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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python Basics by University of Michigan

17,946 ratings

About the Course

This course introduces the basics of Python 3, including conditional execution and iteration as control structures, and strings and lists as data structures. You'll program an on-screen Turtle to draw pretty pictures. You'll also learn to draw reference diagrams as a way to reason about program executions, which will help to build up your debugging skills. The course has no prerequisites. It will cover Chapters 1-9 of the textbook "Fundamentals of Python Programming," which is the accompanying text (optional and free) for this course. The course is for you if you're a newcomer to Python programming, if you need a refresher on Python basics, or if you may have had some exposure to Python programming but want a more in-depth exposition and vocabulary for describing and reasoning about programs. This is the first of five courses in the Python 3 Programming Specialization....

Top reviews


Oct 18, 2019

It's a must join course for the people who want to deep dive into the world of Python. I really loving this course very much. I wanna explore more hence opting for other parts of this specialization.


May 2, 2023

Great course and easy to follow. The only suggestion I have is to do lesson 2 the best you can then move on because some of the practice questions have answers from lessons that come after this one.

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701 - 725 of 3,977 Reviews for Python Basics

By Samiul I


Jul 21, 2020

In one word, it's an amazing course. Especially, Interactive Textbook is really helpful for hands on code practicing. Highly recommended.

By Martin P


Aug 27, 2022

This is a great course, thanks a lot for the effort on organizing the content and the way of explaining the concepts with the tool. ;-)

By Cesar J B B


Jun 30, 2021

This was an excelent course, it drive you into all the programming basics. I feel really great to keep learning phyton! Thanks coursera



Aug 10, 2020

Muy buen curso introductorio! Muy completo y muuuuuy interactivo, con herramientas muy utiles de practica. Mejor que un curso presencial

By Sunrit B


Jul 6, 2020

Very good course !

One small problem, at times the assignment asked much tougher questions that required things that weren't taught yet !



Jun 29, 2020

This course helps to understand the basics of python very clearly. Each exercise problem gives better knowledge of the basics of python.

By Dr. M H M K


Jun 24, 2020

An wonderful course. I have learnt a lot of useful things from this course. It is a benchmark for me in the experience of Python Coding.

By Antonio F


Apr 22, 2019

muy buen curso para iniciarse en python. Se explican muchos conceptos importantes de una forma bastante clara y en general es muy ameno.

By Yash R


May 5, 2020

Amazing specialization with excellent external tools, the interactive textbook being my favorite with expert guidance from instructors.

By Kshitiz M


Apr 15, 2020

If you always dreamed of learning Python, then this course is a must try.

It will cover all your basics of Python 3 Programming Language



Apr 7, 2024

En definitiva un buen curso introductorio. Los ejemplos son didácticos y precisos. Las lecturas son cómodas y la explicación es clara.



Apr 22, 2022

Wonderful course especially for those who are new to Python.

Very clear explanations, a lot of examples and exercises.

Highly recommend!

By Jayant V


May 17, 2021

loved this course i have completed this course in two weeks , i am a quick learner, thank you University of Michigan for this course.

By Raghaw M


Jul 30, 2020

I really loved this course excellent explanation, Even tough my English is poor, I didn't faced any issues in understanding the course

By G. L P


May 1, 2020

I enjoyed learning python basics in course era and that to for free of cost. Well explained by the professors and thanks to professors

By Varun P S


Jul 26, 2020

I think this course lets you know about the very basics but extremely important concepts in python. Everyone should take this course.

By ahmed m


Mar 24, 2020

It was an excellent course and had challenging assignments.By the end of the course ,you will be writing code in python confidentely.

By Young B


Feb 19, 2020

I really like the course material(interactive text book). Plenty of helpful information about python and general programming methods!

By oscar s


May 8, 2019

Well done, filled with tons of examples and videos to cover the usage of functions and reiterate learning topics covered in chapters.

By Thanh P N


Aug 26, 2020

It is a perfect course for beginners to study Python with comprehensive explanations and vivid lecture videos. I highly recommend it

By Toluwalemi I


Jun 28, 2020

This course not only teaches you Python basics, but it also introduces you to problem-solving and how to tackle real-world problems.

By Josh C


Jun 20, 2020

I loved this course. Best material and teaching style of any course I have seen yet. I learned a lot in a very short period of time!

By Khileshwar R


May 19, 2020

This course is very good for those who are seeking for becoming a python programmer.

Explained the concepts in a good and simple way.

By Nilesh M N


Oct 12, 2019

Covers the basics comprehensively. Well structured. The interactive environment is a nice tool for beginners to visualize code flow.