Jul 1, 2019
The course is very good and has taught me the all the important concepts required to build a sequence model. The assignments are also very neatly and precisely designed for the real world application.
Oct 30, 2018
The lectures covers lots of SOTA deep learning algorithms and the lectures are well-designed and easy to understand. The programming assignment is really good to enhance the understanding of lectures.
By Eric G S
•Oct 31, 2020
Excellent course, thanks for creating a good balance between theory and practice
•Jun 29, 2020
good enough basic course though don't stop her continue with your enthusiasm ...
By Tan B
•Feb 28, 2019
This is the last and very good course. The last assignment was very interesting.
•Jan 11, 2019
The excercise gave very little room to learn and everything was mostly spoon fed
By Xiaoahe X
•Nov 29, 2018
The course is really helpful, but It takes some time to get familiar with Keras.
By Sayar B
•Sep 8, 2018
A perfect ending to the specialization, this one is for all you NLP enthusiasts.
By Yuval A
•Jun 19, 2018
This course explains the topic of RNN very well. Liked the programming exercise.
By wei y
•Jun 14, 2018
what ever you want, this course will beyond your expectation. many thanks to Ng.
By Emanuele P
•May 28, 2018
Clear and explicative sequence model course. Perfect to start learning the topic
By Yash k
•May 28, 2018
Difficult things explained in a simple way. That's what make this course awesome
By 桉恺 梁
•Mar 16, 2018
The most interesting one! A lot of implements of model in real world. Excellent!
By suresh s
•Apr 22, 2023
Please give more intuition and examples. Sequence models need much more detail.
By Fazyl Y
•Jul 27, 2022
This course is amazing! I learned so far materials that I'll use in the future.
By Pasan J
•Oct 9, 2021
Professor andrew is an amazing instructor! I started my ML/DS journey with him!
By 지정후
•Jul 7, 2021
It was really a brilliant course with fun and helpful lectures and assignments!
By Ajin J
•Aug 21, 2020
Excellent course,well organised, Best ever learning platform I have ever seen.
By zhanat n
•Jun 7, 2020
This course was really helpful for me to understand Neural Networks, thank you!
By Hugo T K
•Jan 28, 2020
The exercises were very entertaining and Andrew Yang is an excellent professor.
By Ghicheon L
•Apr 1, 2018
very good! I could've learned the state-of-the-art deep learning technologies!
By Ievgenii K
•Feb 20, 2018
excellent course! it could have more practice but good enough as quick overview
By Ivan K
•Dec 18, 2023
Proven way to lay a solid and up to date foundation of Deep Learning knowledge
By Yunbo L
•Jun 12, 2022
I think it's the most difficult course of the spicialization, but I got a lot。
By Annabelle N
•Nov 30, 2020
Thank you Andrew Ng and the team behind these deep learning courses! Love them
By Ari W R
•Aug 25, 2020
What a excellent course is this! It is very clear for the material. Thank you!
By Tito M
•Jul 26, 2020
Excellent delivery and assignments. Dr Ng got everything right in the courses.