Jun 9, 2020
An excellent course for those who want to boost their programming abilities on Python. It tackles diverse and challenging problems, for you to practice and round out every concept. Highly recommended!
Nov 25, 2020
Very good crash course. Considering myself not a Python novice, maybe intermediate level, I even learned something new. Don't expect to be a Python expert after this, though, as it is a crash course.
By Cam N
•Jan 15, 2021
Well written although slowly paced at the beginning and too quickly paced during the optional sections, especially at OOP. A few errors in translations and exercises throughout but nothing is perfect, overall great work.
By Gözde K
•Dec 20, 2020
It seems that this course was prepared with lots of efforts. Thank you to everyone involved for teaching this valuable information. I congratulate you for preparing very efficient course content with lots of assessments!
By David D
•Aug 29, 2020
Really great course. It starts off easy in Week 1 but the difficultly for a fresh coder ramps up steeply, but I found that good. You really felt you were getting to know Python, especially by having to work on a project.
By Vitor M
•Jul 27, 2020
The course is great! It exceeded my expectations, they explain very well the concepts used in Python. Besides that, it has lots of exercises, based on real problems, that help put in practice what we've learned in class.
By Karthikeshwar
•Apr 2, 2020
This is the best course I've ever taken. The quality is uncompromised, the lectures are well prepared and the questions are tough enough which make sure you understand the things. Even the assignment in the end was good.
By Unbox W U
•Mar 8, 2020
Thank you so much Google Team for this amazing course. This really helped me strengthen my programming skills. I am hoping to grow my skill as much that one day I work with your amazing team as a Developer. Stay blessed.
By Black M
•Mar 6, 2023
Awesome course for a python beginner. It may feel slow to grasp some concepts but it's worth it. The practical exercises and notes also make it more engaging. Just remember to revise your code and you'll do just fine :)
By Arnab M
•Nov 12, 2022
WOW!!!! what a amazing course. The teacher is the best in the entire universe . I can not think of anyone more suitable for this than madam. just wowwwwwwwwww........................................................... .
By Zahid H 1
•Jun 3, 2022
It's a good starter. I found it most useful to learn the data structres in pyton specialy list, string, dictionary and their varius real life usages. These ideas can help anyone wish to do well in data science and ml.
By Gabriel N A
•Dec 6, 2021
This was a great course to kick start my python programming journey. The final project on wordcloud was really challenging but every time spent was worth it. Kudos! to all googlers that prepared this course. Thank you!
By Moiz
•Apr 25, 2021
A very good course to get you started in Python programming. For those new to python, i think the course remained focused on key language concepts that needs to be mastered before digging more deeper into other details.
By Fernando J S
•Apr 20, 2021
It is an excelent course. Overcomes the purpose of be a simple introduction of Python. Maybe, It would be great a more deep on the last subjects (classes, methods, projects) but besides that, again it is a great course.
By Qikun C
•Mar 9, 2021
very interactive with very good designed exercises. although it's meant for those who have zero knowledge of programming, but it's always good to catch up all the basics for those who have already programming experience
By Agnius B
•Sep 21, 2020
I had gone through some Python courses in the past but did not use it that much in my day-to-day activities. I used this course as a refresher and it was great. Quick, on-point and covering lots of useful info and tips.
By Kapish
•May 13, 2020
The course will teach you all the basics of python including lists, tuples, dictionary, object oriented concepts and much more. I would recommend to go with this crash course on Python if you love to coding with python.
By Shashank S
•Apr 29, 2020
It's one of the best and cool crash courses that's available for python, it was fun, the topics were helpful, and most of it was covered, could use some more help in the optional topics like Object Oriented Programming.
By Rishabh G
•Feb 21, 2020
The instructor is amazing and she explained everything in an easy to understand fashion. The speaking pace was a bit slow but then there are others for whom it would be the correct pace to understand. Loved this course.
By Sidharth S
•Jan 29, 2020
I enjoyed covering all the course, it was fun and the most interesting part was WordCloud Project, Literally I almost gave up on that assignment but after lots of research and help from others members I finally succeed.
By Utkarsh R
•Jan 20, 2024
Great Course to learn Python but the only thing is that , this course is fast paced and the learner has to put effort to keep up with the course and by the way this is self paced course so it does not matter that much.
By José M M P
•Jan 7, 2024
El haber aprendido con el primero de los cursos sobre el lenguaje y sistemática de Python representa una importante plataforma con destino a opciones y alternativas de mejorar mis capacidades y posibilidades laborales.
By Juan C V V
•Aug 10, 2022
Un buen acercamiento a la programacion con Python, uso de funciones basicas y manejo de objetos. Es un curso que requiere algo de conocimiento de programacion, aunque con esfuerzo una persona sin estos lo podria hacer.
By Priyanshu S
•Apr 15, 2021
it is a good start and the the professors told the concept using all the resources like using all the video editing animation so it is alot more easier to grab the concept .
print("Thankyou @google and @the_professors")
By Dongha K
•Jun 16, 2020
It was a big step into Python. I wanna say it's just awesome. Of course, this course is not easy for me but I believe obviously I've improved my skills at Python. I could make another step on Python. Thank you, Google.
By Matheus L
•May 9, 2023
It was challenging at times, but I pushed through and learned so much about this powerful programming language. I feel a great sense of accomplishment and can't wait to start using my new skills in future projects.
By Abhinav K
•Mar 20, 2022
This course has almost everything one should know if he wants to code anytime in life. This is the best course for the begginers. I analyzed the whole course in my mind but still can't find anything to complain about!