easier. Thank you so much

By Onur E Ş

Oct 4, 2015

This course consists of many beneficial suggestions. If you apply them in your life, most probably you'll allocate your time more efficiently and more purposefully.


May 8, 2020

This course will let you explore more techniques of time management that you were not aware of, course material is designed in simple manner and is easy to grasp.

By Md. S H

May 1, 2020

It is an effective course for our daily life both personal and professiona. I would like to thank instructor for share his experience and tricks to work smart.!!

By Cyril R

May 10, 2020

The course acts as a good starting point for those aiming to improve their time management skills. It's fairly basic but covers all the bases of time management.

By Brian M

Dec 28, 2015

A good basic introduction to the principles of time management in the professional workplace. However, a bit light in terms of depth, and not overly challenging.