Oct 3, 2023
This was a very helpful introductory course which helped me to understand further areas of study I need to pursue in order to be effective in this field! Thanks UC Davis, I really enjoyed this course.
Jul 11, 2020
The way of explaining the terms is excellent and content is very good . I leant many new things from this course. Going to do all the courses of this specialization. Thanks for the wonderful content.
By Brovchuk Y
•Nov 28, 2016
Very interesting course for everyone, who wants to try themselves in SEO and learn more about it.
I put 4 of 5, because I hope, that in future there will be subtitles in other languages, except English. It would be much easier in understanding for people from no English-speaking countries.
Thanks a lot for new for me information and good luck!
By Omar K
•Jun 17, 2024
It's starts with lot of info and in the last module do we actually learn about how SEO is being done but the info prior was needed to understand the spine of the whole thing. The course is pretty up to date but with the introduction of Gemini by Google and all AI that inevitably is coming the course is in need of specialized Module for that.
By Gheorghii C
•Jan 25, 2021
I would appreciate a more hands-on practical approach as this course promotes the understanding of what is SEO and how it came to be which is very important but might bot be exactly what is expected by most students when in-rolling.
Nevertheless, this is a great experience and lots of high-value learning material, especially for beginners.
By kamila s
•May 21, 2017
I really liked the course, it helped me to understand the basics of SEO. However, I feel that part of the material was too easy and the other one a bit too complicated. I think that for example the SEO career topic could have been shorter and instead we could have learned more about the google updates or expand more of a "SEO jargon".
By Ricardo G R
•Jul 2, 2020
This was very good introduction to SEO. You get to learn about the history of search engines and how every Google update changed the landscape. However, sometimes I felt the content could've been richer and some reading were outdated. Besides that, I highly recommend this to anyone looking to get their feet weet on SEO knowledge.
By Sneha
•Dec 24, 2022
I learned the basics and introduction to this course. This course is a pavement for me towards my ultimate goal. Thank You, Coursera team, respected teachers, and editors who worked and made this course for us. I am happy that i got this opportunity and now excited for starting the next part of this course.
Thank You,
By Elaine H
•Aug 3, 2020
Very informative on the development and history of search engines, and detail on how to avoid bad SEO practices on Google's search engine.
Would be also useful to digital marketers, branding marketers, and content creators. To widening knowledge on the online search practice and improving brand/blog/website online presence.
By Mathis
•Nov 23, 2019
The course offers some nice guidance on how to start a career in SEO, basic models and concepts of SEO are being explained. I am very happy with what I got out of this course. One thing that could be improved is the conceptualization, a more clear structure can be very helpful especially to possible first-time learners.
By Chelsea
•May 14, 2019
This was a helpful overview and introduction to the basics of Search Engine Optimization. There was a lot of occupational information, which I wasn't too personally interested but I can see how that might be useful to others taking this introductory course. I found the material was easy to get through and well laid out.
By Fahed M F
•Nov 1, 2020
Thank you so much for this course because it is very informative.
What I would improve is the video content by adding timelines and infographics to help see the story flow, the changes that were made especially when mentioning historical evolution of search engine and algorithm.
Faithfully yours,
Fahed Michel Fahed
By Grzegorz F F
•Oct 5, 2022
It was nice, very good, educational and positive. I think adding projects would be beneficial. Plus some of the mentioned articles and studies were not mentioned in the study section, or at least not that I am aware of. Overall I give 4 stars and I might do another course from UC Davis in the future. Thanks.
By Annette B
•Jul 25, 2016
The course focused too much on careers in SEO, and the required personality traits. SEO is part of many other career streams, so spending 1/2 of the course on SEO as a career was a complete waste of time for me. Did enjoy the historical walk-through of the GA algorithm, and the point to refocus on. Thanks
By Brittany E
•Aug 9, 2017
Great introductory course with useful information. Appreciated the glimpse into what a day in the life of SEO looks like and all of the advice for getting started. Would have liked an opportunity to practice some optimization techniques. I audited the course so perhaps that was available in the full course.
By Akshay R
•Feb 26, 2016
I liked the course contents, especially the Google algorithm evolution and the assignment to do an SEO analysis.
I felt the first week content related to the jobs in the field of SEO was a bit long and could have been shortened since many aspects were repeated in the "consulting/agency" and "in-house" roles.
By sarah r
•Mar 9, 2021
I liked and learned more things in this course, but I think the first and second weeks could be combined and the third week could be divided into 2 weeks because in the third week we learn lots of things about Google's algorithms and it needs time more than one week, I had had resume my third week twice.
By Jhonattan M J
•Apr 29, 2021
Great overview but I am still missing how to explain SEO to someone non-related and with zero background in IT, Marketing or Business. This would make the SEO introductory course more compelling and attractive for foreign learners. Being an SEO beginner and content writer myself I found it interesting.
By Kenji G M
•Apr 22, 2020
The information provided is great, but I think it could use a bit of an update, specially in the resources since they seem to all be from 2015 or before. But as an Introductory course it gives you a very fair understanding of what it is, how it works, and a bit of an insight of the industry of SEO.
By Amanda B
•Nov 3, 2017
Good background and basic info. Well organized. I feel like the bottom line of the whole course could have been summed up in about two mintues: SEO is so complex now that all you have to do is make high quality content and a stable, recognizable brand. Gaming the SEO system doesn't work. The end.
By Mir E H
•Aug 9, 2020
very good Course. its more on history of seo and how it evolve. i think it should include what is backlink? how you to start seo as beginner? how to check content? because this are the factor you will do seo with.
Thanks to Coursera for this lovely course. wish they will evolve as seo does.
By Daniel F
•Aug 11, 2020
The course didn't keep me so motivated, unfortunately. I doubt it was the fault of UC Davis (the instructors were quite nice!), but perhaps my growing lack of interest in the biased SEO field. I'm a writer and think that adhering to Google's brand-biased guidelines strips me of creativity.
By wang t h
•Apr 3, 2016
I recommend this course to the immature SEO learners. It helps to establish a fundamental understanding of how SEO has evolved over the past decade. The second half of the courses emphasises on the algorithm updates, explained in a very clear manner with the assignment being well designed.
By Janik M C
•Mar 28, 2016
Recomiendo este curso a cualquiera que se esté iniciando en SEO, especialmente a quienes buscan conocer más sobre dicho campo laboral e incluso a quienes ya tienen experiencia. La sección sobre la evolución de los algoritmos de Google es especialmente sencilla y esclarecedora.
By Valerie L
•Dec 9, 2020
Pretty good class. The teacher was easy to understand. The only problem was I didn't find a lot of the historical information very practical, especially since the quiz on pretty small details. I'm looking forward to learning more practical information in the next courses.
By Farah F H
•Dec 5, 2016
I definitely feel that this course offers a wealth of material with regards to the basics of SEO. Some of the quiz questions were a little confusing, but overall, I'm very pleased with the course and will be taking the other related courses to complete the specialization.
By Dina I
•Jan 6, 2019
Great background information. I would prefer a little bit more "how to" vs. pure history. Also the proportion of reading to lecture material can be equalized. I am looking for a the instructor's knowledge on the subject primarily. The rest can be easily found online.