Oct 7, 2022
Expalined the concepts missed from the previous course a lot well. Only thing I would change is to add more about using commands in windows and other platforms as well. Overall it was a great course!
Jun 16, 2020
In starting five weeks , all answers were directly provided and week 6 and 7 were very tough. So i suggest to equalize the toughness level in all weeks ,ie, no direct spoon feed nor abrupt toughness
By Pierpaolo Z
•Sep 23, 2022
The course is great, sometimes hard to understand. regular expression was a challenge for me, and I need to review more times
By Petar P
•Jul 31, 2021
Great ! Felt like a real world on the job experience ( especially the final qwiklab ). Great instructor, explains very well !
By Cristian A L V
•May 6, 2020
Excellent course, exceeded my expectations, provides many tools to explore but a lot of practice is needed to assimilate them
By Shota S
•Mar 17, 2020
It was great. Teaches you tons of new things and makes you look at some other thing that you might know from different angle.
By Tim T
•Dec 25, 2022
Wow! What a rewarding Journey! I absolutely loved this course! Very needed and necessary to my IT career! As always, thanks!
By Denys L K
•Jun 17, 2022
Somewhere little information in videos but a lot more in reading section, which is not that interesting as videos and funny)
By Susan M
•Apr 16, 2021
Useful info - I can use all of it, and there was good coverage for IT positions. Presentation was clear and easy to follow.
By Evander G
•Aug 23, 2023
hard for beginner but good for study. basic knowledge for programming with python thank and good luck wish you all the best
By Arvind N R
•Oct 19, 2022
It was a good interactive learning. I am missing a live project on whatever I have learnt. Looking forward to doing them.
By Mradul T
•Apr 9, 2020
This course was very informative and helpful. Thanks to the instructor, Google and Coursera for providing this course 🙂🙂
By Ashwin K
•Sep 15, 2021
I learnt so much in the course and had sooo much fun. My love for coding certainly increased after this course. Thank You
By Alan D
•Jun 30, 2021
Good instructor.!!! Would like to be able to download all demonstrated code to do further experiments during the course.
By Ahmad A
•Feb 22, 2021
Thanks for the awesome and super knowledgeable course! This course has improved my skills in so many aspects. Keep it up!
By Deleted A
•Mar 16, 2021
as always, really enjoyed the course at the begining still hard to understand command linux now i adapting to using bash
By Choongho J
•Jun 20, 2020
It was a kind of hard time for me, but the new situation or problem are enjoyable things.
Challenge is my favorite hobby.
•May 5, 2020
This course was really tough. I'm really excited for everything that I've learnt so far I'm looking for the nex course
By Adarsh K N
•Aug 26, 2020
Very good course. I will recommend everybody of my friends to take this up. It enhances your knowledge exponentially.
By Anatoly V
•Feb 28, 2021
Some labs are a little bit on the easier side. A lot of nice practical tasks, which help to learn automation skills.
By Jesús A G G
•May 21, 2020
Very useful course and very well explained. A zero beginner and an old expert both can learn a lot from this course!
By Tahir M F
•Jul 11, 2022
Really This course was very interesting and tough for me . I thanks to my Teacher. respect from the core of heart .
By Luis A N P
•Apr 16, 2022
excelente curso, los temas son llevados en profundidad, expresiones regulares fue un tema absolutamente interesante
By Muhammad S K
•Jun 17, 2021
I think its good to go, but really fast pase of google instructer why, i need to be more fast to match them. Thanks
By Marco M
•May 27, 2021
Super helpful to improve my skills. It was really tough, but I endured and finished it. It's a really great course.
By Muhammad A
•Aug 22, 2020
It really pushed me to my limits overall such an interesting course for how to interact with your operating system
•Jun 1, 2020
This course goes deep with real life examples. I will recommend it for anyone trying to learn IT tasks automation.