Feb 7, 2023
The assessments, quizzes, and course coverage are quite good. The main points are covered, although it does not cover everything. Additionally, it provides opportunities to learn and conduct research.
May 4, 2018
It's very useful specially for new learner because it only dives into the part of python that data science need. I strongly recommend to anyone even if you don't have experience in programming before.
By arley s c l
•Nov 2, 2022
I think i could be better if in a single module we checkout just a single dataframe and try to extract and transform the most data as possible insted do it with severals of them.
By Fei Y
•Oct 28, 2018
You should break assignment into smaller substeps. You should also provide more comments like 'your dataframe size is incorrect or starting from which line you result has error'.
By Lucas S D S
•Jun 16, 2020
It's a really challenging course for someone with an intermediate level of Python and pandas, I really enjoyed . The only minor point is the quality of the theory on the videos.
By Paolo V P
•Sep 14, 2019
Requires some knowledge of the topics covered, otherwise the lessons are hard to follow.
More examples should be given for each topic, to consolidate the student's understanding.
By Rajat S
•Sep 12, 2018
GREAT assignments, average-ish course instruction. Would recommend just for the assignments, great way to get your hands dirty with data manipulation work in python using pandas
By Joanne L
•Feb 24, 2019
Prior coding experience would definitely make this course easier to pick up. A lot of the learning i found isn't driven from the videos itself but from just constant googling.
By emmanuel H
•Aug 15, 2019
The video of this course are good. Assessment questions and the expected format of data need to be clarified so that we really understand what is expected to pass the course.
•Feb 8, 2022
This is good course but you should really have good knowledge of python before doing this course. even if this is introduction course still python basic knowledge is needed
By Navaneet K A
•May 29, 2019
The accent of the instructor was too fast, which made the content incomprehensible. The course unfolded very rapidly, giving little room for beginners to understand on spot
By Anastasiia P
•Jul 18, 2020
I think, that the structure of the lectures made it difficult to concentrate on the material, but the assignments were very good and I have learned a lot while doing them.
By Apurva
•Jan 18, 2018
First three modules are great but in the last module (Week 4) Prof Brooks is rushing through many topics. Probably consider having lesser content with proper explanation.
By Estapraq M K
•Jan 7, 2018
The instructor doesn't explain that much, he could do better than that. It is an independent study. The only thing I enjoyed was the links and the articles, that was all.
By Micah D
•May 2, 2018
Course has a great amount of information that is wonderful, but the instructional videos are less and less helpful as time goes on, and the autograder is the devil.
By Vishwakarthik R
•Jul 29, 2017
The course content was good but the assignments were way too tough.The assignments should have been a bit easier because i lost interest due to the tough questions.
By Jan K
•Jul 15, 2017
The programming assignments were a little frustrating.
I feel a little more time should be spent on the theory behind pandas and how the library works conceptually.
By Hong_Linshuo
•Jul 9, 2019
I think the assignments waste too much of my time since I have no problems using proper programming skills, but have lots of problems catering to the auto grader.
By Taras P
•Dec 10, 2016
Top free course about Data Science. But I think lectures must be more detailed and related to assignments. And assignments could be less ambiguous and more clear.
By Manuela D
•Jan 3, 2018
Some exercises of the assignments where ways to difficult compared to what learned during lectures: much more details should be provided about data manipulation
•Apr 27, 2020
the course is really good but there are issues with autograder. Though they are addressed in forums you'll have to go through them and hence wasting your time.
By Joshua C
•Jan 24, 2018
You'll spend more time struggling with the jupyter notebook (assignment platform) than actually writing or learning code. The lectures are really good, though.
By Yan X
•Nov 4, 2019
Great content. But some assignment questions are not that clear and might cost you more time than its worth. And feedback from mentor is not that responsive.
By Abhijit G
•Apr 27, 2018
The course is well designed and assignments are complex. What I did not like about this course is that the assignments are not well explained with examples.
By Narayan S
•Aug 17, 2020
The main problem is with the auto grader. There are too many issues making it cumbersome to get the assignment submission right in one go. Please fix this.
By Parth M
•Jul 12, 2020
Had to learn most of it by myself. Got discouraging at a certain point. Should have informed about the prerequisites.
Learn Numpy, Pandas before enrolling.
By Ryan T
•May 18, 2020
Some parts were quickly rushed through and poorly explained. However, they did explain the bare bones of pandas, which was the main reason for this course.