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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan

230,820 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course. This course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses. This course covers Python 3....
High quality instructor

(1484 Reviews)

Introductory course

(4203 Reviews)

Top reviews


Jun 30, 2020

A well-designed course, especially for the beginners, who are really enthusiastic and passionate about programming. It really helps you to learn from scratch and it does not require any prerequisites.


Feb 29, 2016

Excellent for a beginner!! Professor Severance follows a very smooth and efficient method of teaching that reduces anxiety and increases passion for learning!! Recommended to anyone starting Python!!!

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326 - 350 of 10,000 Reviews for Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

By Hao L

Jul 5, 2020

y4e is a great introductory level course and you will learn Python programming from scratch. This course not only opened the gate of Python programming for me but also enhanced my understanding of programming in general. I love the virtual face-to-face way that Coursera presents the course. The classroom-style learning environment they created, even if it is virtual, helps you concentrate better on the lecture and materials and be more efficient along the way of your learning. I really enjoy the way Dr. Chuck conveys the course content to the audiences. Dr. Chuck truly knows how to teach - he utilizes some unique teaching techniques and skills to make everything in the course content impressively easy to understand. This is a great course for beginners. I would recommend it to all my friends who are eager to learn Python.

By Abhishek

Jul 18, 2018

I really liked this course by prof. Charles Severence. He is really good at teaching. He uses humour to teach ya which is a good thing because u can study for hours without getting bored. The course needs a little introduction to any other programming language like C++ or C to learn this because what u gonna learn is new language which not many people know, it is new and quite complex than other languages(I mean programming languages XD). So, u need a base in which u r good enough to relate python to and understand the difference and complexity of python. In all, this is a very good course which u can take to become a pro in python. ADVICE:: Take python for everybody course only if u r a newbie to programming but in any case, if think that u know basics of any other programming language take the specialization one. TNX

By Christian S B

Dec 10, 2017

I have been self teaching myself programming for many years. But I have never really specialized in anything. It's always been a little knowledge here and there for various languages. The problem was that after time I would forget some important syntax for each of those languages. So I decided that I wanted to, for lack of a better word, "master" a language, and I decided on Python.

This course did very well at going over the basics, I thought I would blow through this first course and learn nothing since I have been programming for years, but it was wrong. Although I did blow through the course in a couple of days. The instructor

Charles Severance's way of explaining things has made me view the code differently, and has helped me write more efficiently as a result. I can't wait to get into the more advanced classes.

By Steve T

Dec 24, 2019

Excellent introduction to Python for me--someone with limited prior coding experience, but strong Excel and math backgrounds. I enjoyed the core and optional lectures and found them to provide excellent instruction on using Python. I would have liked more assignments which would help to reinforce the instruction and get the syntax locked in. I will probably try to find separate sources for getting the additional practice I need to achieve these objectives.

As a side note, one-third of my total course time was spent trying to figure out how to get atom to recognize Python. Evidently, it is a path issue which can be solved with defining a path with some code I don't understand or by checking a path box when you load Python. I figured out the latter and reloaded Python, but it was a lot of time spent on this issue.

By Putri P

Feb 5, 2017

Hello Professor!

Just wanted you to know that this course have helped me gain more confident as I am drop-out student who still struggles to compete with peers who has higher degree. Although I am blessed to obtain trust from the management to head a team in a multinational company, my insecurity sometimes does comes out and I still always feel people doubt my knowledge.

I have been wanting to learn to code for a very long time, but I always too scared to get started as a lot of programmers seems super smart and I thought I will never be like them. The way you introduce the course and all materials are entertaining & easy to digest/understand. Your lesson destroyed my belief that programming is scary.

I will continue this lesson as a challenge for myself and to prove myself that I can also program. Thank you again!


