(256 Reviews)
(217 Reviews)
Jun 19, 2020
This course was really interesting and did a good job introducing complicated topics in usefully simplified form. It was a pleasure to listen to the instructor and I got everything I wanted out of it.
Mar 4, 2016
Gah! The second last assignment...for items in data['comments'] :Took me an hour to figure out that I needed to add that last bit in brackets! It just did the for loop twice each time... All the best!
By Johan V M
•May 7, 2021
I learned very useful and interesting information in this course. I was always curious about how the internet worked and how data exchange across the web was performed, and this course fueled my curiosity to dive deeper into these topics. I totally encourage everyone to take this course!
By Mayank G
•Nov 7, 2019
Dr. Chuck has made assignments very easy with his demonstrated examples. So much information packaged succinctly, my goodness only a True Teacher can do that. BTW, looking at the comparison of the Java books' thickness, I'm tempted to learn Java as well after Python. Thank you Dr. Chuck.
•Feb 1, 2016
The whole Python for Everyone Sequence is Awesome.
Each of the individual sections has been exceptional.
Section 3 of 4 - This course Accessing Web Data and Section 4 of 4 ( DataBase ) were the main reasons for me taking the course.
I would highly recommend the Python for Everyone Series.
By Jesse C
•May 5, 2019
Outstanding course! I began this course a week ago after completing the first 2 in the series coming in with just basic programming knowledge and I can't believe after this course I can now begin working with APIs, have an understanding of parsing/reading XML and JSON. Highly recommend!
By Annie F
•Jan 28, 2019
The course was excellent and specifically admire the way Dr. Chuck teaches so effortlessly, that we understand the concepts very clearly. The assignments are also very helpful in practicing what we have learnt, and gives us the confidence to work on real-time projects. Thanks Dr. Chuck.
By Hongfei C
•Aug 21, 2017
The third session of the Python course is more difficult than the first two sessions and is quite a great challenge! But the courses for Dr.Chuck and the help of every mentors give me more energy to dive into it to get to understand every details. Programming is really interesting area!
By Dave M
•May 21, 2023
Clear lecture videos that are consistent with the book. Useful exercises whose descriptions and hints are almost completely accurate. Automatic exercise grading that was correct every time. Quizzes that were based on material covered and graded accurately. Overall, an excellent course.
By Hanna A
•Aug 29, 2020
This course is structured very well. The lessons are easy to follow and understand. Dr Chuck's lecture videos are very fun to watch. The book is pretty much self explanatory so you can use it as a reference or independently. Overall, the course and the specialization are pretty great!!
By Hossam G
•Aug 22, 2019
This was a great course but i have one big problem that encountered me
Dr Chuck reads the code from power point sheets and even if there was a worked example he is only read the code and run yes he explain it but i need to learn how and why i write this code not just see it and run it
By Sinan Y
•Jan 5, 2016
It was Amazing! Thousands thanks to Dr-Chuck, fellow classmates & of course all these great people in the bonus videos.
I have started my programming adventure with Dr-Chuck and now there is a burning desire to keep going. It is highly recommended to get this course.
All the best,
By David K
•Feb 15, 2019
This is great course, and more difficult then previous . It introduces JSON , XML, and other modules which are very important in Python programming. This is intro in web programming, where students could explore other modules in Python. Thanks Dr. Chuck for well explained materials!
By Giselle d C S B
•Dec 7, 2017
This was an excellent course. I really enjoyed to learn about "Using Python to Access Web Data". Although I didn't found the .zip with tha example codes in the PY4E web site, I did all the exercises and learnt very useful programming tools. Thanks to Dr. Chuck and thanks to Coursera.
By Vikas R
•Sep 18, 2017
this is a fantastic course!!! i don't have words to say about it but i must say to those who are going to take this course that you guy's have a lot fun, knowledge in this course i must thank to dr. chuck and all the team members specially to Tamara Brunnock who cleared all my doubts
By Yonglei H
•Dec 23, 2015
This session is the most interesting one since I enrolled this series of Python program studying. The technology I learned here opened the door of using Python to organize and catch data from web. There must be big land behind and I want to pay a visit, by additional work after this.
By Yusuf Y
•Sep 8, 2020
This is a very demanding course packed with a lot of content. Think the effort is grossly underestimated here as it took much longer for me to complete the course. Most of the time spent was in trouble shooting and so would help if there is more guidance or resources made available.
By Jose B G
•Jul 31, 2020
This course is great for people who want to learn web scrapng using Python, and Dr. Chuck is amazing in explaining basics related to Web. I would recommend anybody who is taking this course to take the Internet History course for better understanding(the pdf is freely available).
By Nguyen D H A
•Jul 6, 2019
Great course! Dr Chuck explained the concepts very well, everything was easy to understand and the materials were just enough to get me hit the ground running but not overloaded with information. The assignments were well-thought to help me remember and understand course materials.
By Evaldas I
•Nov 28, 2015
It appears, during this course I'm becoming hungry for Python programming. Somehow weird but also very attractive programming language. Especially when I succeed in doing something in so called "pythonic" way. And thanks to professor. It's a real pleasure to listen to his lecture.
By Han T
•Nov 8, 2021
It's a wonderful feeling to have finally come up with the correct answer (that matches the two ending numbers given as cue) in each graded external tool assignment. I like thinking upon the examples explained in the videos to get the inspiration needed for working out a solution.
By Doyle A C
•May 19, 2020
I liked this course. It teaches useful skills and the coding tasks all seem appropriately pitched in difficulty. I am realizing that I'm now beginning to think about coding all the time. I worked on the class every day, and I feel like I'm building my mental "coding muscles" lol.
By Crystal A
•Apr 5, 2017
It felt really neat to be able to call web data. It's starting to feel like what I'm learning will be useful in my job and life now. Dr. Chuck makes things easy to understand, but the assignments generally contain enough tricks to guarantee that you understand the subject matter.
By Wayne H G J
•Jun 10, 2019
This was an excellent class that furthered my knowledge of programming with Python. I have a great foundation of accessing APIs and pulling down either XML or JSON. Super happy I took this class, I look forward to completing the final two courses in this Python specialization.
By Abhishek M
•Jan 26, 2016
The course is both fun and full of learning. Dr Chuck is a wonderful teacher. He puts forth concepts in a way that is easy to relate and in absorb-able chunks. Still he manage to impart sufficient knowledge for us to start coding interesting applications. Thanks a ton, Dr Chuck.
By Natalie W
•Oct 15, 2021
When it was time to learn more Python, I was happy to see Dr. Chuck on Coursera as I took a PHP/MySQL class with him a decade ago during graduate school. Dr. Chuck has a highly engaging teaching style and I'd highly recommend learning from him, online or IRL. Thanks Dr. Chuck!
By Igor S
•Dec 6, 2015
This was a short but very good introduction to APIs and Python's ability to retrieve data from the web.
The load is quite low, so my suggestions to the teacher would be: make it harder! Include more examples and make both quizes and assignments harder in the same amount of time.