Feb 7, 2023
The assessments, quizzes, and course coverage are quite good. The main points are covered, although it does not cover everything. Additionally, it provides opportunities to learn and conduct research.
May 4, 2018
It's very useful specially for new learner because it only dives into the part of python that data science need. I strongly recommend to anyone even if you don't have experience in programming before.
By Diana C R A
•Jan 22, 2022
It was so frustrating, to much time spend on each assignment. No material available other than videos. The videos were difficult to follow because the data used for explanation was extense and difficult to see. There is not a concrete explication of the functions so is hard to understand what each function does. I ended searching on internet how to do everything.
By aaron
•Jun 25, 2019
Terrible course. Material they teach has nothing to do with what you're evaluated on, so I ended up using google more for the assignments than the actual course material. Expect you to basically already know everything they're teaching, so it's essentially useless. They fly through concepts and barely explain anything, so you end up learning nothing.
By Y K
•Jun 17, 2019
I expected that this course is useful for my studies but it was not for sure. I felt this course is a revision note for people who have already studied before or had experiences a lot. The teaching were too poor and general. Free study material in the internet is still better than this course. At the end, I thought why would I pay for this course.
By Christian P
•Aug 11, 2021
I am disappointed. I think it is not enough to explain the material just by quickly going through Jupyter notebooks. What about teaching materials? No slides or other preparation. The exercises simply cost time without learning a lot. (US sport team names are of absolute no value for me. Why did you gave them so many room in assigment 4???)
By Mitchell G
•Nov 7, 2017
I really tried to get into this course. I wanted a more advanced and fast paced course so a lot of the reviews about it being difficult didn't turn me off. However, the course just is not good. The assignments are not conducive to experimenting and learning and I got almost nothing from the lectures which were basically dry lists of facts.
By Brandon P
•Jun 15, 2017
The course provided minimal instruction and relied on self teaching. The easiest solutions to the assignments weren't covered during the weeks lectures, and had to be found through self teaching.
This would be a great free course. Paying for it was a waste of money as I could have learned everything I did from my own teaching.
By Syed S
•Apr 6, 2020
The description of the course is really bad. Youtube videos are better than the course. I am just doing this course for the sake of the certificate. I had to do everything by my ownself watching youtube videos and reading other material on the web. The assignments were in NOOOOOO way aligned with the actual lectures.
By Leo W
•Feb 17, 2021
Explanations in the videos are confusing and muddled, hours long assignments of reading entire chapters of a textbook are useless and code examples in the quizzes do not run in Jupyter notebooks or in PyCharm. I am trying to drop this course but clicking the three vertical dots only opens "Rate Course".
By Rafsan Z
•Jun 16, 2020
Not recommended until the whole course is updated. Its autograder is very old and invalid. It's also very sensitive. Shows the wrong answer even when the answer is right in the latest version of Jupiter. I hope it gets updated very soon as it's a very important course for data science after all.
By Izabela D
•Apr 30, 2020
I thought that applied means we will be coding in python not having notebook and listening about wrote code. Applied was only at assigments. And I really dont like some tasks to read article and write min.90 words disagreed or agreed. Teacher was very good but form of the course not.
By Jill
•Feb 14, 2023
Course is far to broad to be an introduction level course. I've used python for several years but the topics are just brushed over and like many others have mentioned it is highly self taught. Seems that signing up for a course shouldn't be a self guided as this course makes it.
By R T
•Jul 4, 2021
what's the point of paying for an online course only to be told to do 'self-research'?
lecture videos were terrible. at the very least, the professor should be typing as he narrates (in real-time), instead of reading off of a script and speeding up the typing process on screen.
By Barb
•Jul 17, 2020
I understand that the goal of this course is to push us to a higher level of understanding of Python and Pandas. I would rather put my time/energy into real world problems than blindly try to guess what the autograder for this course is looking for. A big disappointment.
By Jean-Michel P
•Jun 2, 2021
Course material only touches the surface of the actual content. Student is expected to do most of the learning by searching on google for what the lecture doesn't cover (which is almost all of the content). The assignments are completely disconnected from the lectures.
By Hashem A
•Jun 1, 2019
Actually I wanted to select zero stars!
I never leave reviews but for this course I will make an exception. This is the worst course I have taken period. Instructor robotically reading ill-prepared material off a prompter. Save time and money and just use google.
By Remy A
•May 20, 2018
Jupyter notebooks used for assignments work sporadically at best. I've spent about half my time during assignments troubleshooting notebook issues. It has been far more beneficial looking at the official pandas documentation and tutorials than taking this course.
By moustafa
•Sep 14, 2021
This course doesnt teach you , its more of a guide through documentation . Explanations are thin , compared to python for everybody and python 3 programming done by University of Michigan this course is not worth the time and effort. Better to just read a book .
By John M H
•Jun 16, 2019
Might as well just list the assignments, and skip the videos. I don't really feel the videos provide any useful introduction or helpful information about how to solve the assignments, it's basically up to me googling and reading documentation. Very disappointed.
By Mahmoud T E
•Sep 5, 2023
The teaching method is just too overwhelming. It's nearly impossible to keep up with such amount of information all delivered in a very fast rate. The programming tasks are nearly impossible to solve and they are not so relevant to the lectures.
By Mark M
•Jan 11, 2022
The lack of explicit and clear instructions for the assignments make this course far more difficult than it really has to be. It's like taking an exam with trick questions that are vague and ambiguous. Stay away from this course, it's a joke!
By Andrew V
•Jun 14, 2024
I found the jupyter notebook environment that was used to validate assignments unhelpful. Code that I could get to provide correct answers did not even the most simplistic of validations, such as a key existing within a dictionary object.
By Kongpyung M
•Nov 5, 2018
there was a technical problem on submitting the assignment, which I can not proceed on further week's lectures without completing the submission. I sent message and report the problem but nothing has solved even after 10 days.
By Roland H
•May 25, 2020
Wort course ever. Videos give only sneak previews and don't provide required information for the assignments. If I have to search for the all relevant information in the internet, then I don't need a video course at all.
By Aditya A
•May 20, 2020
The course is not very helpful nor does it cover any of the pandas functionalities in depth. Furthermore, it also uses an older version of pandas leading to what little that was being taught to be even more redundant.
By ahmedwalid
•Jul 15, 2020
The material in the videos is very light. The course does not teach pandas but gives you a small introduction and leave you with the assignment. If I have to search for every thing what is the purpose of the course?