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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Schizophrenia by Wesleyan University

2,366 ratings

About the Course

The main goal of this class is to gain an introductory exposure to the nature of the psychiatric disorder known as schizophrenia as revealed by the scientific method. We will discuss a broad range of findings from the scientific investigation of biological and psychological factors related to schizophrenia and its treatment. More specifically we will learn about: (1) key symptomatic features through discussion and enactments of interviews with actors portraying many of the cardinal features of the illness, (2) what brain imaging studies (MRI and fMRI) and neurochemistry have taught us about the neuroscience of the disorder, (3) scientific psychological data and theories concerning cognition, emotion and behavior in schizophrenia, and (4) current, evidence-based somatic and psychosocial approaches to treatment. A brief historical overview of the recent emergence of the psychiatric category of schizophrenia will be presented as well....

Top reviews


Apr 8, 2021

hank you for this course. I get know experience and knowledge in using different kinds of online tools which are useful and effective. I'll use some of them during my lessons. And lots of thanks.


Jul 19, 2022

I'm a Mental Health professional whom found this Course on Schizophrenia to be amazing! It was a perfect blend of neuroscience, presentation and theory. Thank you Coursera and of course Dr. Kurtz!

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51 - 75 of 569 Reviews for Schizophrenia

By Deleted A

Dec 21, 2021

Excellent overview of schizophrenia. However, like most courses in schizophrenia, there is a bit of overemphasis on CBT as an effective form of therapy, when in actuality metanalayses indicate fairly minor effects. Nothing is mentioned of other types of psycjotherapies such as psychodynamic and rogerian, etc., that have been used to good effect. Likewise the role of behavioral treatment, for hood and bad, was not mentioned. However, none of this detracts from the excellent, well organized presentation and overview of schizophrenia. I highly reccomend this course.

By Giovanni R

Oct 7, 2021

First I wanna thanks Matt Kurtz and all the people that work on this interesting course. I'm was interested on Schizophrenia because my mum soffering on this, and I've a direct contact with her all day. During the course I've learned a lot of new things and consolidated others that I've learn by my own. I would like to study the desease of mind because I like understand the problems of the people and see different perspectives of the reality. If someone have some study suggestion let me know, I'm form Italy and I'm 23 years old.

My email:

By Yulia S

Aug 5, 2020

Professor Kurtz went over concepts at a steady pace, giving viewers lots of chances to digest information. The demonstration videos and forums were helpful exercises that tested my observation skills and helped me see what the symptoms for schizophrenia may look like and how much they may differ. The exams covered most of the essential parts of the course and gave me a good idea of what areas I could improve on.

I really enjoyed this class and would recommend it to my friends, including those who are not psychology or neuroscience majors.

Thank you! :)

By Emma B

Jun 26, 2024

A very enlightening course that tackles the misconceptions of schizophrenia. The course was especially well-arranged considering it was not heavy on tests and more on learning about the subject at hand. The presenter provided suitable examples and adequate attributes about schizophrenia and the rationale for why people believe it is a disorder in which the patient has a split personality. Overall, the course was very advantageous and I can see myself using this information in the future or possibly now.

By Irene H

Mar 9, 2022

Many thanks to the instructor for a very informative and interesting course. The level was appropriate and accessible, i.e. you need not be a grad student to follow the content. I learned how our understanding of schizophrenia and treatments have evolved over time. The demonstrations of how symptoms manifest were especially memorable. (Kudos to the actors, too.) It's a baffling illness but better understanding makes it seem less strange and scarey. Thank you.

By Aaradhya S

Dec 27, 2023

An excellent course with comprehensive information about the disease with detailed description of the history and the psychological, neuroscientific and cognitive bases of the disorder. The demonstration of the disorder through live actors was very innovative and brilliant as to provide context to the learner, this aids the learning alot. Thank you, Coursera, Wesleyan University and Professor Matt for such an informative and engaging course.

By Maggie M

Aug 7, 2022

An excellent course, clearly explained, at a pace that can be followed comfortably. Symptoms, demonstrations, history of treatment, a bit of neuroanatomy and neuroimagining, different studies and theories, the dopamine hypothesis/es, interventions/therapies, the list goes on. I managed to write 120 pages of notes. Now back to continue the other course I had just started when I stumbled upon this one that diverted and held my attention.

By Carolyn

Jul 7, 2021

I've found the course very interesting. I now understand the people I work with much better. I appreciate the time and effort that you have spent making this course.

It was quite fascinating learning about how this has affected different areas of the brain, with reduced function and increase in some areas. I was also intrigued to see how much treatment has progressed in the last 2 decades in regards to medications

By Wan F A B W Z

Aug 20, 2021

I like how clearly Dr Matt Kurtz explains everything. He is also really nice to listen to so it's easier for me to pay attention. Content-wise, I really enjoy Week 5, where the focus is on treatment for schizophrenia. While this course doesnt qualify me to help the people in my life who have schizophrenia, I do appreciate that with understanding better what it is, I hope to be less scared or judgemental of them.

