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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python Data Structures by University of Michigan

96,480 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the core data structures of the Python programming language. We will move past the basics of procedural programming and explore how we can use the Python built-in data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples to perform increasingly complex data analysis. This course will cover Chapters 6-10 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. This course covers Python 3....
Excellent instructor

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Helpful assignments

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Sep 30, 2018

Dr Chuck is one of the best teachers I have ever met. His way of teaching complex subjects so simply is a real art. Thank you Dr Chuck - you have really helped me find a passion in computer science.


Nov 17, 2016

I really like this courses from Dr. Chuck. Just like previous course, this one has also been entertaining and interesting. I'm looking forward to the rest of courses in this specialization for Python.

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326 - 350 of 10,000 Reviews for Python Data Structures

By Eva D

Aug 20, 2020

A very complete course. Good explanations that are not excessively long. The only downside I find is the lack of more practical exercises between videos. More exercises would be of great help to consolidate knowledge and not leave everything for a single practical exercise or sometimes two at the end of each week. I hope to continue advancing in the specialized program to which it belongs.

By Madelin J

Feb 23, 2021

I am so grateful for this course! The best introduction to Python programming. At the end of this course, you will acquire basic concepts of data structures such as strings, lists, dictionaries and tuples. Also, the exercises at the end of each week are really useful to practice. However, you must keep learning if you really want to understand Python. I will take the next course for sure.

By Arjun B

Jun 1, 2020

I have never such a approach to teaching programming language. It is a best course series so far. Never seen learning prog. lang. can be so easy. I remember in my first semester of bachelor's degree, they taught me c programming which i found very complex to the newbie like me at that time. I think education system in India should take more flexible and dynamic approach to teach students.

By maytat l

Dec 10, 2019

This course is awesome for a total beginner of Python. The instructor was very enthusiastic, encouraging you to take on the challenges. His teaching was very simple and fun to follow. Each week only took 15-30 min to watch videos. The rest depended on how fast you could get the assignment completed. If you were struck with a problem and posted in the forum, the staff replied really fast.

By Xiaoya L

Jul 29, 2017

The content taught in this course is more complicated than the first one - getting started. I did sometimes struggle with the assignments, since I didn't have the habit of reviewing the lectures and materials after each week. Have to pick up the book and work harder now! Although challenging, the course is still interesting to me, and I pretty enjoy the sense of accomplishment in the end!

By Amar D

Jun 10, 2020

So, when I started with the first course, I started gaining more and more interest because of Dr. Chuck's wonderful teaching methodology. This is really a great course. Dr. Chuck is a great man with a wonderful teaching technique. I wish I could meet or talk with Dr. Chuck and thank him for the courses and learn more new things from him. He is really a great teacher. Thank you, Dr. Chuck

By Guy B

Aug 20, 2022

Clear and concise presentation of Python data structures basics. Dr. Severance's lecture style is clear, with good supporting visuals. These are accompanied by exercises that very efficiently exemplify recent lecture topics, and build toward a comprehensive (though brief) final exercise that shows how the structures can be made to work together to achieve a potentially useful result.

By Janet L

Apr 14, 2020

As a former Java Developer for BI apps who is transitioning to a Data Scientist/Data Analyst role, I would say Python definitely makes it easier and more efficient to develop BI/ETL apps. But equally important is an instructor who delivers the lessons in an easy-to-follow manner while focusing on the real world use cases. Thank you Dr. Chuck and your teaching assistants for a great job!

By Akin A B

Mar 4, 2021

Great course. Goes more into the underline coding issues than just the overly simplified "What is a loop/list/dict/tuple?". The instructor goes over how to creatively put it together in actual real word examples. The combos can get a bit confusing when mixing multiple commands, but thinking what you are trying to accomplish and going through the logic of the goal helps tremendously.

By Sergio B

Oct 2, 2017

Excelente curso. El material visual es sencillo, bien diseñado y explicado de forma organizada y entendible. Charles imparte la materia con pasión y de manera creativa y simple, de forma que es fácil para programadores novatos comprender la materia. Programadores intermedios/avanzados quizás encuentren el curso un poco lento o repetitivo en ciertas etapas, pero interesante igualmente.

By Jason K

Jun 13, 2021

Excellent course. It will take your newbie python skills to the next level and teach you lists, dictionaries and tuples (all python data structures). I found the assignments to be challenging but not hard. Spent about 2 to 3 hours per week (actually, I crushed the course over the Xmas holidays and did the whole thing in a week doing about 2 to 3 hours each day. Loved it!) Good luck!!

By Hugh W

Sep 8, 2017

I really enjoy Dr.Chunk's courses.

