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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Technical Support Fundamentals by Google

158,099 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of Information Technology, or IT. You’ll learn about the different facets of Information Technology, like computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, troubleshooting, and customer service. This course covers a wide variety of topics in IT that are designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in this certificate program. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● understand how the binary system works ● assemble a computer from scratch ● choose and install an operating system on a computer ● understand what the Internet is, how it works, and the impact it has in the modern world ● learn how applications are created and how they work under the hood of a computer ● utilize common problem-solving methodologies and soft skills in an Information Technology setting...

Top reviews


Jul 20, 2022

The Course is great. I've been a Systems Administrator for the past six years but decided to take this as a refresher and I'm truly refreshed with new ideas and important tools. Can't be happy enough!


Mar 25, 2022

Very good overview that was quite informative. I appreciate the format of the course with the videos, quizes, discussion and assignments. I look forward to the next courses and completing the program.

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1901 - 1925 of 10,000 Reviews for Technical Support Fundamentals

By K A

Jun 6, 2022

I have been in IT held desk support for years and there was still SO MUCH for me to learn and take away from this program. Highly reommend that even if you are a veteran in the field this is such a good refresher and pretext to a deeper understanding.

By Kingsford O

Oct 9, 2021

Much greatful for this opportunity ,we did it together and finally a step in the right direction.It woundn't have been possible without the support of each and everyone of you#never back down.

and indeed to every one community i say a very big THANK YOU

By Антоній В К

Aug 28, 2021

Очень хороший курс для начинающих пользователей компютеров, много полезной информации о том как работает система, как собрать,компютер, как рабтать с виртуальной машиной а так же как пройти собеседование и помогать людям решать их проблемы с компютером

By Mark A H

Jun 23, 2021

Even though I have some experience already in assisting others with IT related issues, I found that this course broadened my knowledge incredibly. I enjoyed the motivating aspects of the course and the instructor delivery. Everything was well designed.

By Brandon V

Mar 6, 2021

Getting Coursera to recognize grading from the external learning tool the first time it was used was the most difficult part, though the instructions explained it perfectly. Other than that, it was a very straight forward and easily understood process.

By Adarsh V

Aug 25, 2020

It was the great learning experience with the enthusiastic tutors of Google. I learned some of the important fundamentals of IT from ground level which everyone should be aware of in today's world. Thanks for giving this opportunity to learn and grow !

By Ian M

Aug 4, 2020

Excellent introduction to computer IT. Cover the fundamentals and core concepts. Much of it I knew, but what I didn't know, filled in a ton of big holes. For someone who knows nothing about IT, this course is a perfectly paced start. Well done, Google!

By Rowen R

Apr 10, 2020

This was an amazing course and I cannot wait to continue my education in the IT Support Specialist certificate. I really enjoyed learning about the fundamentals of IT and Computer Science, and look forward to more in-depth discussions about everything!

By Crystal E

Jul 15, 2019

I really enjoyed these online classes. I've attempted online learning before, but the visual aids of actual people lecturing and showing examples were huge in helping my understanding throughout the course. I look forward to learning more via Coursera.

By thiyolan a

Feb 25, 2024

amazing course, very fun and productive at the same time, I gave 5 stars but at one point the VM stopped working even though I finished the task, but it only took me 10 minutes to redo so I guess it wasn't too much of a train smash. Highly recommended

By cory b

Jul 20, 2022

Highly reccomend for the entry level beginner! It teaches you everything that you need to know and prepares you for your career in the IT industry. Whether you are new or need to brush up on the fundamentals of IT, this is the course you NEED to take!

By Breana S

May 13, 2022

I'm really enjoying this course and ca't wait to learn more. This will not be my only certification from Google! I will continue to seek knowledge and get familiarized with different roless in IT. Thanks Google and other companies for changing lives!

By Arlette V T

Jan 4, 2022

I first of all thank Google and Coursera for this learning platform. It was very amazing as a beginner learning this module, I earn a lot and the course is really great and I'm ready to continue with the next module .Thanks and best regards to you all

By Silvia M U

Sep 24, 2021

Great learning experience.

Learning the fundamentals of technical support and how to help others, from troubleshooting, customer service, networking, operating systems, and more, allows me to grow in a career I have been interested for many years now.

By Deleted A

May 23, 2021

Awesome. This course did a great job of giving an outline of what an IT support professional does and how he/she is expected to behave. I really enjoyed the soft skills like customer service and dealing with difficult situations taught in this course.

By Mati L

Apr 8, 2021

A course built in a very logical and understandable way. I recommend this course even to people who do not provide IT support. These tutorials are helpful for both people who use a computer at home and people who work with a computer on a daily basis.

By Francisco O

Nov 22, 2020

This was a really good first step for someone who's never really done anything in IT, such as myself. It gives enough general broad information to cover what you'll see in IT and in later courses, but keeps it interesting enough to want to keep going.

By Ajalon S

Oct 18, 2020

I already knew a fair amount about computers but this course did teach me quite a bit, like more terminology, I can read and write binary (which might not be as useful, but still fun to know) and working on other operating systems that aren't Windows.

By Tyler D

Oct 10, 2020

Great, and easy to use beginner intro to IT Support. I've started programs for many different career paths since I graduated from high school; but nothing has captivated me quite like IT has. So much fun and I'm so excited for the remaining courses.

By Hussein J

Sep 1, 2020

I had no idea how a computer works at the beginning. we have learned a lot of fundamentals of the computer itself example how to put it together or how the network and the systems operate to name a few. This course is giving me hope and determination.


Aug 8, 2020

It is with great honor to be part of this wining team ,even though it wasn't easy adding or combining a lot of things at the same time but in all am more than grateful especially to the technical team for their patience and great support the offer me

By Bobby A

Apr 20, 2020

Instructors are a bit boring because they are reading from cue cards and not truly masters of the material they are teaching. You will become more computer literate and pick up some school that were not that hard you just needed them explained to you.

By Olayemi B

Mar 17, 2020

The Technical Support Fundamental Course has opened my mind into the Tech World. I use computers and applications daily but this course has allowed me know why and how things works better. I can't wait to proceed to the next Google IT Support Courses.

By Diego C

Oct 21, 2019

Como iniciación está perfecto este curso. Aunque a veces parece que dice cosas muy obvias o de primer nivel, son detalles que a veces se pasan por alto o se dejan de tener en cuenta en este mundo. Las dinámicas de los videos son buenas y entretenidas,

By Angeline F

Sep 13, 2018

After the first week, I started to get the hang of this course. It provided very good lectures and additional reading sources to make learning more clear. I would definitely recommend it to others who want to learn more about computers and technology.