Oct 18, 2019
It's a must join course for the people who want to deep dive into the world of Python. I really loving this course very much. I wanna explore more hence opting for other parts of this specialization.
May 2, 2023
Great course and easy to follow. The only suggestion I have is to do lesson 2 the best you can then move on because some of the practice questions have answers from lessons that come after this one.
By mostafa a
•May 12, 2020
it is too slow
By Burak K
•Jan 31, 2022
it was good
By Selasi A
•Jun 14, 2022
By Tamil S
•Sep 10, 2020
no comends
By Francesco C
•Mar 28, 2023
too basic
By Ankit N
•Aug 3, 2020
very slow
•Jun 10, 2020
too basic
By Ali
•May 3, 2024
By Weerachai Y
•Jun 10, 2020
•Jun 4, 2023
By Shatrunjay d
•Jul 23, 2020
By G'offurov A
•Mar 3, 2024
By Ranjan P
•Oct 11, 2023
By Mohit k
•Jan 28, 2021
By Jagrati S
•Aug 13, 2020
By Harshita L
•May 22, 2020
By Ren B
•Feb 22, 2023
Read if you're going to take this course. While you will get excellent information from it, there are some major areas that the course is lacking that can make your learning progress slower and more difficult. Some of this includes errors in the programs used for examples in the course. But the main issue I found was that it is INCREDIBLY disorganized. In terms of teaching logic, it's mostly lacking that. On multiple occasions, you get administered exercises on content that hasn't been taught yet (only to find it in the next lesson) or you'll find that information isn't completely explained just to find the info you've been wanting shows up at the end of the course instead. Which makes zero sense. It would have been much better for complete explanations to occur while exercises were being assigned. There was even a video in week 4 where the prof. talked about us having "not done" what he was talking about yet when we had absolutely already done it in previous weeks. So, for whatever reason, this was clearly taught out of order (as is also evident in how the book exercises are assigned). It made a whole lot more difficult than it had to be. The course also could do a much better job than it does in explaining why the code works the way that it does. They tend to rely a lot on Code Lens to do this (you'll see what this is as you dive in) rather than give a really good explanation. Which, if you're already somewhat familiar with Python, this may not be a big deal. But it can be a big deal for beginners. And since the course is advertised as appropriate for beginners, it would be great if those explanations where handled more thoroughly. If you dive in, my biggest recommendation would be to watch all the videos in a week FIRST before completing any assignments and take great notes while doing it. Then, go back and complete the assignments and quizzes in order from there after. You'll be missing information you need to really understand the exercises otherwise. I would love to rate this higher. The information is good. But it was too much of a fight to find and learn to apply the information shared because of the number of course mistakes and extreme disorganization of the material.
By Jingyi Z
•May 15, 2024
- the lecturing videos are bit old - lecture and exercise number do not match - 90% of the assignments don't have explanation which led to google for answers - didn't like how they divided the workload - the week 4 workload is a lot, consisted of 5 graded assignments for the last week to complete
By Chuck S
•Jun 27, 2024
Pretty unhappy with what was contained when I left.. looked like an older program and some of the staff was .. how shall I say it? not looking like they cared about too muck in the way of dress? I will look for another course in Python 3.
By Elizabeth B
•Nov 22, 2024
This was a fantastic python learning experience before they decided to paywall the interactive textbook. I don't want a specialization, I was self-learning for personal growth. Taking away the textbook takes away that option.
By Fadi K
•Feb 20, 2023
Quality of video is blurry. Topics are good but not explained well. Real monotone
instructors and really don't make it any fun to learn. Basic teraching.
•Jun 14, 2021
I thought that I would had many new things . But , I had very low level knowldege only . Am totally dissatisfied .
By Hlyan H N N
•Oct 7, 2023
I hope the login fopp will fix next time and can't do nothing and same error page loop again and again. Thankss.
By Tony M
•Jan 24, 2021
It's a good idea, just needs more refinement. It seems disorganized
•Jun 29, 2022
course was too bulky, for a beginner.