By Rosana M

Aug 17, 2021

O conteúdo do curso foi muito bem apresentado, o professor é excelente ! Motivou-me a querer aprender cada vez mais!

A abordagem mostrou o transtorno da esquizofrenia de modo abrangente, com exemplos, na neurociência, na psicologia/psiquiatria, na cognição, no comportamento social, a história dos tratamentos e os tratamentos administrados hoje.

Tenho dificuldades nas avaliações porque não domino a língua inglesa.

By Britton E

Sep 10, 2020

I learned so much in this course. I have always been interested in schizophrenia and the professor is clearly an expert in this field. I loved how he set up the class and his lectures were so interesting to watch and listen to. I really liked the examples acted out to show the different types of symptoms. That made me aware that schizophrenia is almost a spectrum like disorder, like autism.

By tuna e

Aug 26, 2020

This course was seriously one of the best in Coursera, much more in depth than most online courses one can find and it even includes perfectly constructed case examples. Anyone that works or plans to work in mental health settings should take this course, even if it's just to refresh the information you already know from previous professional education. The professor was amazing.

By Yolibel S

Dec 1, 2022

This course was very insightful! The organization, the content, and the explanations were very useful to understand Schizophrenia from its neurobiological and psychological perspective. The history of the disorder and Psychiatry was a very interesting part of the course. I was really comprehensive and very well conceived and lectured by Professor Kurtz.


By Kash B

Sep 3, 2021

An excellent short course, for anyone who wants to learn more about Schizophrenia, a debilitating mental condition, highly recommended. More needs to be done to destigmatise mental illness and for more effective therapies and treatments to be developed for a condition that is rated as more debilitating than paraplegia and even blindness!

By Don P

May 11, 2021

Highly impressed with Professor Kurtz's style, knowledge, and comprehensive instruction. He is definitely an asset to his university. Why would you want to take his course? The delivery is spot on. Plenty of Psych courses can be dry and uninviting. Prof. Kurtz has the capacity to deliver the info AND make it a happy learning experience.

By jessica m

Jul 30, 2024

Professor has explained this course systematically and with examples that learning such mental disorders would have been very difficult. I appreciate the time spend on formulating this course and with my mother suffering this disorder gave me insight extensively. Highly appreciate the efforts placed for this course. Thank You.

By Effat S M

Dec 28, 2021

I enjoyed every video in the course, Dr Matt was truly friendly and he managed to simplify the complicated subject of schizophrenia that I didn't need to read the book. Although I'm still reading and studying the disorder and I think it would be really beneficial to attend more courses in the same subject in the future .

By Caro G

Jun 7, 2021

This course is so interesting! I loved it. The professor explains very clearly and also, he repeats a lot, which is really good to memorize. I loved every week, and it was really fun to study for the final test. I recommend to study every week and you will eventually memorize everything, because it's so interesting!


Nov 30, 2020

Great course if one is interested in learning about Schizophrenia. The proffesor was understandable, use pictures and examples to help us understand better, the symptoms and expression of them in patients with Schizophrenia. I recommend this course to anyone who works/studies in health and mental health departments.

By bahia l

Jun 11, 2018

It is a very interesting course. Professor goes deeply in the subject and gives details.The course is really a package that contains all what is related to schizophrenia. The modules are organized in a logic manner and the chapters as well.Professor Kurz teaches with all his senses. He transmits knowledge with love.

By Tsering D

Oct 27, 2019

It was very informative and very useful for me to understand about the schizophrenia clients. It will also help me to be more clear to take action on bases of needs. Special thanks to Dr Matt Kurtz for making the lecture simple and easy to understand. Thank you to everyone who has been doing this great job.

By Beatriz C

Dec 17, 2021

I learned a lot about the neuroscientific part of schizophrenia, how to differentiate the symptoms, the types of exams, the history of schizophrenia, case studies. This course was essential to understand, in addition to what I see in the psychology course, I am grateful for the opportunity !! I recommend


Dec 20, 2020

This is an insightful course that helps me know about this particular mental disorder and how certain symptoms overlaps with similar disorders. I love how this course shows the origins of this certain category of mental disorders in the Psychological, Neurological, and Historical perspective.

By Jasmine H

Jan 29, 2021

Very informative. I really loved it. It's really insightful. I realised my understanding of schizophrenia was actually quite 2D but now I realise the multilayered and multifaceted nature of the mental illness. There's still so much more to learn that I don't know and that no one knows...

By Beatriz d N W

Jun 20, 2019

I sincerely enjoyed this course. It has helped me to understand the illness and learn about it , so with some knowledge and understanding I feel better equipped to contribute to ameliorate their situation in the society.

I like to thank professor Matts Kurtz and the staff for the course.