(1484 Reviews)
(4203 Reviews)
Jun 30, 2020
A well-designed course, especially for the beginners, who are really enthusiastic and passionate about programming. It really helps you to learn from scratch and it does not require any prerequisites.
Feb 29, 2016
Excellent for a beginner!! Professor Severance follows a very smooth and efficient method of teaching that reduces anxiety and increases passion for learning!! Recommended to anyone starting Python!!!
By Badr A
•Jul 3, 2022
took too much time and still didnt get started with anything useful, just check Mosh from youtube to get what I mean, I'm planning to learn from him Python and everything else.
By Sayyed T
•Jun 26, 2023
Its really a great course . since i didn't have any previous knowledge regarding python at all and i thought it would be difficult for me to adapt but it was easy to learn through this application . I
By Sayed a S
•Oct 23, 2022
Hello, I am Sayed Abbas Shah from Pakistan. I get enrolled in this course through financial aid. I enjoy this course too much and the way Mr. chuck deliver the lecture was too fun. I love this course.
By David M
•Sep 8, 2019
Great course! I always thought of programming as a too-difficult-and-complex thing for me; now I want to learn more. Thank you Dr Charles Severance for explaining everything in such an affordable way.
By Jeff W
•Sep 7, 2017
Coming at this with no experience in coding at all, this course was extremely difficult. I think the most difficult part of this class was following the videos. The reason is because real world uses weren't given very often. I struggled with motivation nearing the end of this course because the examples in the videos focused on the "what" the code does and not so much the "why." Because of this, the usefulness of some of the discussed functionalities in python are still unknown to me. To remedy that, I would recommend the exercises in the videos reflect what will be done in the assignments, at least to some degree. I couldn't help but get hung up on what "zork" had to do with anything (among a few other examples), or why I would ever need to find the largest letter in a phrase like "hello world." In fact, I think my biggest struggle going through this course was fighting thoughts like, "what am I going to use this for?" I would like to see more content related to solving real world problems, even if it's just in the bonus content.
Overall, while it was very difficult, I really do recommend this course to others, and in fact I already have recommend it to two of my friends. The instructor seems like a really awesome guy, he's easy to listen to, and overall he's the kind of teacher than any student would love to have.
By L S
•Jan 3, 2020
NB: I audited this course so did not get feedback on assignments. If you are a true beginner, and have no programming or computer experience whatsoever this course is for you. Dr. Severance explains the concepts VERY well using great metaphors and he's quite engaging. However, he takes an incredibly long time to do this and uses many many words and there are many mostly irrelevant videos. If you have any coding experience at all, you might find it better to download python and the free book (which is written in the same engaging style using the same conceptual metaphors) and go at your own pace. The book is really really fabulous and you don't have to listen to the lectures at 1.5 speed waiting for something useful.
By Annachiara K
•Aug 15, 2017
If you have taken a C++ course in your life, it will take a 4-5 hors to finish this class. More exercises would compensate the low path of the course.
By Daniel D
•Jan 21, 2019
I work in lesson design and blended learning teacher training. I train teachers how to combine effective teaching practices with technology in K-8 classrooms. There is lots of room for improvement in this course. I would not recommend it to someone with no experience. I have no experience in coding, and did well in this course because I went to other sources to answer my questions and fill the knowledge gaps in this course. Though the instructor was great. He seems very passionate.
From a teaching/pedagogy standpoint the scope and sequence was poor. It went from extremely broad (defining computer parts) to hyper specific (defining variables in python) really quick. There was no information between on the practical pieces of what python is, what it looks like on our computer, and how we interact with it.
It feels like multiple people got together to build the course, but after it was finished they never came back to say “Here’s where we didn’t communicate, let’s edit these things.”
There is a HUGE disconnect between writing python programs and running them vs. running the actual python platform and typing commands line by line. The most frustrating thing was that every example in the course was given as a line of code in the python platform with the chevron prompt, and every single assignment was about writing a program in the text editor and the running the program. I didn’t realize these were two completely different things until about week 6. PLEASE ADDRESS THIS. Make it clear for future students that this is a thing. Go over how to use both, and the benefits and drawbacks of each. Make it clear that your examples are taking place in the command line python platform, but our homework is writing programs and saving and running them. I didn’t understand the use of the ‘type’ function until I realized this discrepancy. This was so confusing.