I have no basic of programing,I am a radiologist,in order to be prepared for the AI times,I decided to learn someting about programing.

The certificate is much easy to get compared with the ML course,and I think it is a good fedback so that I can maintain my passion on learning the coureses.

All the best to Dr.Chunk! Keep learning my fellow classmates.

By Christopher V

Jan 28, 2016

This class provides an introduction to all of the 'containers' used in Python to store and pass data. Charles Severance continues to provide excellent instruction on how these tools can be implemented and what they are capable of. Upon finishing this class, the student should know all of the basic commands used for building a program, along with simple techniques and implementations.

By Aysecan U

Feb 12, 2021

Dr. Chuck Severus is an excellent professor, very easy to follow, and fun to listen to. The assignments are extremely beneficial to apply the content from the lectures. This course helped me a lot to become fluent in Python. Now, I am confident and can write simple codes on my own to analyze data resulting from my biochemistry experiments. I would recommend this course to everybody.

By Pronab D

May 20, 2020

It was more challenging than the first course but well-paced. I may have to review some of the basic things I'm not clear about. So I would advice not to speed through the course if you are complete beginner. I had to rush because I'm using Coursera for campus for free and I need to learn so much more in short duration. If you have no reason to rush, please don't rush the course.

By Gesuri M L

May 4, 2020

Excelente curso dando continuación al primer curso. Cuenta con tareas mas retadoras y que se complican más y más al ir avanzando por el curso. Me gustaría que dieran un poco mas sobre como hacer gráficas, algunas cuestiones de matemáticas, como funciones trigonométricas, y ese tipo de cuestiones que durante alguna carrera o posgrado pueden ayudar mucho a realizar muchas cosas más.

By David A E G

Mar 7, 2020

An amazing course, in which my preliminary knowledge of Python Structures, was reinforced and updated. Some gaps were covered, thus setting a corrected path towards Python dominance. A very recommended course. Plus, I really enjoyed the extra material also (under the label of "Office Hours with Dr. Chuck"), and really loved and smiled at the "Garduation Ceremony" at the very end.

By Jomar J

Sep 15, 2020

I enjoyed this course. I had some more difficulty in this one that the first in the specialization. For someone who is completely new to programming, this is not super overwhelming but it already gives some mind teasers in the exercises. I suggest that you read the book after you finished watching the lessons because the examples in the book really help you answer the exercises.

By Geoffrey P

Apr 20, 2019

This is the next big step in learning basic Python programming. After the first course covers such important topics as "data types" this course continues with "data structures" which is how data is stored, recalled, and processed. This is crucial to understand before one tries to process information and gets back all types of traceback errors, "NoneType" and empty set responses.

By Ahmed A

Oct 25, 2017

In this course, you will be gaining a great amount of experience with Python in so smooth and easy way, the content is so interesting throughout the whole course. It will be so rewarding moment when you can read every line of the code that has been displayed by Dr. Chuck in first video of first course.

Thanks to Dr. Chuck and his excellent team, you will have fun during learning.

By iphyer

Dec 28, 2016

This is a basic courses of Python. I have to admit that due to my experience in Python, I complete it in a single afternoon but the courses still gives a lot knowledge of Python through the bonus videos like author of JavaScript or JQuery, this is more helpful for me to grasp a sense of computing. And still, if you are new to Python, this course is definitely the one you needed.

By Jade S

Nov 28, 2022

Chuck Severance is an amazing Instructor to say the least and I am very grateful for his commitment to making this course. He definitely added fuel to the flame of this desire I have to become a programmer. I am more excited than ever and ready to continue pursuing all the different facets of not just Python but other programming languages as well. Highly recommend this course.

By Pranav K

Sep 14, 2020

Well crafted course help a beginner really understand the basics of python and how the use of data structures brings around a wide range of applications for which python can be used to help us achieve our goal. Professor Charles Russell Severance is someone who makes sure his teachings are never boring and really makes learning a new concept easy to understand and fun to learn.

By Shreya V

Jul 6, 2020

This course really helped me learn more Python skills to use in the future and at school. Thank you for this amazing experience! I liked how I could work at my own pace with the assignments and quizzes. In addition, I learned how to manage my time better! Professor Severance was an amazing and engaging instructor! I would definitely recommend this course to other people!


By Rebecca E

Jun 8, 2020

Took this as the second course in the Python for Everybody specialization. Dr.Chuck does a great job of explaining concepts so even beginners can understand. A week ago I didn't know anything about programming, now I am able to do basic coding and can start to piece together how computers think. Would recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn the basics of programming.