Jul 5, 2022

Aprendí mucho, aunque sé que me falta mucha practica. Los conceptos fueron claros. Sé que hay que inconrporar otras disciplinas y seguir trabajando durante mucho más tiempo hasta que los conocimientos hagan parte de mi ser mismo. El profesor fué muy claro en sus conceptos. Es bueno saber que además, hay ayudas como manuales que complementan y aclaran los conceptos. Se necesita mucha constancia y dedicación en tiempo para completarlo. Y aún más importante, gusto por la programación, Aunque aveces dudaba de continuar, pero simplemente, me sentaba y comenzaba cada tema sin pensarlo. Muchas gracias y felicitaciones a la Universidad de Michigan, a Coursera, a CLARO, la empresa para la que trabajo y me dió también esta oportunidad y a todas las personas que hicieron posible que pudiera realizar este curso y disfrutarlo.

By Ashwin P

Dec 27, 2016

Great course to learn the basics of Python. Even though I had studied C and C++ earlier this was my first computer course as such. It gives you a good flavor of the way one should learn programming. Dr. Chuck's lectures are exceptionally interesting. I would however like to suggest that some non-graded worksheets could be provided in the duration of the course so that discussions may also take place in the forum. But the textbook provided has sufficient exercises and practice questions but arent discussed in the forums. Overall a very informative and interesting course and will definitely teach you enough to carry forward the knowledge to grasp higher and more complex concepts of programming especially with the help of the textbook that is provided with the course.

Thank you so much Professor. Im deeply grateful.

By Gaspar C

Aug 22, 2024

Este curso es una excelente introducción a la programación con Python. Como principiante, encontré el contenido muy accesible y fácil de seguir. El instructor, Dr. Chuck, explica los conceptos de manera clara y concisa, lo que hace que el aprendizaje sea mucho más ameno. Lo que más me gustó fue la estructura del curso: cada lección se basa en la anterior, permitiendo asimilar los conceptos de forma gradual sin sentirse abrumado. Además, las actividades prácticas me ayudaron a aplicar lo aprendido y a ganar confianza en mis habilidades de programación. La comunidad y los foros de discusión también son un gran recurso para resolver dudas y aprender de las experiencias de otros estudiantes. En general, recomiendo este curso a cualquier persona que quiera empezar a programar, incluso si no tiene experiencia previa.

By Christine B

Dec 29, 2020

This course was overall a great experience for me. I started with no programming experience and a very basic understanding of what Python was. Professor Severance is a wonderful instructor and his teaching style is one of the reasons I will continue on to the next course. The teaching staff that assists in the forums are responsive and helpful and I often found the assistance I needed for assignments just by going through different threads. The program is also very flexible with pace so if you're unsure or intimidated by the material, I encourage you to try it anyways. This course helped me to slow down and search for different solutions which will make me more detail-oriented, and more importantly, not feel discouraged/give up if I hit an error or cannot produce useful code on the first, second, or third go.

By Jorge A B B

Jul 11, 2020

I have programming background due to my BS in Digital Systems/Robotics, and this it is the most comprehensive introduction I've had to a programming language. Most of my courses, and teachers thought we had previous knowledge, even if it was an introductory course. That's why I recognize this course as the most basic way to enter a programming language, and anyone can grasp the concepts in this first course.

On the other hand, persons with previous knowledge like me, but with no knowledge of python is a good way to remember the simple things when you started. Also it helps you to slowly get to know the syntax, and you may finish the activities in record time due to you logical thinking of previous knowledge. Finally, gives you an idea on how to help introduce people with no previous knowledge to programming.

By Sourav B

Aug 17, 2016

Hello, I am glad that I am getting this course from one of the (Best) Author of Python Book. I am really happy with the contents & teaching style that made me so confident about coding in Python. Contents are helpful, discussion forum clarifies many doubts & the deep understanding of each module in this course make it a perfect choice for anyone to who even does not know 'A' of Python's Alphabet or of any coding language can start & learn to code. Good initiative by Author & Mentor. Please provide many such courses in near future so that we can learn best from Top University which is anyway not possible for students like us with financial problems! We learn many things from home & from Greatest University like in this case University of Michigan! Thanks for all work for making this course available online.

By Muhamed S O

Jul 18, 2020

It is a wonderful experience to have these kinds of lectures. Dr. Charles way of presentation of the content draws attention of all types of students according to me. It gives the student the idea of how a programming languages is taught in addition to learning the programming itself. As a teacher in the university level I am very thankful to Dr. Charles Severance, Coursera and University of Michigan for giving such an opportunity to learn how to teach Python rather than learning it.