Some of the quiz questions were very specific questions that were mentioned for about a second or never explicitly made clear. Some of the ideas that were emphasized or mentioned multiple times in the same lecture video (seemed important) were never asked on the quiz. I can give examples of both.
I learned some stuff, but overall I would not recommend this course without pointing to the discrepancies. I would say there are multiple obvious areas for improvement and multiple gaps in knowledge that I filled from other sources. I could give more specific examples, but I feel like I already wrote quite a bit.
By Josephine W
•Sep 7, 2020
The teacher is likeable and the introductory videos really hooked me on the course. However, as a complete beginner, I was very put off by the way that the graded assignments had very little link to the content 'taught' in lectures. In fact, the lectures seem to ramble from one thing to another rather than having the teacher sit down and give step-by-step examples on how to code. Therefore, most of what I learnt was through the textbook that is provided for free anyway, so I may as well have taught a lot of it to myself. After the first few lectures, I stopped feeling as though I was being treated as a beginner, even though this is supposed to be 'Programming for Everybody'. Honestly, a bit of a let down.
By Serova R
•Mar 9, 2021
Очень маленький курс для своей цены, задания практически полностью копируют то, что было сказано в видео и делаются очень быстро, курс проходится за один вечер, хотелось бы более интересных задач и больше задач
By Abd K
•Mar 24, 2022
I took this course and I had really little python programming experience. This course is below basic, i skipped all the videos and managed to pass all the assingments. So I am not going to rate the lecturers because to be fair I haven't watached any of his videos. I really completed this course in around two hours(only doing the assingment).. so it tells you a lot about the quantity of materials this course has to offer... , and the assignments are like this:
some are: 10 questions 4 answer chocieses tests - which are ok but what's funny is that they are graded and I don't think they are worth it.. programming excerses: you will need to write short programs. the longest one will take you 5-10 minutes if you have some experience (reallly basic experience) in coding.
if you really combine all of the exercises(and i mean if you comine all of the exercises) they would be the equivilant of 1/2 of a howework assignment 1 at university that would be just an introductroy assignmernt that will check your ability to write basic code in the python programming langauge before moving on to next assigments that will actually require some work...
The amount of study material is a joke, I haven't read any exepct for one section . it was given as a 10 min to ready but it's really takes like half a minute.
This is not a university level course not even close.. I'm not even sure if this couse is even worth1/20 of what a university course is like (and 1/20 really might be too genrous it could be like 1/40 as well or worse) and that really sums of most what i want to say. So far I have done only this course , but gudging by this one I don't think completing this specializing will prepare you to become anwhere near a qualified python programmer...
overall this course whole course should be like unit 1 of 12 of a university course and introductoty assignement number 0.5. It should cost something like 1$.
By Chigozie. J A
•Mar 31, 2023
I am writing this review with deep regret for my wasted efforts trying if you do not have intermediate python experience, don't waste your time starting this course, because it was not designed for the beginner.
It is my opinion that the course material and graded tasks structure and rules are more advanced than what should be posed to entry-level python learners.
the instructor promised the course would be simple and easy to follow, but then each task was out of the scope of simple exercises.
I have taken google courses on Coursera, and I will still take some more, but I will have to quit this at this point and regret the time I have wasted on exercise 3.1
when there is no direct feedback on the course, the least problem you want to create is leaving the learner with an obstacle he cannot find a way to navigate.
By Jacqueline C
•Nov 25, 2022
Completed all assignments and quizzes as well as the extra work for the Honors certificate. Instructors refuse to grade Capstone assignment so I can get the certificate even though it is done correctly. It appears University of Michigan is using instructors who don't read the assignment instructions or who do not understand what they are grading. Awful experience. Only way to contact is through message board and the reply time is several days. I would have given a lower rating if I could. I do not recommend this Specialization to anyone and will NEVER take another course for University of Michigan.
