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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Writing in the Sciences by Stanford University

9,212 ratings

About the Course

This course teaches scientists to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good
writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, peer review, grant writing, ethical issues in scientific
publication, and writing for general audiences.

Top reviews


Jan 12, 2023

The best course I attain in Coursera. I struggled a lot to write my first manuscript and it took a lot of time. This course is beneficial for all scientific students. I highly recommended this course.


Feb 24, 2023

This is a great course! I have learned new knowledge that is far beyond my expectation! Highly recommend for young scientists to attend this course to learn basic principles in writing in the science!

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151 - 175 of 2,993 Reviews for Writing in the Sciences

By Sina K

Jul 13, 2023

This is my first experience completing a course on Coursera and it was an honor to have it from Stanford University. I thank a lot from the tutor of this course, Dr. Kristin Sainani. Her patience in teaching and her discussions were catching and delightful. The materials of this course were perfect—especially the demo lessons at the end of each week and the assignments. Besides, the slides were enough, they weren't too much to be exhausting. Finally, I found this course so helpful and I think that every student who wants to pursue his/her academic career should pass this practical course.

Sina Khaleghi

By Mukvych V

Jan 3, 2023

Thank you for this wonderful course, which can help many scientists improve and gain new skills. The knowledge that you will gain after completing this course will make it easier for you to work in the future. You will not need to collect some information in parts, this work has already been done on this course, and you just have to absorb all the information like a sponge. In today's world, things are changing very quickly, and scientists need to learn the practical skills of good writing, techniques for writing faster and with less anxiety, and writing scientific publications for a wide audience.

By rishi v

Sep 14, 2024

Very nice course for Scientist, Research students, Scientific writer, etc, I would like to add a very important thing to this course kindly add an section in this course, where student can write a research paper or review article so that, they show to world. Or if Stanford university accepts, they can publish their work also. this will ultimately become evidence of their work. learner can show this to their university, research guide and potential employer. Overall it is good learning experience, Dr. Kristin Sainani is a good guide its my good luck that i have learned from her via this course.

By Daniel B

Oct 27, 2017

It's a great course. I learned many useful things, from the more general things to the details. I appreciate also the lessons on the writing and publishing process, and the communication tasks scientists must deal with. My main critique regards the writing of personal statements and letters of recommendation: I believe that resorting to too many personal things in these kind of instances is an instrumentalization of our personal lives and activities. In addition, it may give way to fake or exaggerated statements. Anyway, I highly recommend taking this course if you want to improve your writing!

By Mohamed N

Jul 19, 2020

I am so pleased to have this amazing course. I learned much. I can't count skills I learned. But I now could try to wrize a manuscript, edit others writing,write for lay audience, learned how draft a complete manuscritp with good steps, and about submission process. As I said I can't count what I learned but it is a great chance to take a course from Stanford University. I greatly thank Coursera platform for their great services, as people say it is availble for each learner, provides teching courses in nearly all fields. I hope take more and more courses from Coursera platform.

Great Thanks.

By Christina C

Nov 24, 2020

Dr. Sainani is a pro at this. I enjoyed the honesty, real examples, and the application to all areas of writing. The concept is universal: make it clear and enjoyable to consume for any educated reader. I ended the course feeling happy and grateful to have been taught valuable lessons. I also appreciated that the course was doable for a working mom at home with a toddler during a pandemic.

This course is engaging, fulfilling, and just plain necessary. Honestly, I wish I had this information earlier on in my career, it would have done me some justice. Thank you, Dr. Sainani! Well done.

By Nilesh J

May 13, 2020

I am very happy with the course. It is planned and executed in a thorough professional way. I am very happy with the way Dr Sainani has conducted the course. Her voice modulation and way of explaining the course material is very good , she keeps the audience engaged. I have published 18 papers till now, i wonder why did it not strike me earlier to take this course, it would have made my papers much better.

I am thankful to Dr Sainani for her wonderful efforts in conducting this course. I will surely recommend this course to my friends in my field.

Thank You


Dr Nilesh V Joshi

By Roshini N

Jul 23, 2023

Well conceived and well developed course.Thank you for the comprehensive range of topics covered in this 8- week course.