The quizzes and assignments during the course are little bit challenging. Short videos make sure students attention. Students get opportunities for creating their own codes during assignments. I appreciate Dr Charles and his team for these.

I enjoyed it through out.

And one more thing, the 'try/except' is new to me. Thank you.

By Oscar G B C

Dec 29, 2017

I am just finishing the second part of the Python for everybody specialization "Data Structures", I have found this course very interesting, since the first part (getting started with python) I found this familiar with R language because it can be run line by line and it does not require a compiler, additionally I tried to develop a program to do some tasks for me (and more efficiently) while learning python and the helps me move forward. Let me be clear, this course is not difficult, Dr. Chuck has a good way to teach this course, I am doing other in parallel that I have found I little boring but still interested as well, I have a tight schedule and that is why I need from time to time a motive (find usefulness of or practice what I have learned) to keep me moving forward with this courses. give it a try!

By Roger B

Dec 1, 2017

I just wrote something about the course allowing the student to access a few various coding exercises (that act, look and feel like the real practice graded exercise) that could appear before each of the chapter graded test exercises. I know that it would require more content, but it would loosen the student up just to have some super simple practice exercises for each chapter that aren't graded so the student could just to get used to typing variances of code (mostly all the nuances of syntax) and allow them to repeat the same code layout in a non-judgmental way just to see if other variances of similar code could produce a very similar outcome. I don't know if this makes sense... I guess in a nut shell, just letting the student goof off more and try coding the chapter exercises in different ways??? :)

By Khang N

Aug 8, 2024

"Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)" by the University of Michigan on Coursera is a highly rated course. It is specifically designed for beginners with no prior programming experience, making it accessible and easy to understand. Dr. Charles Severance, the instructor, is highly praised for his clear explanations and engaging teaching style. The course content is well-structured, covering the basics of Python and programming concepts in a logical sequence. It also provides plenty of practical exercises and quizzes to reinforce learning and offer hands-on experience. Additionally, the active community of learners is a strong point, offering support and opportunities for collaboration. Overall, this is a highly recommended course for anyone looking to start learning Python programming.

By Shawn T R

Jul 13, 2018

Full disclosure, I blew through this in a couple of hours so this is not the perspective of a true beginner. However, that being said I think it's a great introductory course for someone who is a beginning programmer. The instructor puts programming terms and ideas in very relatable and visual language, which is extremely helpful. It's very easy to get abstract and esoteric with programming concepts, so the fact that he keeps it grounded is great. I'll also say that the instructor has a laid back and friendly style that makes the subject seem less intimidating. He's funny and occasionally goofy and I think technical subjects need that kind of approach when they're geared towards beginners. I'm going to continue this course series to shore up my fundamentals and I'm very excited to see how it evolves.

By Benson L

Jun 19, 2020

The professor provides detailed and clear instruction of the basics of Python and clarifies our notion of some concepts where most beginners might make a mistake based on his ample teaching experience. It lowers the entry barrier for students like me who studies in business school.

Although I have been taken a Python course at school, some vague understanding then has been fortified through this online course. For instance, how to define a function with parameters, the meaning of parameters and the relationship between arguments and parameters, were the concepts that confused me in function building. Furthermore, loop control was another difficulty for me to get through. All the topics mentioned above is clarified now, so if you get some related problems, this course will bring you a lot.

By Muhammad A B I

Nov 3, 2023

I originally did this course on 2020 where Malaysia Digital Economy (MDEC) sponsored many Malaysian for Coursera course. I read on the internet that this is one of the best courses in Coursera. With no programming basic i took this course. And I fell in love with Python language with Dr. Chuck's as the instructor. The teachings is good I can understand and most importantly the practical part, programming assignments. Unfortunately I can't complete this course as the MDEC sponsorship is last. So in 2023, I dropped out of my degree because found that I didn't interested in the field and found it not suitable for me. So, I remembered this unfinished course and decided to subscribe to Coursera Plus. It is worth it. I feel I want to finish all the courses in Python For Everybody specialization.


