Jul 3, 2019
Good introductory course for setting a basis for knowledge of data science and data scientists for someone who may be a novice and seeking to learn more.Good quality in terms of presentation as well.
Sep 10, 2019
Very learning experience, I am a beginner in DS, but the instructors in this course simplified the contents that made me I could easily understand, tools and materials were very helpful to start with.
By Rogerio Y
•Jun 23, 2023
This course proved instrumental in developing an initial comprehension about how Data Science can be defined and what the role of the Data Scientist is.
By Mario J H
•Oct 8, 2022
El curso es muy bueno, logra explicar de forma clara y concisa los conceptos generales de la Ciencia de datos, además es muy interactivo. ¡Recomendado!
By Vivek M
•Sep 13, 2022
Really great course for newbies.
Tells a lot about theoretical as well as practical usage of data science and analytics in very easy to understand way.
By João K
•Mar 11, 2022
Sem dúvidas um dos melhores cursos que já fiz. Praticamente todo o conteúdo adquirido será muito útil e aplicável no dia a dia no ambiente profissional.
By Joane A
•Jan 25, 2022
Simply detailed and explanatory. Exciting, informative and, educational. I am excited to begin my career journey as a data scientist.
Thank you Cousera.
By Percy R Y
•Dec 28, 2021
Excelente información compartida por los expertos, ejemplos y casos prácticos, evaluaciones hacen que se comprenda el tema fácilmente, Gracias Coursera.
By Ranjithkumar S
•Dec 18, 2021
I really had no idea about data science. But after going through this course , I learnt some basic knowledge and it is pulling towards it to learn more.
By Julian G
•Nov 3, 2021
Amazing course to get you started understanding the basics of data Science. everything so simply explained. excited about my next journey in the course.
By Deleted A
•May 7, 2021
This was the best way of imparting knowledge about Data Science. The tasks were also simplified so that there was no hindrance in completing the course.
By Bernardo A
•Jan 13, 2021
Excelente curso introductorio al tema de Data Science. De manera instructiva se presenta este campo de rápido crecimiento a nivel mundial. Lo recomiendo
By Truly D
•Dec 29, 2020
I really enjoyed this introductory course to Data Science, I now feel confident to engage in conversations about the science of data. Thank you so much!
By Tanbir N
•Oct 15, 2020
Exceptional to the introduction of Data Science. The way this course introduce Data Science, it is really helpful to understand and gain more knowledge.
By Mao M
•Aug 24, 2020
Thank you Coursera. I learned a lot of knowledge here that I didn't have in school. I can learn even if I study in different fields. Learn to understand
By Rajan A
•Jun 21, 2020
This course gives very good introduction to Data Science. I would recommend this course to everyone who are interested to pursue career in Data Science.
By Praveen K
•May 25, 2020
It was Awesome course learn what is data science and data scientist do in their daily life what in a globe why data science is having more opportunity .
By Manvendra S
•Apr 24, 2020
It was really a very good course that helped me find my footing in the field of data science and I really thank Coursera for giving me such opportunity.
By Amanda J A
•Apr 14, 2020
I thank my instructors for being quite encouraging and innovative. I am grateful to Coursera for bringing a valued subject like this on online-platform.
By basalinga e
•Mar 30, 2020
This is very good course to understand what is Data Science,What and all industries of Data Science and what are the skills required for Data Scientist.
By Muhammad S C
•Mar 26, 2020
This course is designed in such a way the person who is new to Data Science can have a thorough introduction of it in simple and easy to understand way.
By Loubna s
•Jan 15, 2020
The course was very helpful for me to know what is Data science, it clarified a lot of things for me, thanks Coursera and thanks to all the instructors.
By Sadiq A
•Oct 4, 2019
I like the interactive way of learning on Coursera. I feel confident with each section and answer based on the material provided. Keep up the good work.
By Md. M R K
•Sep 4, 2019
Awesome course for the fundamental learners. You can learn how to work, on what to work and by which way you should forward your movement. Recommended.
By David D R A
•Aug 15, 2019
It's a introductory course about Data Science, the topics, research fields and business applications. Great for people who don't know anything about it.
By Kartikeya R
•May 7, 2019
The experts gave a lucid account of the fundamentals of data science, what it involves, why it is required and what it takes to become a data scientist.
By Domenico
•Oct 28, 2018
This course is an exciting introduction to data science. It's fascinating listening the opinions of young students and professors about this profession.