One aspect which I feel could be added was - how to refer to past research. This is one aspect on which many fall short. I would like to define the aspect of cross- referencing when you have been unable to get hold of an original reference, but one that cannot be ignored.

I would however like to highlight that three interviews were difficult to follow- the preparation and projection conditions fell short on lighting conditions and audio too was not clear.

By Ahmed S

Jun 13, 2021

This is my first time doing any online course in Coursera. And getting a certificate from Stanford is like a dream come true. I am truly honored to get this opportunity. The course is well organized, clear and easy to understand. I enjoyed my time during the course. I had a hard time doing the homework. But it was worth it. I hope this course will help me improve my scientific writings in future. I think Dr.Kristin Sainani is a great teacher. She is funny, casual, polite and creates a friendly environment that made my learning enjoyable. I wish her every success in life.

By Alex K

Mar 8, 2021

The course provides succinct and very well elaborated concepts of writing in general and - with a lot of illustrating examples - specifics of scientific writing. My peers and advisor saw my writing improved greatly after the first two monhts of the course. Additionally, I was able to better contribute to several publications after the course, by communicating my ideas properly.

As we are moving towards globalization and strive for more collaborations, "speaking science" both for other scientists and for non-scientific audience is crucial. This course teaches this skill.

By Farheen M

Aug 20, 2021

The course was engaging and Dr. Kristin Sainani was an enthusiastic teacher - no, let me rephrase that - Dr. Kristin Sainani was one of the best teachers I have had the pleasure to learn from in my entire life as a student. I highly recommend this course. One thing to consider is that most examples are from medical literature. I wanted to be as engaged as possible, but as a Psychology student, I had difficulty reading and editing prompts in the examples. Nevertheless, I was able to maintain interest in the material as I got to get insights during the editing process.

By Mamiko T

Aug 4, 2020

Dr. Kristin Sainani has a talent for teaching things in a bite-size and makes it fun to learn. Her ability to organize materials and how she talks in an uplifting tone also helped a great deal to finish this course. I am a non-scientist (I am a translator who deals with research papers a lot) so, I was a little bit nervous if I could even finish the course. It was challenging but packed with very useful information. Now I can edit/translate research paper written by non-native English speakers much more confidently and in a shorter amount of time. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

By Juzer K

Oct 21, 2020

This is an excellent course for anyone ranging from beginners to people who need a refresher in good writing practices. The examples are relatable and engaging (I've shared the Watson and Crick paper with so many people as an example of good writing), and the quizzes/assignments are challenging enough. On a holistic level, I felt that this should be a standard requirement for all scientists, since scientific literature is becoming more and more inaccessible (due to poor communication)--giving way to pseudoscience purely because it is better written and accessible.

By Jennifer C

May 31, 2024

I really enjoyed this course. It was well organized and informative, with a lot of useful, practical writing and editing exercises. As someone looking to transition away from the bench, I found it to be a great refresher on many topics in traditional scientific publications (papers, grants); and a nice intro to writing for lay audiences. I'd love to see the course updated a bit (e.g., some of the info on Twitter/X is out of date). Adding a section on use of AI--best practices, tools, ethical use of, etc.-- would be welcome. (That might even need it's own class!)

By Kha T V

Jan 9, 2022

It is a rewarding course. It not only helps me understand more about how to write a scienticfic article but also other useful other types of writing, such as personal statement, LoR, ...I had chances to practice the knowledge which I have learned with real excerpts. It is really helpful. A really worthy lesson I have learned is that writing an article is for all the audiences from differerent backgrounds, not for only scientific community. So, make it easy to understand! Thanks Dr. Kristin Sainani and Standford University for offering this high-qualified course!

By George M

Aug 30, 2021

Writing in the Sciences reviewed writing practices I already use, but this course highlighted better ways of reducing clutter in my writing, improving verb usage, and demystifying scientific jargon into everyday explanations I use when communicating science writing. I really gained a thorough understanding of using punctuation - the dash and semicolon - and offsetting in parenthesis (a technique I use all too well) to emphasize without loss of surrounding conceptual context. I bet you really didn't like "conceptual context" and I will cut it on my next draft.