Jul 15, 2020

El curso es buenísimo para principiantes, te permite entender y trabajar en tus habilidades, el profesor explica muy bien y cuenta con material de estudio traducido en distintos idiomas, el único problema es que los vídeos no están traducidos al español. Si eres hispanohablante y no sabes inglés no podrás realizar el curso cómodamente porque no todos los vídeo cuentan con subtítulos en español.

The course is great for beginners, it allows you to understand and work on your skills, the teacher explains very well and has study material translated into different languages, the only problem is that the videos are not translated into Spanish. If you are a Spanish speaker and do not know English you will not be able to do the course comfortably because not all the videos have Spanish subtitles.


Oct 24, 2018

This course is very helpful. I have enjoyed this whole journey of learning. I would like to thank Foundation For Excellence and Coursera for giving me this much needed opportunity. I also thank University of Michigan for it's outstanding course material, lectures and videos. I also appreciate teaching methods of my guide, Charles Severance. He truly put all the herculean efforts in creating 'Python for Everybody'. Thank you so much all of you. You all helped me a lot to build my career in a proper way. I just want to request you that it will be very kind of you if you can allow us to access this material whenever we want, even after the completion of the whole course as it will help us to revise all the matter just before the placement session beginning. This is my only request to you.

By Kippin W

Jun 13, 2020

I'm a complete beginner (my IT experience limited to Word and web browsing) and was apprehensive about learning any code. But thanks to Severance's clear explanations I feel like I've learned so much, I've a long way to go but and I'm really hungry to learn more and want to keep going. I completed the course in 3 weeks (about 30 hours) but I think I'd better go back and try some assignments again to really get my head round them. The forums could be better organised and utilized but I couldn't have completed the course without them.

I recommend everyone to follow Severance's advise and use a text editor like Atom and run your assignments in Command Prompt (this is clearly explained at the start and in worked assignments). It seemed a bit of hassle at the start but was well worth it.

By Gaurav B

Mar 8, 2018

I have completed the course and I found it great. I do think it is a bit slow if you have programming experience in other languages. The instructor Charles Severance explains the important concepts with emphasis and that helps build in ones brain a highlight of things to do or not do. Also the bonus videos are great to either get a backstory on python or the tech world in general. Overall this is a great course.Just for fun: If anyone from the construction of this class is reviewing this comment - I do think the macarena example has not 3 but 4 mistakes. 3 syntactical mistake but 1 mistake is in the steps itself where the left hand is on the right shoulder then the right hand is on the left shoulder. The next step where the left hand goes to the back of the head cannot be performed.

By J A M

Dec 21, 2015

Dr. Chuck is da man! Awesome class. Dr. Chuck touched upon all the nuances of basic Python that most students are too embarrassed to ask about but which are nevertheless mission-critical to effective programming. This capacity to address unspoken concerns both in presentations and assignments is one of the secrets of a good MOOC professor since students can't ask questions.

This class is especially useful for those students who just completed's Python class since it explicitly addresses several issues that weren't addressed there. Finally, no one can rival Dr. Chuck's ability to access celebrity programmers whose presence adds an important dimension of context and helps students feel like they already belong to the international community of coders. Job well done.

By Brittany C

Mar 11, 2025

I'm just starting Module 3 of this course as I write this review, but I love this course. The instructor goes in-depth with his explanations of each individual component of Python programming. The progression of the lectures might seem slow at times, but before I started this course, I completed a different beginner Python course in Coursera from a different university with a different instructor, and I can tell you that going slower when it comes to programming really does make all the difference. In the other course, I got confused a LOT, but Charles Severance really breaks everything down piece by piece with understandable examples so I find myself understanding everything as it's taught to me. 10/10 would and do recommend this course (along with the rest of the specialization).


Jan 3, 2021

It is fundamental to software development to be able to step through your code, line by line, set breakpoints, and easily examine variables and values as they change. And I believe this would make it MUCH more clear to new software students exactly what a CPU is doing when processing code.I know the video course tried very hard to “sketch” out what is really going on in While loops, For loops, If-then-else statements, and function calls. However, I think that students, especially students new to software overall, would benefit greatly if they could use a more professional tool than the Atom and IDLE tools. And if that’s not possible, I think the videos should show the actual animation of stepping through line-by-line and setting breakpoints in example software, using such a tool.