May 12, 2020
Really interesting course. The interactive coding sessions with swirl are especially useful. Would be great, if you provided sample solutions for the programming assignments, in particular for week 4.
May 12, 2020
before starting this course i have experience of R programming but this course gives me a lot of new function and how to build a function and a most useful function str,debugging and Rprof.Thank You!
By Michael S
•Feb 1, 2023
The programming assignments were beyond the difficulty of what was being taught in the video lectures and the practice assignments. It was like being taught arithmetic in the video lectures and the practice assignments and then being asked to do calculus in the programming assignments.
By Souryadipta M
•Nov 22, 2020
The teaching was great, swirl was also an amazing tool. But I really feel that the assignments were a bit on the tougher side. I had to go through a lot of functions, which were not covered in the lectures, to be able to solve these assignments, Interesting assignments, but very tough.
By Srikandan R
•Dec 3, 2017
Teaching is good and programs were explained clearly but questions asked in assignments were really harder than the tutorial. I know that I have to refer other books as well but if you provide some more example programs(Level : Hard) in tutorial it will be helpful to do the assignment.
By Alver A C C
•Jun 17, 2020
I'm taking the course because I want to learn more about R, but the methodology is not good enough. Is almost impossible to solve the assignments just with the book and the classes. The exercises are fun and I like the Swirl, but you can't do those kinds of function with just that.
By Shane A
•Jan 23, 2018
Decent course, however, the choice of some topics was a little perplexing. I still don't know what I would ever use the Lexical scoping example for. The relevant assignment gets people to cache a matrix using a convoluted method. Couldn't we have just done it by saying = .... ?
By Lemuel
•May 23, 2019
It was quite tough - If i did not have prior experience in Python, I would have been completely lost. Otherwise, it was quite a steep learning curve into the material. Would probably not complete the other segments of this specialization as the reviews are less than stellar
By Mehrshad E
•Aug 13, 2017
The lectures talk about fundamentals; however, learners are supposed to solve much more complex problems. I think the lectures should be enhanced by solving some problems and giving learners some helpful thoughts. In general, I did not find the lectures acceptably helpful.
By Mark S
•Mar 19, 2017
Very simple course instruction and materials with difficult programming assignments. I understand having a student stretch for an assignment, but this seems more like incomplete instruction. Definitely a lot of work if you only have a statistical programming background.
By Karen A
•Jul 10, 2020
Important information to learn. the lectures are ok but the examples he uses are complex and complicate the point. This man is clearly smart but teaching to beginners challenges him. The quizzes are not just a stretch of knowledge but very disconnected from the lessons.
By Ken W
•Jul 11, 2020
There was a significant gap between the material taught in the lectures and what was expected in the programming assignments. The assignments were quite difficult and the lectures should have covered more examples of what students would encounter in the assignments.
By Rui M A B
•Sep 12, 2020
It does not make any sense that the assigments are too difficult, they do not help to improve my abilities in R. If you will continue giving assigments like those, you should try to improve the videos and the books by making them at the same level of the assigments.
By Amy B
•Jun 4, 2017
I thought the course was good, but there was too big of a gap between the lectures and practice exercises and the programming assignments. If I had to do it over again, I would have completed the Getting and Cleaning Data course before attempting week 4 of this one.
•Jun 8, 2020
I have never learnt R before. So for me i learned a lot.But like everyone else i too felt the assignments were too difficult for what was taught in the course.But still it was a good learning experience and it taught not everytime the problems are what you expect.
By Kyle C
•Mar 15, 2016
Overall not a bad course. Needs some tidying up though. For example, the assignments seem to assume knowledge of functions not covered in the prior lessons. Same applies to the textbook, e.g. page 50 refers to the subset() function, but it is not actually covered.
By Eugenia G
•Dec 30, 2020
Огромная пропасть между тем что показывают и учат на курсе и заданиями. Нереально выполнить без поиска и просмотра уже готового, я чувствовала себя тупой все время и я не одна такая, судя по всему, к сожалению((( Больше не буду продолжать, трата денег просто
By Laura A
•Sep 16, 2018
I think is a good course but it's important upgrade the difficulty of the materials(lectures etc) to achieve the final projects. For me, it's was complicated doing it only with the lectures.
The level of the programming assigments is higher than the lectures.
By David L
•Jun 8, 2019
Much of the methodology needed for the assessments is not taught within the course teaching and requires that students learn this independently from the discussion boards or external internet sources. Really such material should be within the course itself.
By Jarod F
•Feb 8, 2016
I spent a year coding, working on other programming languages and came back to this one a second time. I had the same exact learning issues as before. Luckily I had a better background but still had trouble going from lecture to exams. Swirl() is great.
By Pietro P
•Nov 24, 2018
Lectures were very boring. Putting slides on the screen with bullet points is just lazy. Assignment 1 and 3 were fun and very useful to learn how to make functions. Assignment 2 was horrible, as it introduced many things without proper explanations.
By Barb T
•Mar 11, 2017
there were several things required in the programming that was not covered in lessons. Without help from other programmers and googling a lot I could not have done this. Very complex for beginners. Also documents not updated with current information
By Kristin K
•Jul 20, 2017
This course has really good information and explains things well, but there is a major jump to the assignments and requires prior programming experience. I am happy I took the course, but can't give it a higher rating until this issue is addressed.
By Mario M G
•May 8, 2017
The level was a little bit high to be an introduction. This specialization should have 2 R programming courses, instead of the introduction that is very simple compering with the second one... Anyway, I have learnt a lot and I am quite satisfaied.
By Kevin M C
•Jun 7, 2020
The Programming Assignments (specially the Programming Assignment Week-4) were quite difficult and not self explanatory ... Although we learned some topics during the course, the entire set of tools needed to complete the Assignment was not given.
By Jonathan Y
•Oct 9, 2017
There is a big leap in the skill level between what is needed to complete the homework assignments and what is needed to complete the final programming assignments. I think more focus is needed on the structure and technical design of a function.
By Benjamin B
•Aug 11, 2017
Lectures were rather weak - did not adequately prepare learners for homework.
Also, googling issues often led to others posting homework online asking for help. I would exit those sites, but it appears it is time to start offering some updated HW.