By Rupa S

Dec 18, 2022

Thank you very much for providing such a detailed informative course on scientific writing. I am thrilled to have completed the writing in the sciences online course. It has been an incredibly valuable experience that has helped me develop my skills in scientific writing and communication. I feel much more confident in my ability to clearly and effectively communicate my research findings and ideas to a scientific audience. I am grateful for the opportunity to have taken this course and for the guidance and support of the instructors. Thank you once again.

By Marcela M C d l L

Dec 14, 2022

you’ve been so much more than a teacher for us. You’ve been our mentor, our support and our guide. Thank you for everything you have done for us!



I know your job is stressful and the hours are long, but you are always kind and understanding. I am grateful to have been taught by such an admirable person.



I challenge anybody in the whole world to find a better teacher than you. You’ve set a great example for all of us to follow, you’ve inspired us to be better people and to always strive to do our personal best. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher!

By Zachary N

Jul 6, 2021

Although I've written several manuscripts, a thesis, and WAY too many clinical notes, this course was 100% worth my while. There's an outstanding focus on critically reviewing and editing, and in particular on clarity and brevity, that I think anyone interested in anything from manuscript preparation to science journalism can benefit from. The 30-35 hours spent here will pay you back in orders of magnitude if you do any significant future wrtiting in the sciences (or, frankly, writing in general, since much of the course material is broadly applicable).

By Jenna A

Aug 13, 2020

This is an amazing course! I am a college Senior and I found this to be a comprehensive course, full of relevant and helpful information and exercises to make me a better writer. I learned that writing in science is a skill of its own, different than writing a book or essay for English class. Dr. Kristin Sainani is a wonderful instructor, everything about her teaching style and breadth of information is excellent. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in becoming a scientific researcher, or looking to edit scientific journals. Great job!

By Mahi M R

Oct 12, 2020

Thanks to coursera for providing me this opportunity, that has significantly improved my writing skills and knowledge of journalism in Sciences. A special thanks to the charismatic instructor, Dr. Kristin Sainani, who has articulated each session in an excellent and enthusiastic manner, making this course a wonderful learning experience. Every topic, video, assignment, homework, of the course was unique, informative and interesting, adding great value to the course content and with Dr. Kristin Sainani as the instructor - it was a top-notch course.

By Sergey S

Aug 29, 2020

In the beginning of the course editing was hard for me. My internal scientist was speaking in stiff lifeless sentences which he picked up from all the books and papers that I have read.

Now I see that engaging science writing is not only possible, but necessary. If you produce a result you are proud of (and why produce different ones?), you should put your best effort into sharing it with your scientific community. I hope all the lessons from the course will help me with writing further articles and will help my colleagues with understanding them!

By Surya S M

Sep 9, 2021

Not just did I find this course useful and chockful of informative gems from the expert instructor, but I also thoroughly enjoyed every module, quiz and writing assignment. It kept me involved and interested till the very end. The information contained here has unfortunately never been taught to us as research students and I am really grateful to Coursera and Dr. Kristin Sainani for making something so valuable. I consider the time that I spent on this course very well worth it indeed and subscribing to Coursera Plus has paid off wonderfully.

By Vasanti K

Oct 1, 2020

I am passionate about science and about writing. The course title attracted me and I am happy I enrolled for the course. I am a retired Professor with 42 years of teaching and writing science. The learnings from this course have enriched my writing style especially for writing science for common (non-science-domain) people and to popularize science. Dr Kristin Sainanii is wonderful writer, editor and teacher. With a tongue in chek, she will ask to cut the clutter and use action words.

I am looking forward to enroll in such innovative courses.

By Arya A V

Jun 19, 2020

What an experience it has been!!

A big thank you to Stanford University and Kristin Sainani for this endeavour which helped researchers in across various disciplines. It gave me a different take on reading and understanding manuscripts, along with the very useful tips on writing effectively. The demo edits and peer reviews have helped me tremendously. It convinced me that a scientific piece need not be abstract and boring. Kristin showed elegantly showed us that keeping it simple and real is the key to communicate any idea across any platform.