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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python Basics by University of Michigan

17,946 ratings

About the Course

This course introduces the basics of Python 3, including conditional execution and iteration as control structures, and strings and lists as data structures. You'll program an on-screen Turtle to draw pretty pictures. You'll also learn to draw reference diagrams as a way to reason about program executions, which will help to build up your debugging skills. The course has no prerequisites. It will cover Chapters 1-9 of the textbook "Fundamentals of Python Programming," which is the accompanying text (optional and free) for this course. The course is for you if you're a newcomer to Python programming, if you need a refresher on Python basics, or if you may have had some exposure to Python programming but want a more in-depth exposition and vocabulary for describing and reasoning about programs. This is the first of five courses in the Python 3 Programming Specialization....

Top reviews


Oct 18, 2019

It's a must join course for the people who want to deep dive into the world of Python. I really loving this course very much. I wanna explore more hence opting for other parts of this specialization.


May 2, 2023

Great course and easy to follow. The only suggestion I have is to do lesson 2 the best you can then move on because some of the practice questions have answers from lessons that come after this one.

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26 - 50 of 3,977 Reviews for Python Basics

By Mordechai P


Dec 28, 2018

I have some experience with python, (done several projects - sites, program for phones(Python-Kivy), and also program for Windows (Python-PyQt5) ). However, after I finished the course I got more knowledges. Thanks to all who created the training program, it is very COOL AND USEFUL.

By Chris I


Feb 15, 2019

I really enjoyed this course and found the content easy to follow.

By John H


Mar 11, 2019

Subject covered in lessons was very basic compared to the knowledge required to complete the final assessment. I suggest either modifying the final assessment to more closely resemble the practice questions given throughout the course or else to change the course content in order to give students the knowledge they need to complete the final assignment.

By Robert P


Feb 16, 2019

Very well paced course for those with limited to no programming experience. The online textbook and embedded exercises are excellent and very graceful at handling programming errors. The format takes any apprehension out of learning Python and provides useful feedback throughout. The "Way of the Programmer" transcends simply learning syntax and patterns to provide useful advice for a novice programmers to improve their coding abilities regardless of the language used.

By saif d


Mar 2, 2025

very exceptional course. I am from non - coding background but my understanding of python coding increasing day by day with this course.

Thank you Coursera for providing such world class content.

By Valentin D


Jan 12, 2019

Very good class to learn the base of Python Programming!!

By Niroop H


Jan 20, 2019

Course is good but lots issues with browser cache. when grading it says answer is wrong even through answers is correct and when I restart the browser it says answer is correct. Most of the time I had to restart the browser. Please fix it. Also where is the phone number for the coursera technical support ? Thanks

By Chris S


Dec 29, 2019

Course format needs updating, particularly Runestone which has invalid dates, some grammar errors, and in some cases completed quiz questions. Overall the content is good.

By Piotr J Z


Feb 21, 2020

Too basic

By Victor B A


Jan 28, 2019

Great course to learn an important programming language like Python and to learn programming logic which is much more important for programmers than just the programming language. I truly recommend this course for anyone that is beginning their developer career, because Python's usage is increasing year by year because of Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

By Josh J


Jul 13, 2019

After finishing Dr. Chuck's course, this is the next one to take. It will take longer to complete, but you will have many more hands-on assignments to work on. All of the practice questions are useful (except some of the turtle program stuff). I feel more confident now with the basics of lists and for loops than I had. Overall, it was a great course for my skill level.

By Kennedy K W


Dec 27, 2018

Great course!. The numerous coding exercises, and the videos made me master a thorough firm grounding in Python 3 Programming fundamentals. Fully prepared to dive deep into intermediate Python programming modules. Thank you University of Michigan and Coursera.

5 stars!!!!

By Lizette G B


Mar 1, 2019

The course is very useful to get familiarized with Python's syntax and semantics. The materials are well designed so that students can learn the main concepts and practice their application. I highly recommend it.



May 31, 2020

This course is very good for beginners. The content and flow of the course is amazing. online practice tool to run our codes online without installing any software makes is even more user friendly.

By Akash B


Jan 23, 2019

Medium one, but needs to include some programming assignments

By Armida J C


Apr 3, 2020

Overall, this course is very thorough and is a really great course. The instructors do a decent job at explaining the materials. I actually really like the interactive notebook/coursebook, much more than I like for example Jupyter Notebooks. But the Interactive Notebook, can lag behind on the practice questions, as well as be slow to upload the new question during daily practice, which discourages overall use. The end of section assessments are sometimes worded in ways that are not super clear making the problems a little harder to solve than they really should be. Sometimes the wording resulted in it taking 3x the predicted time on the schedule to complete the exam. Python has just been very hard for me to learn, this course has helped. I still need to keep going and maybe it will get better. Thanks for putting the class together, I wish I could have given it a higher score, but those hang-ups with the Interactive book and the wording of some problems did cause some unnecessary struggles. Otherwise, the overall content was great.

By Awdhoot K


Apr 12, 2020

course is too long and slow for no reason 10 min video actual information is 2-3 min or so

By Octavio P


Apr 30, 2020

would rather program without the interactive text book

Thank you

By Antonio T


Oct 2, 2019

Very low level if you has some knowledges about programming.

By Peter K


Nov 17, 2020

The course content is very disorganized. Key concepts aren't introduced in a logical and systematic manner. Definitions weren't clear. I had to constantly use Google to figure out what the terms were and how things should be organized. There wasn't enough project related work to support hands-on learning and a deeper understanding of the content.

I would not recommend this course. I will be signing up for a new and different online python course shortly.

By harsh t


Jan 6, 2020

you should must give 2 months for the course to complete it and charges alsoe that you taken is for 2months

By Zach S


May 10, 2021

Intentionally blocking the virtual instruction book is really stupid. I can't access it anymore. I don't know why. I'm clearly logged into Coursera, I can complete the class, make this comment. But I can't access Runestone to practice code. I'm taking this course as it's recommended for several Master's degrees, one of which is Michigan's MADS degree. As I'm taking this course, I'm evaluating if I want to pursue a Master's degree at University of Michigan. But if you, as programmers, can't properly code to give me access to learning materials, than clearly I'm no longer considering you for a Master's degree that relies on coding. Best of luck, hopefully you can figure out how to code.

By Ketan P


Jul 27, 2021

keeps getting message "Please login via your learning management system (Coursera, Canvas, Blackboard, etc.)

At the beginning of each study session, you will need to first use one of the links at the top of a lesson that says something like, "Single Sign On: Interactive Textbook and Practice Opportunities." Once you've done that, you'll be able to use the textbook for the duration of your learning sessions, including the links to individual textbook pages in Coursera."

However no such link is shown. this is waste of money and time

By Pragya J


Jun 18, 2020

Can't see what you are typing on screen.... extremely basic and too much detailed which is not required

By Khushi s


Jun 12, 2020

you don't provide certificates.

can u please provide a certificate.