Oct 30, 2018
The lectures covers lots of SOTA deep learning algorithms and the lectures are well-designed and easy to understand. The programming assignment is really good to enhance the understanding of lectures.
Mar 14, 2024
Cant express how thankful I am to Andrew Ng, literally thought me from start to finish when my school didnt touch about it, learn a lot and decided to use my knowledge and apply to real world projects
By Abid O
•May 1, 2018
some topics not explained in detail. Not enough examples to understand some models completely. As an example, I didn't fully understand what are the parameters for the models, their shapes, and how they are used in the model
By Yash R
•Jan 23, 2022
Great course! But I find the transformer assignment bit difficult. I think if the implementation would be covered in a 10-15 minutes video it would be a lot more easier to understand. Thank you for the great specialisation!
By Jiachang L
•Jul 16, 2018
Overall it was pretty informational on introducing NLP to me. However, Keras was a little bit frustrating to learn at the beginning. I found out the forum was a very good resource to learn Keras syntax whenever I was stuck.
By Eric C
•Jan 13, 2020
Great course! I do feel like I'm just scratching the surface of the types of applications that I can make. I think the coding segments still hold our hands a little too much, but you can't beat the clarity of the lectures.
By Son N
•Oct 21, 2018
The course lecture is grade but I hope the assignment is better in guiding structure, something the explanation is hard to follow, and the assignment should include the transfer learning instead of using the trained model.
By Sehyun P
•Jul 21, 2023
Until chapter 4 it is straightforward to follow the lecture and the assignment, but RNN(especially NLP, and transformer chapter), it gets too difficult to follow what Andrew said and apply it to the following assignments
By Paolo S
•Jun 8, 2019
This was hard to keep up with, maybe too hard. The assignments' difficulty also was on a different level then the lectures maybe there more time should be put into the lecture videos as it was the case for DNN and RNN.
By Aida E
•Feb 21, 2018
The videos and programming exercises were very interesting and insightful. My only complain is some of notebooks for exercises include errors and it was just a time-wasting task to find the "trick" to pass the grader.
By Anshuman M
•Jul 30, 2018
The content is well captured and Andrew really helps build the required intuitions. But, the assignments are too guided. There is no room to struggle for solutions which often proves to be the main source of learning.
By Ryan Y
•Jul 15, 2021
I think the transformer programming exercise of this fifth course is not as good as the others. The methods we must implement are not clearly explained and the research on these really took me a huge amount of time.
By Prateekraj S
•Jul 29, 2020
The exercises are too short and too basic for this course specifically. The task is a great learning experience but there is not much one would struggle with in terms of difficulty as there is too much spoon feeding.
By Ivan
•Mar 18, 2019
Great video lectures, but practical assignments are a pain due to awful auto-grading system and programming expirience in Jupyter in general. Most of the time you'll be searching for an error that isn't really there.
By Fabio R
•Oct 31, 2020
Excellent course, excellent lecturer. Unfortunately some of the test data (week3/lab/trigger word detection/XY_dev/* CANNOT BE DOWNLOADED ... The programming lab sections are nice - sometime a bit too helped ... ;)
By Chegva Y
•Dec 30, 2021
It is better to talk more about bi-directional RNN and give assightment about it before week three and week four. Moreover, it is also better to give two more weeks to talk more about the material in week 3 and 4.
By Jeffrey D
•Mar 11, 2020
Programming exercises did show you quite a bit, but got complex enough that most of my time was spent reading and understanding the preamble than doing any programming. That being said it delivered on the promise.
By Salamat B
•Sep 24, 2018
Course content is really good! However, I found it quite difficult to truly understand deep learning algorithms. However, it provides good glimpse of of sequence models and intuitions behind various useful models.
By Georges B
•Feb 21, 2018
Great course and material, Andrew NG really know who to explain difficult subjects in an intuitive way. However, the course seems that it still needs some work (there are some bugs in the lectures and assignments)
By Andrew D
•Feb 9, 2022
The lectures are suitable. Andrew, as always, is very clear and goes into necessary detail on each topic.
The programming assignments have adequate assistance and hints, except for the final week on Transformers.
By Mayank A
•Jun 30, 2020
The NLP Section of this course is quite difficult to understand(The Notations are quite confusing as well as prior knowledge is required to understand) but other than that RNN, GRU, LTSM are explained clearly.
By Seungjin B
•Sep 8, 2018
Week1 lessons are a little complex than the previous classes and there are gaps between ground-up python version and keras version of LSTM model. Keras will need to be taught a bit more in detail to follow up.
By Lester A S D C
•Jul 29, 2019
This is by far the hardest course in the specialization. But it was explained well. My only complain is there were errors in the first programming exercise. All in all, I learned a lot in this specialization.
By Guoqin M
•Jul 2, 2018
Great content! I really love Andrew's teaching style. (1 star deduction for some programming assignments where I spent time debugging but it turned out that the point deduction was due to the grading system.)
By Marek M
•Apr 20, 2024
Great course, but the transformers section was much, much more difficult than the rest of the material. More time, lectures and exercises should be given to give us intuition about these very alien concepts.
By Akoji T
•Oct 12, 2022
Overall course content is great but I feel like improvements can be made on the lab exercises to give students concrete understanding along with hands-on experience. A great job by the deeplearning.AI team.
By Divya G
•Mar 25, 2019
The programming exercises are a little heavy in this course where we need to load and re-load for them to give correct output even if the code had been correct all throughout. Otherwise, the course is great.