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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Understanding Research Methods by University of London

8,164 ratings

About the Course

This MOOC is about demystifying research and research methods. It will outline the fundamentals of doing research, aimed primarily, but not exclusively, at the postgraduate level. It places the student experience at the centre of our endeavours by engaging learners in a range of robust and challenging discussions and exercises befitting SOAS, University of London's status as a research-intensive university and its rich research heritage. The course will appeal to those of you who require an understanding of research approaches and skills, and importantly an ability to deploy them in your studies or in your professional lives. In particular, this course will aid those of you who have to conduct research as part of your postgraduate studies but do not perhaps have access to research methods courses, or for those of you who feel you would like additional support for self-improvement. No prior knowledge or experience in research is required to take this course and as such, the course is for everyone. This MOOC draws on a wealth of existing course material developed to support research training across SOAS, University of London and particularly drawing from the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy (CISD). In 2015, the course was nominated for the prestigious Guardian University Award for its innovative approach to online learning. Participation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes...

Top reviews


Apr 29, 2021

The readings were excellent, and readable 0 which is a plus for a course such as this.The 1 or zero peer-review rating was 'rough' and maybe 0 to 5 to differentiate effort and results in the e-tivity.


Jul 27, 2017

This is wonderful course especially for research scholars, one suggestion is instead of giving articles from books, please provide a PPT which will be more effective ! thank you for wonderful session.

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2076 - 2100 of 2,585 Reviews for Understanding Research Methods

By Eden

Mar 29, 2019

The course gives practical interviews to discuss research questions, and has good exercises to practise. But I find some contents are oriented at social sciences.

By Rongen ( Z

Feb 7, 2018

A great course introduce me to the research world. I like the interviews of researchers and the supporting materials? From which book did you get the material?

By Nguyễn T H (

Aug 6, 2022

This course is a general approach for everyone to the scientific studying path. The beginner should start with this course to have an overview of the subject.

By Sara P

Jan 10, 2022

The course and the text materials were good. However, there were some problems with the quality of the sound and also it was more focused on social sciences.

By Sol I R

Apr 25, 2023

Very interesting for a first approximation, it provides data and interviews with expert researchers that help to think about how to approach an investigation

By Deki Y

Nov 25, 2020

This is a very comprehensive guideline to those who are starting with research. Getting to know different perspective of one topic was enriching and helpful.

By Jacqueline M

Sep 23, 2018

A good introduction to research methods if you do the required reading properly. The assignments are relevant and can be completed in a short amount of time.

By Laura

Mar 10, 2017


By Seleyian P

Apr 24, 2021

The lessons were clear ant the Etivity gave practical skills that are very applicable, graddibg other learners assignment gave one different perspective

By Maria d l A O T

Jul 5, 2017

La dinamica de retroalimentación revisando la tarea de los compañeros brinda el plus a la enseñanza.

Lo que no encontre fueron mis tareas calificadas.

By Mohammad M A

May 25, 2020

the course is great in founding the basics of research methodologies. A valuable addition will be major-related cours(e.g. science, physiology, ...)

By Moises A C

Sep 6, 2017

El curso está muy bien solo que me gustaria que fuera un poco más enfocado en cuanto a la elaboración por partes de un protocolo de investigación.

By Divvya J

May 25, 2022

Namaste, The session was well planned and I enjoyed it completely. In fact, would love to recommend this course to my friends too. Thank you!

By nisha s

Dec 5, 2021

It was well explained and gave me an outline on how one should approach a research and the things to think about throughout the research process.

By Sandy A B

Nov 30, 2020

It was a very interesting course to take, very interactive and relies on personal motivation and genuine attempt from each of the participants.

By Hnin Y A

Sep 28, 2020

It's a supporting thing for me.I realize more and more about the research and can create research thoroughly.Thanks for sharing your course.

By Mohamed M E

Feb 7, 2019

Anyone with any background can improve his/her research skills through the E-tivity (Peer graded Assignments), It's a fantastic way to learn


Jan 26, 2022

Muy buen material. Recomiendo que las actividades lleven a un poco más de aplicación, en especial frente al tema de revisión de literatura.

By Richard R

Jun 10, 2020

Very useful course. It helped me get another view of the same thing.

The assignement has helped me a lot in developing it as my research.

By Iván N H

Sep 20, 2017

Considero que la calidad del curso es buena ya que te proporciona herramientas fundamentales para realizar un buen tema de investigación.

By srividya

Nov 25, 2024

It is a good course for the beginners . Better still, if you could provide us with more suggestions for reading for every single topic.

By Kirsten L

May 4, 2022

A nice refresher of the reasons we choose different research methods and approaches. Fairly self explanatory and not too time consuming.

By Muhammad F S N

Apr 3, 2020

It contains good quality material. Moreover, it is concise and precise.

But it must include sciences, it includes social sciences only.

By Nabila S

Oct 14, 2022

Clear explanation on the video discussions; however the course can add more audiovisual material instead of just reading materials

By Fernando G M G

Aug 14, 2020

It is a good course but kind of simple. I would have prefered more information inside the course and not as recommended literature.