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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Portfolio and Risk Management by University of Geneva

2,413 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you will gain an understanding of the theory underlying optimal portfolio construction, the different ways portfolios are actually built in practice and how to measure and manage the risk of such portfolios. You will start by studying how imperfect correlation between assets leads to diversified and optimal portfolios as well as the consequences in terms of asset pricing. Then, you will learn how to shape an investor's profile and build an adequate portfolio by combining strategic and tactical asset allocations. Finally, you will have a more in-depth look at risk: its different facets and the appropriate tools and techniques to measure it, manage it and hedge it. Key speakers from UBS, our corporate partner, will regularly add a practical perspective on these different topics as you progress through the course....

Top reviews


Aug 29, 2020

This is was an incredible course. If you have a little bit of background on these topics you will be amazed by how the instructors present complex concepts in a very simple and understandable way.


Nov 26, 2020

Definitely not for people without economical and some math knowledge, but Great content, and fully recommend for anybody looking to improve their knowledge to better take care of your portfolio!

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301 - 325 of 397 Reviews for Portfolio and Risk Management

By June O


Dec 25, 2020

Most part of the courses were quite good, excepted the part on currency risk where i thought it was abit too technical, too much formulas for the currency lectures

By Trevor S


Oct 27, 2018

A useful module.

Some of the derivative detail is hard to remember and the more detailed risk measurement formula may benefit from a little more explanation.

By Binny B


Oct 2, 2016

at times , it is hard to catch up with the ideas conveyed

but overall , a very relevant and important subject taught in a very sensible and easy way.

By Chan T W


Jan 17, 2023

This course is a bit difficult for me because I have no background in all the topics, but the instructors were able to discuss all these very well.

By Shashank V M


Sep 15, 2019

Week 4 was a bit complex. Risk section could have been explained better with more real life examples to support the theory and equations taught.

By Vishal A


Jul 16, 2020

Some topics were bit tough to understand given that English isn't the first language of the instructors. But overall, a great course!

By Alexandros G


Jun 11, 2018

Overall good, the content was really useful and updated. However the performance of all of the professors was not at the same level.

By Fabio G


Oct 29, 2017

Very well course. Maybe some topics (eg. foreign currencies, derivatives) should be provided with additional material (exercises).

By Raminta A


Nov 19, 2018

In general I found this course useful; however, some places of the course were not very clear to me (for instance, derivatives).

By Mykyta S


Apr 1, 2020

The course is good and helpful. Week 4th is complicated with a lack of examples and many maths formulas only instead.

By Mariano G


Dec 23, 2020

Some of the lessons about value at risk are a little hard to understand. A little more practice it's needed I think.

By Nikita P


Sep 30, 2017

Quite a good course to get an overview of investment. Nothing extraordinary, but still very informative and useful.

By Shankaranand M


Jun 12, 2016

Gives a very good overview of risk tracking for Portfolios, and includes an introduction to derivative products.

By Oyio G


Feb 27, 2023

This course was really an eye-opener for me in terms of investing and managing portfolios for clients.

By Arpit S


Nov 25, 2018

Compared to previous two courses, this one was not as engaging. Perhaps the course theory is bland .

By Jonathan M


Sep 10, 2017

Well delivered and covers the most relevant topics. More examples and applications would be useful

By Patricio T


May 19, 2020

Es un curso que conceptualmente es completo, pero a mi parecer requiere más elementos prácticos.

By Daniel T


Apr 1, 2018

Excellent course although I would suggest making the material in week 4 was a little less dense

By Swanand K


Aug 17, 2018

It would be helpful, if VaR concepts are explained more with practical / real life scenarios.

By Tihomir B G


Nov 30, 2017

some more examples could have been very handy wrt to the VaR, Expected Shortfall lectures.

By CiCi H


Dec 10, 2017

Very generic topic, not too bad, but not that impressive. Same teachers are stereotype

By Varun F


Dec 3, 2018

Great course! Clear and concise concept explanations for someone new to the topics.

By Javier C S


Mar 16, 2020

A sinthetized but complete view on all the topics involved on portfolio management

By Baljeet S


Jun 19, 2021

This course really gives you all the aspects of basic level portfolio management.

By Godwin B T


Feb 9, 2023

Very Educative and informative course on managing risk and portfolio investment