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Learner Reviews & Feedback for What is Data Science? by IBM

74,662 ratings

About the Course

Do you want to know why data science has been labeled the sexiest profession of the 21st century? After taking this course, you will be able to answer this question, understand what data science is and what data scientists do, and learn about career paths in the field. The art of uncovering insights and trends in data has been around since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians used census data to increase efficiency in tax collection and accurately predicted the Nile River's flooding every year. Since then, people have continued to use data to derive insights and predict outcomes. Recently, they have carved out a unique and distinct field for the work they do. This field is data science. In today's world, we use Data Science to find patterns in data and make meaningful, data-driven conclusions and predictions. This course is for everyone and teaches concepts like how data scientists use machine learning and deep learning and how companies apply data science in business. You will meet several data scientists, who will share their insights and experiences in data science. By taking this introductory course, you will begin your journey into this thriving field....

Top reviews


Jul 3, 2019

Good introductory course for setting a basis for knowledge of data science and data scientists for someone who may be a novice and seeking to learn more.Good quality in terms of presentation as well.


Sep 10, 2019

Very learning experience, I am a beginner in DS, but the instructors in this course simplified the contents that made me I could easily understand, tools and materials were very helpful to start with.

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976 - 1000 of 10,000 Reviews for What is Data Science?

By Imam A M


Dec 18, 2019

Awesome course, before i take this course i have no idea about what is data science? what is it? and now i learn more about data. Thank you for ibm and special thanks for financial aid coursera.

By Tanmay S


Oct 2, 2019

This module will provide deep knowledge of what is data science, machine learning, deep learning, role of data scientist, key skills required, career option, usage R, Phyton, predictive analysis

By ibrahim b


Apr 12, 2019

This Course gave me an insight to data science, its implications and how to tell a good Narrative with Data.This course as actually made me decide what i want to pursue my M.Sc in. DATA SCIENCE!

By Jonathan O


Feb 1, 2023

I thought I had great knowledge on what data science was, until i came across Deep Learning, AI. And then I concluded, There Is much to it and much more to come in the nearest year and further.

By Aryan A


Aug 1, 2021

It's is very useful for me. Like it's help me to know the basic things. Every body try to learn but no body focus on basics like starting point but this course is give you knowledge about basic



Nov 24, 2020

The way the teacher taught with their real life examples Will definitely ignites spark to learn and know the importance of Dat Science . This course is recommended for all sort of enthusiasts.

By Keshav A


Jul 17, 2020

Really great course designed by IBM and Coursera. specially i thanks to coursera for giving us great platform of learning. Again i thank u coursera for giving me financial aid. I love coursera.

By Patel T


May 19, 2020

This Course is Excellent for me Of Brief introduction of what is data science and where can use data science , and how to solve the world problem using data science and Artificial intelligence.

By Suprith R G


Apr 11, 2019

This is the perfect introductory section I have ever seen in any course. The reason I have given 5 star rating is the course structure, features like reading material, quizzes and peer reviews.



Oct 20, 2024

La Ciencia de Datos es un campo interdisciplinario que combina técnicas de estadística, análisis de datos, programación y aprendizaje automático para extraer conocimiento y valor de los datos.

By Shahid C


Dec 30, 2023

that course was mind blowing. I really appreciate all efforts by instructors in this course's step 1. Now i am going to start Tools for Data Science. Thanks IBM for providing this great course

By Diogo C


Oct 9, 2022

Really liked this course.

It's a great introduction to data science and it's very organized.

This course also inspired me to study even more and it make me more passionate about data science.

By Guilherme S


Aug 23, 2021

The teachers are really good and the content is great too, but I think some exams have some questions about things that are not really important. For example, the name of people and companies.

By andrew m m


Apr 8, 2021

The contents of this course are very engaging.

Experienced professionals, explainer videos, outcome-based assessments are very helpful to learners and newbies in the Data Science field like us.

By Jennifer B


Nov 19, 2020

By interesting videos, texts and short quizzes, the course gives a good insight into what data science means, what you can do as a data scientist and which qualifications a data scientist has.



Jun 23, 2020

One of the best course I have done on coursera . I will recommend learners who are curious about of Data science .This course will give overview about Data Science to right path. All the best!

By Kirsten H


Jun 13, 2020

Entry-level introduction into Data Science. Great for people that are new to the topic. Listening to the videos by for example Murtaza Haider is really inspiring to get deep into this subject.

By Jeyavel S


May 31, 2020

Its a great course for those who want to know about Data Science in detail. The contents are systematically designed for accelerated & effective learning and assignments are also very helpful.

By Anuar


Apr 16, 2020

Great course! Easy consuming and understanding of information. I got an enjoyment completing this course and I gladly will continue all the courses of Data Science Professional specialization.

By Iryna B


Mar 23, 2020

Im impressed of the way of presentation of information and knowledge: structured, fresh, interesting and easy for understanding. Great opportunity to begin education in a new field. Thank you!

By Jeanna


Mar 19, 2020

I found this module very engaging and exciting to get through. It really does a great job explaining what data science is, what career paths you can take, and what you might expect on the job.

By Rishabh P


Mar 6, 2020

well i got the knowledge of data science and its applications .cases where i can put up my skill of data science and how can i help for any company's growth if i'm a data scientist! thankyou.

By Radhika V


Aug 31, 2019

This course really gives a proper insight as to what data science is, how is it beneficial, what future we have if we choose this as a profession, what recruiters expect from a data scientist.

By Alex T


Mar 29, 2019

That really interesting course, interesting people, who like therir works, talking about their passions, simply and interesting quizzes for beginners. And I like that final exam! Good job! )))

By Meet P


Feb 14, 2019

It is the perfect step to start the journey as data scientist. All the data science terms and process are explained in simple way. Thanks coursera and all the instructor to taught this course.