Oct 23, 2017
The best introduction classes, gives an overall idea about UI/UX. Grateful for the efforts taken by the Georgia Tech and Coursera. Looking forward to see more courses related to my career. Thank you.
Dec 16, 2022
In the steps of User Experience Design, I got how to go through all four stages; Requirements gathering, Alternative designs, Prototyping, and Evaluation to design and get a good product on the table.
By Kunda
•Jan 28, 2024
As the course title states, it's a purely theoretical intro to UI . still got some readings to do from the second week? i think. but I had to do extra reading and search on my own. it's a good roadmap for those who have 0 knowledge or experience like me. DON'T FORGET TO TAKE NOTES!
By Erin Y
•May 29, 2017
It's a very concise and easy-to-understand online course for those who want to know what is User Experience Design. The quiz after each session helped a lot to freshen up what I learned. If the quiz report can show the result of why the answer is right or wrong will be much better.
By Phillip L
•Apr 25, 2021
exceptionally concise, well organised and very easy to follow. Provided great insight into the field and was excellent in doing it's intended role as an introductory course. I wish the quiz questions were a bit more well thought out and serve as better summaries for each module.
By Bigyan L T
•Mar 18, 2021
I enjoyed the overview of this course. I wish the videos were a bit longer and contained more real-life examples. Also, the reading materials provided were almost the same for each week. I would love to see some more new articles and informations to read as part of this course.
By Deepa M
•Feb 24, 2022
It was a great introductory course that was well presented in an organized and systematic manner. Thank you Dr. Arriaga and Georgia Tech! This course could be further enhanced by adding more role-play type of examples depicting users and designers interactions. Thanks again!
By Tricia A C C
•Feb 1, 2021
This course was a great introduction to the subject. The terminology explanations were clear and the pace was perfect! I gave 4 stars out of 5 because it didn't include any peer-graded coursework that would force the learners to practice the skills in the prototyping steps.
By 韩涵
•Jan 8, 2017
A very very basic but complete introduction for anyone who just wondering what UX is, or who want to structural his/her own practice in a logical and systematic manner.
It also shows ideas if you want to understand deeper.
Took me one day to go through the whole course. FYI.
By Emmanuel D
•Dec 5, 2017
This is a very basic introduction, but it gives interesting information. It presents the main elements to collect user needs and to start a design. By the way, it is strongly focused on the requirements. There are not a lot of details about the design of user experience.
By Saverio C
•May 13, 2019
A general overview of UX fundamentals. Many concepts are too ground level for a designer with an education background (even different than plain UX), yet brush them up is a great idea before starting a new learning path. Highly understandable and strongly recommended.
By Reza C
•Nov 13, 2019
It was a good course to take when you were really a beginner in the field as it taught you the basics of UX design. However, some concepts were quite hard to grasp. But overall, this course was helpful for people who wanted to start learning about the field of UX.
By Samuel O
•Apr 13, 2021
It's a really good course that helped me learning a lot about UX Design. I'm giving it a 4 stars out of 5 just because there was a lot of errors during Quizzes. Overall it's a great course for beginners (just like me) and especially because it's totally for free.
By Sandra A
•Oct 23, 2016
It's a good introduction to UX Design, especially if you don't know anything about the field. It gives you the basics and the lingo that you will encounter in this field. It would have been nice to have some practical assignments, but overall really good start.
By Shreya T
•Nov 27, 2022
It's an excellent start for beginners. The instructors guide you through the steps of UX Design gradually with a few quizzes in between. The overall framework of UX design is covered in this course, which builds an understanding of the design thinking process.
By Marjorie H
•Sep 13, 2020
Como lo dice el título es una introducción a la experiencia de usuario, ayuda a refrescar conocimientos. Hay partes que aparecen en video como vínculos, que podrían agregar en la traducción para hacer click y ya. Pero en general es un buen curso introductorio.
By Azul V
•Oct 19, 2020
It meets the expectations of a basic introduction for begginers in the subject, very clear explanations and a lot of resources and articles in case you want a little more depth. It's a little bland though, I'm not finishing it inspired but otherwise it's ok.
By Oriana S M
•Jul 2, 2021
It's a good introductory course but a bit dense for me. It was more akin to an audiobook, I would've appreciated more real-life examples or case studies. Also, the quizzes were a bit confusing sometimes, other than that it's a great course for beginners :)
By Ramnath S
•Feb 17, 2021
Informative beginners course. Well delivered in easy to understand language and style.
A few examples showing prototypes and evaluation techniques could be added to make it visually appealing rather than text based most of the time.
Overall, a great course!
By David D
•Feb 15, 2021
Très bonne introduction même si je trouve dommage que cela ne parle pas vraiment du design thinking. Le cours pourrait être plus long et aller plus dans les détails :). Je mets la note de 4/5 parce que les cours et les évaluations sont bien structurées.
By B R
•Jan 17, 2022
Very useful, short and informative. This course gives an insight to UI/Ux which helps to decide if the course is for you or not.
1 con- Answers to the questions are somehow similar, all of the Above can be added or multiple answer.
Overall, very helpful.
By Julie H
•Jul 29, 2020
Very interesting and great introduction to the User Experience Design. My only comment is that I wanted to learn more about the visual aspects of User Experience. Overall, a very interesting course that has further sparked my interest in this field!
By Jeremy R
•Jun 11, 2017
Some of the lessons were a bit monotonous, perhaps some visual aid may have helped to break up the lessons. Overall though, the content was sound and I did feel like I learned a lot with regards to the basic building block of User Experience Design.
By Nileshh J A
•Feb 27, 2017
Good beginner level course - useful for those interested in getting an early understanding of the field of UX before they decide on whether this field is right for them or not.
Having said that the course has been kept easy to understand and quick...
By Ilya T
•Nov 1, 2020
Thank you for very useful information! Good initial step to the UX, good structure and approach. The W1&W2 were the best in terms of structure, information fullfilment thrill and challenge. Weeks 3 to 5 less informative, dynamic and challenging.
By Gerardo M
•May 22, 2019
Para ser un curso introductorio se explica bien el proceso de diseño de UX pero no solo UX sino UX/UI ya que en todo tiempo se habla de la UI, pero para el desarrollador de Front-End este curso le daría un gran escenario de como hacer las cosas.
By Adam M
•Jul 18, 2020
Some test questions poorly structured, videos could use editing to add pauses after asking the user to perform a task or work out a problem. Currently it just keeps playing sometimes revealing the answer before a manual pause can be initiated.