By Tony F
•Mar 22, 2019
This class served as not only my introduction to Python, but to programming in general. For whatever reason, programming can seem like a daunting task to people, including me. However, Professor Severance had a casual, yet confident attitude that made each week feel like an approachable game that happens to be very useful. I didn't expect to have a great time watching the lectures, but I did. Obviously, I'm not very advanced yet with programming, but it seemed to me Professor Severance was great at anticipating faulty habits or inclinations and nipping those in the bud for us beginners. He has well-constructed examples to explain his points without making them overly complex. In short, I think the title of the course is apt; it does a good job at making Python understood by everybody who is interested to learn. Thanks for the solid foundation!
By Salma M
•Jun 25, 2024
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Chuck and Coursera for the "Python for Everybody" course. Dr. Chuck is a brilliant instructor whose teaching style makes it incredibly easy to absorb the material, even for someone with no prior experience in Python. His lectures are clear, engaging, and well-structured. I was able to pass every test with ease, which is a testament to Dr. Chuck's exceptional ability to deliver complex concepts in an understandable manner. I look forward to attending more of his lectures in the future. Thumbs up to Dr. Chuck for arranging such an excellent course with outstanding tests. Long live Dr. Chuck!
By Maruf I
•Apr 2, 2020
It was an amazing experience with Dr. Chuck. Thanks, Sir, for your amazing teaching and help me to learn a new language. Anybody who's looking for a perfect start in the kingdom of Python can take this course without thinking twice. Happy Coding!!
By Nimit R
•Aug 20, 2018
Very well explained the concepts of programming in the context of Python and that too with good fun. Love you Chuck
By mohammed t
•Jan 9, 2022
The course was great but not all the things that I'll need is in this course so I have to go on YouTube and learn more. But Anyway the course was helpful
By Akhilesh G
•Dec 7, 2016
All the lectures are not clearly explained and a fresh person cannot understand few things and even in the assignments not mentioned properly what has to be done and if not how to solve them and how can you imagine the learner knows all the terms related to web or the particular language..? you need to explain the new terms which you use in the lectures and the lectures should be elaborate and should stress more on the basic things like abcdefg here you need to explain a in detail b in detail c in detail so on then after in the next lectures you can move fastly.
Not satisfied.
By Ravi T K
•Apr 3, 2018
This coursera team has given me a night mare today. The course is superb and the tutor is also very good. But the thing is regarding their prices. I purchased this entire course(5 courses) for 49$ initially. But later I thought of applying for the financial aid for the entire course. I applied and waited for 15 days to receive the status. After 15 days the financial aid is approved. After completing the first course in this 5 course part it is asking me to purchase another course for 79$. Team please remember one thing any one would apply for financial aid to seek help from you. Not to keep burden. I cannot apply for the financial aid again as I was in my last semester and I want to complete the course asap. Now I was in total confusion and they totally betrayed me. So the next four courses would cost me 79*4=316$ and my first price for all the 5 subcourses is 49$. Just compare yourself. This is totally unacceptable.
By Michael F
•Aug 23, 2023
as someone who has never touched Python before stay away from this course, it only teaches you about what Python is and is used for, and the different codes u can use but doesn't teach you how to use Python. i was told to download a few applications for something I never use and never needed. There was no classwork for us to do in our free time, that wasn't graded, and the assignment was very hard and confusing for someone who had never touched Python before. There is a lot of useless content in the course that provides no value for students who are studying now. For example, the interviews with different figures and the support office locations that upload in like 2010
By Shaikh S I
•Dec 9, 2020
Definitely will not suggest this as there is no help centre which will actually guide you through an issue. I didn't even complete week 2 because these videos don't really teach you about what the commands mean. You'll be better off learning python from a proper teacher. I'm sorry to say that coursera in general is a pretty bad site for learning. Hopefully things get better.
By Mauricio V
•Oct 3, 2016
Very simple, very slow. For someone with programming experience it is a drug, for someone new to programing (I am thinking my son) not very captivating.
By Aayush D
•Dec 7, 2018
Too easy of a course, completed in a day without much effort... And didn't really get as much out of it as I thought I would.
By Bipulendu H
•Apr 14, 2016
It does not worth a penny to spend time in this course.